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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by kfc182 View Post
    oook thank you for telling me, cos i dont want stalkers, the internet is a scary place!
    i really love your stickers! you gave me one at the mall on saturday and now its on my guitar
    those threats can be a bit scary at times but i never believed them either
    sorry my friend stole one of the posters by accident she sorta just pulled it off with excitement! but she has bought the album and all the singles!
    your such a good dad to andy!!! xD

    Don't worry about that. They had plenty of posters there, and I forgot to take up Andys offer of grabbing some from Mall Music. I'm sure that they were intending to leave the posters stuck up for anyone who wanted to take them after the appearance. It's not as if they were going to take them down and re-package them with the CDs they're selling, so they'd just end up in the garbage if the fans didn't help themselves. If I was in your 'friends' shoes, I would have grabbed an extra one myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by shimmyazozo View Post
    haha wow! kudos to you john!
    i know lots of people have already said this but you really are a dedicated father
    and i'm pretty impressed with your internet skills!
    my parents are pretty clueless with all things technology related
    just wondering if you could make me a sticker template as well?
    you don't have to send it though because my parents will probably knife me if they find out i gave out our address to a random on the internet, even if he IS andy clemmensen's father :P
    you can just use the name zoe haha
    thanks! but don't worry if you don't get round to doing it, it's no biggie
    I'd prefer to make templates. It doesn't take long at all to insert a personal name on the template and you don't need a lot of skill to print them out. If you can find un-perforated sticker sheet, then you don't need to laminate them, but if it's label sheet, then a laminator is quite cheap, and it's useful for photos and posters as well. Self adhesive pouches are available, and I think you can get clear contact sheet as well, so you could just stick some of that on top of the label sheet to stop it falling apart at the label perforations.
    Your parents have the right idea there about talking to strangers, and I don't need an address if you're printing your own.
    If anyone does have concerns though, I can give you my ISP webmail address and your parents can contact me directly. They can give me the details I need, and there'd be no need for you to contact me privately at all. You know my name so your parents could give me a call. I had no problems with fans calling me until I was harassed by a persistent fan, but there's no point in you calling me now that it's out. I'm not going to chat with fans on the phone, and I don't know any 'Andrew' so you'd just be wasting your time and mine if you called me yourself.

    I'd prefer it that way myself, because I don't want any suggestions that I'm doing anything improper. I'm only interested in helping you fans, and as I said before I don't want to be approached in any other way. Unless of course you're renovating your house, in which case I might be able to help you out with my knowledge of building and carpentry.
    Quote Originally Posted by KT&Lorianne View Post
    Many people have said on Skyblog that they like what you have done with the poster and that they want the same done in their gardens.
    Can we ask you anything about Andy?

    Will you still be sending out stickers?

    You can ask anything about Andy and I'll try to answer. I almost slipped once, but I'm wise to the Q about his middle name now and I won't answer that 'I forgot'. I do have something important to say about that because I'm very proud of the name we gave him, but I very much doubt that you'd be able to find out what it is from the clues I'll be giving.

    Postage is pretty cheap, and I'll send three A4 sheets of whatever you want, if I can fold them in three and insert them in a business envelope. This could be three sheets of SWAY SWAY YOURNAME sticker sheet making nine altogether with some Apestack in the gaps, or it could be three full sized pictures on photo paper, laminated in a protective jacket, or I could fit four pics on one page, cut them out, and stick them in an envelope. That would be twelve pictures in all.
    With a full sized A4 laminated sheet, there'll be a permanent crease if I fold them in three for an envelope. I don't know how much extra an A4 envelope is to send. I'll take care of anyone in the thread already who wants them, but there's a limit to how many more I'll do. Posting templates isn't a problem though, so If you have a printer you can run off as many as you like.

    I'm working on improving a personalised poster that I gave to three special fans in Perth. It was a rush job, and I'd like to do better, but I didn't have much time before leaving for their Metro concert to see the band. I wanted them to autograph the posters.

