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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Lost in Space

    Default Im back .................Ouch!


    Hit myself right at the base of the thumb with a lug hammer this week then stepped into a clamp i had set up on a trestle full force and buggered me knee for a few days ...............

    Lucky both injuries weren't serious but i'm sure many of you can relate to that lingering pain that chokes u up n nearly bring a tear to the eye.

    Followed by either of two natural reflexes total silence or an arry of well chosen favourate swear words linked together in steady succession

    All this happened cause i was out of position and not thinking

    Yeah you guessed it Im blockhead of the week ................................. AGAIN!

    Regards Lou
    Just Do The Best You Can With What You HAve At The Time

  2. #62
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Broome West Aussie


    Well Lou Im quietly sauntering in about here to claim blockhead/dickhead of the week status if you dont mind

    Rather embarressing event today... see I havent spent much time out there over the last few months due to other shyte happening... but Ive got this camper trailer see its a nice wee unit folds out has a large annex thingy and even has a kitchen!! WHACKO eh!!

    BUT!! Its got a POMMY subframe ergo bloody pathetic for use in Aussie particularily of road... so Ive decided in me ultimate wisdom to totally change the subframe from the ???? end to the tow hitch... now I went out and priced how much it would cost me to get someone to do this particular change over shat myself rather badly and decided to do it meself... so over the last week or so and got all the bits and bobs to do the job... springs hubs axle tow hitch and... steel... shyteloads of 4x2 RHS... buggars wouldnt sell me the 10 mtrs I need would they? no I had to buy 2 8mtr lengths didnt I!!

    So anyway... I moved the campers subframe back out of the shed having hoisted the camper itself up near the roof so I could make the new one directly under the camper... so far so good... even came here and sought info and knowledge... real good thinkin 99!

    so today...

    Today smartarse wandered out and set up the steel on some platforms nice and level nice and firm... good one... so out I go and a few hours late I head back in

    Now the shed or rather cave as its known doesnt have direct power it has power controlled by the reletive effort Im prepared to put in getting the lead to the house and plugging in lights and machines... so today it was raining wasnt it? yep phissin down it was so I knew in me heart of hearts that very little work would be done in the said shed ala cave... no wukkers he thinks and heads out there anyway... open door and walk into the dark

    I did mention I had set the steel up on stands didnt I? mmmm yep guess at what height the stands and therefore the steel was at... right at fambly joowel level

    So in I waltz... oops trip surge forward graspin for some sort of support thinkin as Im heading rapidly inside the shed "theres steel somewhere ahead"... just one of those random thoughts one has when one suddenly realizes one MUST hurt something soon... and then... OHHHHHHHHHHHH MY FN GOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD!!!

    Ever felt 4x2 RHS right in the jollies? Mate you think whackin yer friggin tootsies hurts TRY THAT ONE FOR SIZE!!!

    Hurt? Im still 4 hours later in AGONY!!

    Needless to say tomorrow I am moving the RHS so theres no bloody overhang and to hell with the expense and lawyers and other such flamin crap I AM POWERING UP THIS FRIGGIN SHED!! ...before I bloody neuter meself

    signed blockhead/dickhead of the week

    and yes I probably should have got young Josh to put the bloody spare wheel away in the seatainer instead of letting him roll it just inside the friggin door... but see I thought he had!!! but as usual he was bein his typical 13 year old self and was in a rush to go muck about with his mates... roll inside take of for a muck about tell dad later she'll be right... yeah right! he went over to his mums last night didnt he!! soooo the spare WILL be when I can straighten up enough to fart straight be in the seatainer
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

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