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  1. #76
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    How the (insert one of Wild Dingo favourite expressions here) did this thread end up in General Woodworking?

  2. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank&Earnest View Post
    How the (insert one of Wild Dingo favourite expressions here) did this thread end up in General Woodworking?
    Just lucky I guess.... I suspect it will be closed &/or moved eventually.
    If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.

  3. #78
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    ...and everyone on it will be flamin banished for a month.
    Maybe we should rename the thread to "Flamin Dingo takes on the world"

    Hey dingo, you live anywhere near that Cow statue on the main drag?
    was it you who painted it pink all those years ago?
    You should give up that rum it will rot your gut. Port will warm you up on those cold winter nights.
    Saving a tree from woodchippng is like peeing in the pool;
    you get a warm feeling for a while but nobody notices.

  4. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank&Earnest View Post
    How the (insert one of Wild Dingo favourite expressions here) did this thread end up in General Woodworking?
    Why is it that when things are rolling along so nicely does someone have to wander in and get all flamin logical on us?

    My thoughts on this matter is that this thread ended up in general woodwork due to a glitch within the system that knows when a thread of such wonderously of note to all forumites appears no matter where on the board the glitch grabs it and puts it where most forumites will see it

    Sorta like the code of practice eh?
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank&Earnest View Post
    How the (insert one of Wild Dingo favourite expressions here) did this thread end up in General Woodworking?
    Because I hadn't noticed it before.

    It is getting close to drivel and will soon be closed.

  6. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Because I hadn't noticed it before.

    It is getting close to drivel and will soon be closed.
    Well bless me buttons boyohs its the wee leprechaun himself.. aye an how be thee this foine eve young ? All hail an hearty? Goodoh me boyoh

    Now as to this thread bein "close to drivel" I mean comeon theres been far far worse than this wee thread that have skipped along without bein sworn at like that!!

    Tis not drivel me boyoh tis edjoomakashun for the sawdust woodchup covered masses is what it is!!

    Now yer a true blue ridgey didge flamin legend me shortassed mate an thats a fack!... but in this yer seriously bein UNfair dinkum ... an that me wee boyoh is a sad sad thing

    Now we all know that humor is the best medicine for whatever ails yer... an in this regard this thread CANNOT be regarded as "drivel... drivel bein a rather derogitory term which as you no doubt know me ol sock is not what this thread is about... no indeed tis not at all drivel... no not even in the slightest could this be construded as drivel... tis a foine foine thing we do when we in our bestest manner without fear or favor nor with malice or abuse do bring to all an many the ability to smile laugh and find good cheer... all the while edjoomakatin an eludicatin on all sorts a stuff... and such is this thread!!

    Tis fer sure a sad day for the forum when such a foine wee thread as thisun is delegated to the shytepile of threads termed "drivel"... and a sad sad day indeed for the forum when a single or a few wee perhaps (I will say this fast so no one really notices its okay Im good like that! nice you know ) annullyrententivenohumor fellas can have a whinge and complain and get a foine foine wee thread such as this be taken out and buried an ignoble death not worthy of such a thread.

    me ol mate me cobber of renown me china plate!! MA MA MAAATE!! relax yerself an enjoy the friendly banter for in reality within the many layers of the forum and within the context of the amount of bandwidth such a foine wee thread as this would take amounts to perhaps enough to cover a gnats bum... tis a wee thing... but still an all mate it does many some real good

    For isnt life itself full enough with serious stuff? Isnt the forum full enough of serious stuff of what we love? surely then even one such as you can see the worthyness of this wee thread???

    Ye weilder of the bloody great thread axe ye god of belting down of threads ye harranger of drivel ye minder of the forums virtues ye... ahh shut up Shane yer sound like yer brown nosin there!... mmmm... okay do what yer will belt it go on!! Give it the proverbial boot down to the drivel section! GO ON!! flamin sourpuss! go on lock the thread yer mongrel sod... ahem Shane? yeah? thats a bit rough on the wee fella dontcha reckon?.. mmm could be I guess hes not that bad... right so just let him do whatever it is that he wants to do with it okay...



    double sigh

    yeah whatever whatever mate... flamin logical friggin Frank an Earnest what got up yer bum that you have so little humor?

    Seriously heres a question for yous two/three whatever!!...

    WHY DOES HUMOR HAVE TO BE RELEGATED TO A JOKE THREAD?? I mean theres humor in EVERY SINGLE THREAD on the flamin board IF you choose to see it... but no something like this is delegated as "drivel" or in need of being sent to the joke thread...

    Man lighten the hell up!!
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  7. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wild Dingo View Post
    flamin logical friggin Frank an Earnest what got up yer bum that you have so little humor?

    Seriously heres a question for yous two/three whatever!!...