    It's a montage of pictures of Andrew, from a baby, to a 21 year old. It has a Short Stack banner at the bottom left, and a blank space next to it along the bottom. It has a blank strip down the left hand side as well. I wasn't talking privately to the girls at all, but I requested an individual portrait of each of the girls from their parents to have signed by the band. As an example, one of the girls has a SWAY SWAY BABY T shirt on, and she's holding out a handfull of what looks like M&Ms, in front of her. I photoshopped her into the montage, so that her hands were slightly overlapping the Short Stack banner in the bottom left. It gives it a bit of a 3D effect, and it looks like she's standing behind the banner, next to a 17 year old Andrew, and in front of an eight year old Andrew at Manly beach. It looks like she's holding her handfull of M&Ms over the front of the banner. It's a nice effect, but I think I could improve it more by adding shadow to the figures, sharpening up the edges of the figures, and improving the placement of everything in general. Also perhaps I might pick some more and better pics of Andy to insert.
    I had Andrew sign it in the blank space across the bottom, and write "To Whatsername" across the top. The intention was to get Shaun and Bradie to sign it in the blank strip at the left, but things were hectic on the night and their signatures didn't work out exactly as planned. Before sending them to Perth, I told the parent that since these were unreleased pictures of Andrew, and since they each contained the girls names written by Andrew, and they were autographed by all three band members, and they contained a picture of the girl, then they might generate some interest if they were posted on the internet. That may be against your parents wishes, so I'll only accept pictures of you from your parents if you want me to insert you in the poster. There's also the fact that I don't want to be accused of collecting pictures of young girls for any other purpose than making a poster that may put a smile on your face.

    I've already pressed the band for a lot of signatures for their fans, so I don't want to impose on them any more. The best I can offer is to insert copies of the signatures in black from one that's been signed already. The only way to tell the difference will be to look at the back. The originals I've made already, have ORIGINAL across the back, and they are double signed by me. Once under the lamination, and once over the lamination, and over the signature below. The signature below is in silver, and it's impossible to duplicate its lustre with a copy. Silver isn't permanent and it can scratch and smudge so I use black permanent marker on top of the lamination. The only way to copy it successfully would be to forge my signature. If it's a copy, then i write COPY in big letters across the back. I think the originals are signed by the band in silver as well. There's only four originals out there anyway, and I know where they are. You may think I'm making too big a deal out of this, but fans queued up for close to four hours last Saturday to get original signatures, and the band sat there signing stuff until everyone in the queue had been taken care of. It gave me writer's cramp just watching them, and I don't want to devalue original signatures by passing out copies as original, even though that would be much easier than getting the guys to sign them in the first place.
    I suppose I could design it without the blank spaces for the sigs, but they do look good.

    If anyone wants one, then you'll have to send me a message and I'll give you my email address so your parents can contact me. Some of you can be pretty inventive, but don't try to snow me, because I'll be wanting a phone number to verify that it's your parents that I'm talking to. I'm pretty good at sniffing out deception with a few random questions, and I might even ask for a picture of them holding up the picture that they want inserted, as well as their drivers license.

    It might be a few weeks before I have the spare time to fix up the original montage, and inserting a portrait takes a little bit longer than just inserting a lightning font name, so it's first come first served, with anyone who's posted in this thread already at the top of the list. I hope I don't get swamped, because of course there's a limit to how many of these I'll make up.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Australia & France


    Ow you are online at this time? Don't tell me that you are up to make our stamplers ? :O
    I have a question about Andy. Many girls ask me how many sisters & brothers has he got?

    When KT will be up, she'll probably answer you back to "order" stamplers lol.


