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  1. #76
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by FenceFurniture View Post
    Well, Mr W. Bush Miller, before we go any further, answer me this: is a Didgereedoo a tube or a pipe?

    DO be careful how you answer!
    How long are we talking? What is the diametre (ID and OD).... I could go on. In fact the ID is traditionally a pipe .


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  2. #77
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by FenceFurniture View Post
    is a Didgereedoo a tube or a pipe?!
    Neither. Its in the same class as the bagpipes and the alpenhorn. Its an ill wind that nobody blows any good.


    I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.

  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by FenceFurniture View Post
    Well, Mr W. Bush Miller, before we go any further, answer me this: is a Didgereedoo a tube or a pipe?

    DO be careful how you answer!
    Went into a shop once and asked for a grip of Tarzan's tube. They didnt know what I was talking about. I tried to elaborate by asking for the stick that stuffs. They must have been out of stock.
    The things that happen when you dont have the correct terminology.

    The didg is a tree with a pipe up it, but not all trees with a pipe up them are didges, only the ones in shops with a price tag on em and even some of them are suspect. If you buy one in London, you can take it on the tube.

  4. #79
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    Default I'll

    I'll have you know... sir,

    FF or TT for tripe writer of the year?
    ... That I resemble that remark!


    At least I don't waste my time here, following every post that someone I dislike makes, and reporting them ALL to the mods!

    It's funny - but the posts I cop the most flak from the mods for (I'm on their watch list now you see) are the very same ones that ordinary members give me the most "likes" for.

    At the end of the day the old rule holds fast....

    If you want to upset someone - tell them a lie....


    If you want to upset EVERYONE - tell them the truth!

    I suspect now - having called it how I see it - that my 'banning' is just a matter of time.

    So be it.


  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by doug3030 View Post
    Neither. Its in the same class as the bagpipes and the alpenhorn. Its an ill wind that nobody blows any good.


    Well, I was nearly about to say "CORRECT" until I re-read your answer, and I'm afraid I have to give you a "Fail" on a technicality: in the same class as the Bagwhat?
    Regards, FenceFurniture

    Jan-Feb 2019 Click to send me an email

  6. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by rustynail View Post
    What exactly strikes you as codswallop and what exactly have I said that you find prejudicial?
    The answer is simple and referred directly to your statement that Prejudice played no part here as I quoted that directly above my remarks, namely:

    Originally Posted by rustynail ---
    Prejudice plays no part here.
    It is my considered opinion that all your posts in this thread are biased, based on your work history, in favour of the salesman contrary to what everyone else would considered as normal behaviour of a business.

    You may not like the way the world has become but the days of salesmen ignoring and making fools of customers by sticking to outdated standards instead of trying to help a possible customer is gone. That kind of attitude belonged to the era before the internet as now the power to complain and highlight business inadequacies belong to the consumer and social media.

    Hence my comment of Codswallop which was the mildest term I could have used.


  7. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sturdee View Post
    The answer is simple and referred directly to your statement that Prejudice played no part here as I quoted that directly above my remarks, namely:

    It is my considered opinion that all your posts in this thread are biased, based on your work history, in favour of the salesman contrary to what everyone else would considered as normal behaviour of a business.

    You may not like the way the world has become but the days of salesmen ignoring and making fools of customers by sticking to outdated standards instead of trying to help a possible customer is gone. That kind of attitude belonged to the era before the internet as now the power to complain and highlight business inadequacies belong to the consumer and social media.

    Hence my comment of Codswallop which was the mildest term I could have used.