    WHY DOES HUMOR HAVE TO BE RELEGATED TO A JOKE THREAD?? I mean theres humor in EVERY SINGLE THREAD on the flamin board IF you choose to see it... but no something like this is delegated as "drivel" or in need of being sent to the joke thread...

    Man lighten the hell up!!
    Sorry to disappoint you, WD, but I happen to fully agree with you, in principle. I could have written the same words quoted above. The problem is, and I am sure you can see it too, that what I found humorous (hence my ) you found too serious (hence your ). And what I, you or others consider humorous can be taken by others to be inappropriate. Hence the need for the umpire to sort out the mess. It is a thankless job but somebody has to do it, and the players need to respect this.

    To do his job effectively, hovever, the umpire has to show respect for the players also. Whatever he says is inappropriate goes, but to call inappropriate content "drivel" is uncalled for.

    Throughout the English speaking world (Macquarie and Webster's repeat exactly the Oxford dictionary's definition) drivel means "childish or idiotical talk". Which means that applying this word to a person is defamation unless it can be proven that that person has an IQ lower than Forrest Gump. As the owner of this forum quite rightly says, going through the courts is not fun for anybody. Let's hope that this word is not used again, for everybody's sake.

  8. #83
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    We are not umpires! This is not a democracy and if someone from the administration team of this forums makes a decision it is final.

    If someone wants to take the definition of drivel to the extreme and claim it is derogatory then I suggest that they spend some time looking up meanings of other words in use. There are hundreds of words in common use today that someone may consider offensive, but the simple fact is that 99.9% of people do not have the same opinion.

    Just for clarification, if you look up the dictionary for childish :"Indicating a lack of maturity" & idiotic: 'Insanely irresponsible', so therefore by substitution of meaning you get drivel means: "talk which is indicating a lack of maturity or insanely irresponsible"

    I think that is spot on!

    Rowan Cahill - Wood Butcher
    Woodworking Australia's

  9. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank&Earnest View Post
    Throughout the English speaking world (Macquarie and Webster's repeat exactly the Oxford dictionary's definition) drivel means "childish or idiotical talk". Which means that applying this word to a person is defamation unless it can be proven that that person has an IQ lower than Forrest Gump. As the owner of this forum quite rightly says, going through the courts is not fun for anybody. Let's hope that this word is not used again, for everybody's sake.
    First, there are seven meanings for "drivel" in the Macquarie dictionary, not just one.

    For someone to be accused of "drivel" does not mean they are being called a child or an idiot. That is offensive to the administrative team and misrepresenting our approach. The administrative team have more respect for the general membership of these forums and I for one take offence at you inferring we are calling them idiots. Your statement is both misleading and inaccurate. Misleading because the administrative team are not defaming the membership, and inaccurate because the use of the word drivel does not connote the person is an idiot.

    This forum is for feedback, suggestions and discussion on the forums, it is not the place for inaccurate and inflammatory comments.

  10. #85
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    Wood Butcher, Groggy

    I am saddened that my conciliatory approach was taken in such an antagonistic way. Would it not have been a much more productive way to just let this go and quietly use a less inflamatory word? Why am I inflamatory and not you? If you were really dealing with some immature and irresponsible people, as you seem to believe, do you really want to push some of them to the point where they want to take you to court? Do you think that that would be a desirable outcome even if you win? If you think I am talking without sufficient expertise, why don't you consult a lawyer before jumping at the deep end? Only trying to help here, but some people only seem to learn the hard way.

  11. #86
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    The meaning of the word DRIVEL in the context of these forums is the one taken directly from the Concise English Dictionary as follows:
    drivel 1 n silly nonsense. 2 v.i. talk silly nonsense, run at mouth or nose.

    I will also accept this definition from
    <cite>WordNet&#174; 3.0, &#169; 2006 by Princeton University.</cite>
    drivel noun
    a worthless message

    In the context of these forums NO OTHER MEANINGS for the word drivel are accepted or implied.

    A driveler by definition, for these forums is: one who talks silly nonsense, posts worthless messages or runs at the mouth. NO OTHER MEANINGS for the word driveler are accepted or implied.

    In short if you wish to run at the nose, do it whenever or wherever you like, preferably with a tissue or handkerchief close at hand.

    If you want to drivel do it in the Drivel Forum where you can type silly nonsense and worthless messages till you're fingers seize up or the drivel forum mob get sick of you.

    Not happy with
    these definitions?

    Get over it or leave.

    Senior Administrator
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  12. #87
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    Thank you, Neil, by eliciting your explanation I achieved my purpose of saving you and the forum from an unpleasant situation caused by previous recklessness.

    Hopefully with time Rowan will understand that with the previous post he just offered his head on a plate.

  13. #88
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    Oh yeah...... it says all that in the Forum Rules CLICK HERE

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