  3. #63
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    somewhere far far away

    Talking poster

    hi. this poster is so cool. it was pretty madd. u must be such a cool dad to have. iwas woundering...... can andy play any other instruments andd........ how long he's been playing gitar.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    "Andy Clemmensen, the raddest member of Short Stack ;]" facebook group i made

    you may have joined already, but if not, then please do
    he's got over 550 fans already (beating both shaun and bradie :P)

    and this is the "I have officially been Short Stacked! " facebook group

    also i was reading the above posts and saw you guys talking about trevor's band, the escape club.
    if you haven't already listened to a few of their songs, i suggest you do
    'wild wild west' is my favourite (plus andy and bradie played it with them at a friend's party)
    link here: [ame=""]YouTube - Escape Club with Short Stack[/ame]

    and i swear i'm not a stalker, i just follow them on twitter

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    I'll write a post shortly giving a brief outline of our family history, where it relates to Andy (where he was born, siblings, where he grew up etc).

    Some fans have been asking me how much these stickers cost.
    I'm not charging anything, and I'll send 3 A4 sheets to anyone who wants them, so long as I don't get too flooded with requests. If I do, then I might just ask for a stamped, self addressed envelope. Sticker sheets cost bugger all when you get your stuff in bulk.

    These are NOT official stickers, and I'm not in this to make money. There's copyright information on the label, but that pertains to the CD of course. Nevertheless the image that I started with was the copy of the discs, and it's not mine to profit from. The ape is mine but everything else in that poster has been chopped and manipulated from screen-shots of their music clips; 'Sway Sway Baby', and 'Princess'. Trevor had a good laugh, he showed my stuff around, he's putting an Apestack sticker on his guitar case, and he was happy for me to dance around with my monkey, handing out stickers. They were handing out plenty of their own on the day. I'm not tapping into their merchandise dollars, and it can only help them out if I hand out a few stickers to loyal fans, so they're not going to object. They don't even seem to mind the fact that some joker has uploaded the new album shortly after it's release. I know that Warner Bros clamps down pretty heavily if any of their music is up on Youtube, but I read an article somewhere that Sunday Morning Records, and the band members themselves have an attitude that the pirates are going to get the music for free if they want it anyway, and it's pointless fighting over it because it will only hurt their image.

    Revenues are down on what they used to be, and it's harder to make a quid out of the industry, but it has to adapt, and the internet is what gave Short Stack their fan base. You fans would know that they'd spend more of their time with their fans than any other band or artist you've seen around. They were almost four hours at the Mall on Saturday, making sure that everyone had their merchandise signed, and they even had someone there to take pictures of fans with them, using the fan's own cameras.
    Everyone who pre-ordered their album got a phone call from the band, and a poster with all their names on it (Mine's on there too ). They spent a LOT of time on the phone to their fans. I could get my stuff free from Andy, but I've bought and paid for everything I've got, and I've bought multiple copies of some of their music and merch as gifts for the kids of friends of mine. I don't like pestering Andy for stuff, and I suppose it's just my strange way of supporting them, and it makes me feel a bit better when I pester them all for signatures on the posters I make for special fans that I've met. I got a bonus with the album, in that I got to pester Andrew about when I was getting my phone call. I kept telling him when I called, that I'd demand my money back if I didn't get a call from him. I ribbed him on his Facebook, and I don't know if he reads through all those comments, but shortly after I got a call and he told me I was eight hundred and something on the list.

    My investment paid off in a good way, because the call came just after their album shot to the top of the charts on release, and I offered him grats on taking the initiative to finally bury Jacko (they knocked him off the top of the charts). They must have thought he was getting a bit on the nose, being above ground for so long. (That's just a joke BTW, and no offense to any MJ fans out there ) I suppose that's a round about way of saying that they rely on their fans for support, buying the records, and concert tickets, and they really appreciate it. It gives me a lot of pleasure helping you guys out, and you're just so grateful for something as simple as a few stickers.
    You guys are all tops.

    That was a pretty boring post, but I'll talk about Andy's history and siblings in the next one, prolly throw a few pictures in. BTW, those websites of yours are really cool KT&Lorianne. I don't mind making up extra sheets for any friends or special fans there. I'll wait a week or two to see how many people want them, and I'll make them up at the same time.