    To the contrary, I have not favoured the salesperson. In several posts I have stated the salesperson to have been wanting. My work history does play a part in my opinion as it is relevant to this situation. We draw from experience to make calculated decisions, there is no crime in that. The outdated standards you refer to are still current today. Salespeople fob off "potential customers" every day. This is a fact of life and only in an ideal world would a salesperson spend an unlimited amount of time with a customer he felt was going no where. Granted, he runs the risk of misjudging the potential, but that is the risk he takes and has to live with his decision. The notion that a customer must be assisted at every opportunity is a noble one, but in the real world doesnt always happen. How often have you been to a store and couldnt find someone to assist you? We live in a self service era. When was the last time someone filled your car with petrol and offered to check the oil? When was the last time you went to a hardware store and got somebody who actually knew something about the products they were selling. It does happen, but they are a gem.
    This is not in the interest of defending the salesperson, this is just how it is out there. We, as a society, take delight in placing demands on others while not taking responsibility ourselves.
    This thread started out taking the mickey out of a salesperson for being, at best, inferior. Problem here is the customer wasnt understanding what he was being told and was at a loss to see why this fellow was insisting on no inside dia. Had the customer been aware of the differentiation between pipe and tube, he would have understood what the salesperson was banging on about.
    My original point being; ignorance always causes problems and highlights the importance of owning our mistakes.
    As for companies living in fear of adverse publicity, that has been an issue long before the internet and has played a large part in keeping things on the straight and narrow. Unfortunately, today, we have the cloak of anonymity to hide behind which, in some cases, becomes the new form of Dutch courage.
    Here's how I see it, call it codswallop if you will. Salespeople can often be rude and dismissive. Customers can often be rude and dismissive. Both are a given. Both cause problems. The solution? Information and education.
    That is what I was aiming for. Just like in that previous life.

  8. #83
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    We could go on forever debating each and every point you raised in your reply where you maintained that the salesman was correct.

    However I don't have the time to waste or inclination to do that for I have more important things to do, like currently rebuilding our BBQ area, for I doubt that you would come to your senses and agree that the salesman was at fault here.

    So I'll agree that we both have different views and leave it at that.


  9. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by rustynail View Post
    Problem here is the customer wasnt understanding what he was being told and was at a loss to see why this fellow was insisting on no inside dia
    I dont care what the catalog says, i doesnt matter if its a tube or a pipe it still has an ID, it might not list it in the catalog it might not be the standard way of expressing the measurements, but it still exists. It was what the customer required, not a 2" pipe, but a pipe that had the charactaristic of an inside diameter. They wanted a pipe that met the following dimensions. If they wanted a standard size, they would have asked for it, it is not as if these catalogs are not available on the net.

    If you ent to a computer shop and asked for a computer with a 1TB hard drive, would you expect them to say it doesnt have one we only have them with the following processor speed? Same conversation, same level of incompetence
    I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.

    My Other Toys

  10. #85
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    Long round things with a hole in the middle get called differently by different people.

    All agreed!

    Now get back to your workshops and make something useful.

  11. #86
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    Hell with fluro lighting


    Quote Originally Posted by DavidG View Post
    Long round things with a hole in the middle get called differently by different people.

    All agreed!

    Now get back to your workshops and make something useful.
    I cant I'm skyving off work
    I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.

    My Other Toys

  12. #87
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  13. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sturdee View Post
    We could go on forever debating each and every point you raised in your reply where you maintained that the salesman was correct.

    However I don't have the time to waste or inclination to do that for I have more important things to do, like currently rebuilding our BBQ area, for I doubt that you would come to your senses and agree that the salesman was at fault here.

    So I'll agree that we both have different views and leave it at that.

    The only point I raised maintaining the salesperson to be correct was that tube is measured in OD. Nor did I say the salesman was not at fault. I clearly stated both parties had a case to answer. As for coming to my senses, I will take that on notice and patiently await the arrival of a good reason to change my thinking. So I too will agree to differ, but do so without questioning your intellect.
    Best of luck with the BBQ. One of lifes great luxuries.

  14. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gra View Post
    If you ent to a computer shop and asked for a computer with a 1TB hard drive, would you expect them to say it doesnt have one we only have them with the following processor speed? Same conversation, same level of incompetence
    I guess that'd depend on whether the pipeline cache had an ID or an OD.
    I may be weird, but I'm saving up to become eccentric.

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  15. #90
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    Conder, ACT


    This is becoming drivel.

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