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Thread: New Shed build

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by shedbound View Post
    depends on yor personal finances.
    I've transcended the pain barrier. Building a shed is an expensive exercise. It am looking at over $20k so far.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    May 2011


    yep sure is, I did mine about 3years ago, did as much as i could myself until funds ran dry at about 20k just need to concrete the carport and get a few more power points in, if the kink in the gutter is on the offside me personall wouldnt bother replacing it, just try to remove as much of the kink as possible, hopefully you may forget about in in a few months.

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    It seems like ages ago now but I tensioned the roller door just right. I was a bit nervous so I ran out and bought a second pipe wrench before we tackled it. This job went very smoothly. I went through the process 3 times, fine tuning it so the door will stay at any position on its own without wanting to go up or down.

    Next I took on the roof. Hired the big step ladder again and dad passed the sheets up while I positioned and screwed them. This job did not go as smoothly as I would have liked. I hate it when I can't achieve the same results as someone who has been doing it every day for the last 20 years .

    The sheets began creeping and after about 4m I had moved towards where the gutter would have been, if I hadn't stuffed it, by 2 inches. When I worked that out I set the next piece 2 inches back to where it should be and figured I'd have an ugly looking step that would be hidden by the guttering. I then called it quits and left it for a few days.

    When I looked at the guttering from certain angles it wasn't going to hide anything and I was always going to be angry that I'd done a half arsed job. So I undid the screws and had another crack. I don't know why but I didn't do much better the next time. I then stopped, had a cuppa and then took a third swing at it. This time I wrestled with each sheet and got them all to line up. I still don't know what I am doing wrong but I'm getting there. I haven't touched them for a week or so due to other things getting in the way. I've got half a dozen sheets to fit and then screw it all off.

    I installed Anticon as I went. This does not make the sheets easier to install. The people I bought the insulation from said I dont need any mesh under the Anticon and you'd only use that if you were worried about safety as it would prevent someone falling through the roof. If I ever did the job again I would use mesh to stop any sag and make it easier to install.

    I pulled it as tight as I could. Once the shed is finished I will probably tape the joins so it looks a bit prettier.


    The instructions gave a nominal position for the guttering brackets which I followed. I don't know if they are right or not because the instructions tell me how to install my Sheerline guttering but they didn't give me Sheerline guttering, they gave me Quad guttering which has a lower front edge so the guttering doesn't "hide the edge of the sheets. I have quad guttering on the house but that sits a bit higher and looks a lot better.

    As you can see in the above pic there is a sheet still missing. I notified the shed company about my missing pieces 1 month ago and I still have not received a replacement for the damaged sheet. The woman who runs the company said I was going to receive something last Friday but she didn't know what. Friday she called and left a message saying that they delivered 1 of the 3 sheets I was chasing to their office in Geelong, 2 hours from my house. It is starting to give me the . She doesn't appear concerned that I was supplied with damaged and missing parts and after a month of notifying them I still don't have them and I have to organise someone to go and pick up the parts they do have.

  4. #94
    Join Date
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    Albury Well Just Outside


    I have been distracted and completely forgot about this thread. I am glad that I found it again. I can understand what you mean about having things look pretty and how it would annoy you when they are not. I can not comment on the build too much but it has been an interesting journey watching the build.

    Hoping that things improve as you go along.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Christos View Post
    I have been distracted and completely forgot about this thread. I am glad that I found it again. I can understand what you mean about having things look pretty and how it would annoy you when they are not. I can not comment on the build too much but it has been an interesting journey watching the build.

    Hoping that things improve as you go along.
    Well, I'd better give an update.

    It seems like it has taken an eternity and I'm still not finished so I've taken this week off as annual leave and I should just be able to knock it over. I put on some more wall sheets on the roller door end and now that only needs 1 more sheet which I ordered at Reece today. Should have it by Friday. I have put the flashing on around the roller door and it looks good. I seem to spend half my time trying to work out how to do things. Is the flashing supplied at the finished size? Do I have to cut it? What length should I cut it? It would be a lot easier if I had a finished shed next to me that I could refer to all the time.

    Pics for this will materialize in the next couple of days.

    Tomorrow I will repair the gutter I destroyed a few weeks ago and then install it. After that I'll get up on the roof and finish securing that.

    The shed company don't want to play ball on the damaged sheet but don't worry I will win the day on that one. It's only about $50 but I will get it. They tried to screw me on the price rise and came off second best and now they want to take me on again.

  6. #96
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    Last night I sent the shed company an email informing them I was going to purchase the replacement sheet today and send them the bill. Since they did not reply to my last email I wasn't expecting them to acknowledge this one. To my surprise they responded this morning saying they will come good. However I suspect there is a sting in the tail. I expect they will have it delivered to their showroom and then expect me to pick it up. The problem here is that they are 2 hours from my house. I've asked them to send it to my address and they said they would see what they can do. I don't expect much but we'll see how it pans out.

    Next job was to get onto the guttering. Before I could put the new section in I had to remove the damaged section. I drilled out the rivets and scraped away as much of the silicone as I could with a knife blade. Next I had to go and buy some silicone remover. I applied it and left it for a few hours. Next I cleaned it off and got the guttering back to a state where I can add in the new piece. This took a while and I think if I was paying someone to do this it would be cheaper to scrap the entire length and start again.

    While the silicone remover was doing its job I started digging for the storm water pipes which run along the side of the house. Because I'm a genius I found them running parallel to the shed 50mm away. Because I'm not really a genius I stood there and scratched my head trying to work out how to plumb the down pipe into the existing pipes.

    I figured I probably wasn't the first person to face this situation so it was off to the plumbing supply place to find out how real plumbers do it. The solution was easy and I'll post the photos once I've hooked it up.

    Tomorrow, back onto the guttering.

    Photo of the roller door flashing.


  7. #97
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Albury Well Just Outside


    Thanks for update. You may think that you are not getting things complete but I think you are doing great progress. After all this is not your full time profession.

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Just make doubly sure that's the storm water pipe and not the sewer before chopping into it. The powers that be get a hell of a sulk on if you run storm water into their sewer.
    Keep up the good work.

    Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    I repaired the guttering and installed it. I had ordered the replacement section at the local plumbing suppliers and thought nothing of it. When I went to fit the old and the new I didn't worry about doing a dry fit first, I just slapped on the silicone and then tried to fit it together. It was at this stage I noticed that there 2 sections were not exactly the same. They were very close but not the same. I manhandled the 2 pieces together and put in a couple of extra rivets. It didn't come out too bad and it didn't seem to bother me. The slots in the side of the guttering are a different size but I can't see myself ever giving it another thought.


    I have now installed the down pipes and hooked them up to the storm water which runs to my water tank. I had to cut the existing pipes and although I discharged as much water as I could from the system before cutting there was always going to be water gushing out into my trench. I hooked up a siphon and drained the water in just over an hour.

    To cut the pipes I started with a hacksaw. I had to scrape out enough dirt under the pipe to get my cutting motion going. The storm water pipe had a high pressure water pipe running along side it so I had to be careful that I didn't cut that. There was also electricity cable in the vicinity but I couldn't find it. To be on the safe side I turned everything off at the fuse box first. When I got close to the high pressure water pipe I swapped the hacksaw for a plaster cutting saw. Very pointy and very sharp. It worked a treat. I slid in some offcuts of fibro cement between the pipes to protect the water pipe from my cutting.

    I cut out a section and then fitted a "T" piece for the downpipe using, what the plumbing supply guys call, Aussie connectors. They are rubber sleeves that are clamped over 2 different sections.



    I gave the down pipes a lick of paint before I put 'em up but I'll have to go back and give them a touch up now as they got knocked around, as I expected they would, while I was fitting them.

    I'd bought some brackets to secure the down pipe to the shed but I wasn't able to get them to work due to the size and shape of the Trimdek profile. I am going to leave them off now. I'll rivet the pipe to the pop at the top and it will be firmly bedded in the ground at the other end. I can't see it moving.

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Any updates on this shed.

    Damo's dodgy boat building factory.

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