    So far I've got one address for SWAY SWAY AMBER
    A template request for SWAY SWAY ZOE
    A request for SWAY SWAY LORIANNE
    A request for SWAY SWAY KT
    And some expressions of interest.
    You kids should probably tell your parents before you give your address to me though, and don't post it in the thread.They can read the thread, or contact me if they feel unsure.

    Edit; And a request for KATHLEENA, that I overlooked.
    If there's any mistakes, or if anyone is left out, let me know.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    somewhere far far away


    your trip sounds pretty madd. (sorry im commenting pretty late. bahaha) are you coming to the sydney sitnb concert?? i wanna meet mr apestack. lol.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    I might try to make it back from Perth for the Sydney gig audio_princess.

    Magilla has been busy personalising these stickers, and he's printed out a sample with Zoe inserted. There's just no end to the talents of this tree-swinger of mine ;

    Here is the template. It's reduced to fit the format of the forum.
    Click on the image for the full resolution jpeg file for printing;

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    somewhere far far away


    i cant wait it's gunna be awsumness.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    aw thanks heaps!
    it's much appreciated
    i'll have to go shopping on the weekend for sticker material stuff :P
    thanks again, can't wait to be able to stick these everywhere

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by shimmyazozo View Post
    i'll have to go shopping on the weekend for sticker material stuff :P
    thanks again, can't wait to be able to stick these everywhere
    I couldn't find plain sticker sheet, but if you can, then you don't have to laminate them. You could just use plain photo-paper, and glue. A no name box of 100 sheets works out around 10c per sheet. Label sheet is about the same. Pouches for a laminator are about the same, and it does give them a glossy protective coat, so they'd last quite a while in an exposed location. The laminator cost me $40 from Officeworks. Self adhesive pouches are dearer, and I don't know if you can get clear contact sheet. They sometimes have that sort of stuff at Aldi very cheap. If you buy small packs through Kodak, you pay through the nose. Ink is probably the most expensive part, and cheap printers, generally make up for their cost by being expensive to buy replacement carts for if you can't get refills. A decent printer will have refillable carts for each colour so you only have to get refills of the ink you use most of if the others aren't empty.

    I'll add something else to the template in the corners. I'll put a small face shot of each of the band members, that will be an appropriate size to cut out and insert into the back of the pin buttons that came in the Stack Packs. If you have one, then you can insert your favourite band member. Magilla has Andy in both of his of course.

  11. #71
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    Apr 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by KT&Lorianne View Post
    Trevor's band is called "Escape club". Here's the link to the band's myspace page
    Thanks for asking Andy about Tasmania. I hope they do come down for a show as Tasmania has many fans of Short Stack.

    Thank you for the templates.

    Thanks for that link. I'll check them out more thoroughly later. I'll start a separate thread for stickers soon too.
    Quote Originally Posted by shimmyazozo View Post
    "Andy Clemmensen, the raddest member of Short Stack ;]" facebook group i made

    you may have joined already, but if not, then please do
    he's got over 550 fans already (beating both shaun and bradie :P)

    and this is the "I have officially been Short Stacked! " facebook group

    also i was reading the above posts and saw you guys talking about trevor's band, the escape club.
    if you haven't already listened to a few of their songs, i suggest you do
    'wild wild west' is my favourite (plus andy and bradie played it with them at a friend's party)
    link here: YouTube - Escape Club with Short Stack

    and i swear i'm not a stalker, i just follow them on twitter
    Of course you're not a stalker. Thanks for setting up the groups. I’ve joined up and I might post some pics of Andy. You can grab anything I’ve posted here if you like.
    Let’s get Andy further in front eh?
    On the off-chance that you’re reading this, Shaun or Bradie, no offence, but I’m sure you’ll understand.

    Thanks for posting that Escape Club vid. It’s cool, and I won’t forget them now. I’ll mention that to Trev the next time I see him.
    Quote Originally Posted by audio_princess View Post
    hi. this poster is so cool. it was pretty madd. u must be such a cool dad to have. iwas woundering...... can andy play any other instruments andd........ how long he's been playing gitar.
    As far as I know he doesn’t, but I’ll have to ask him about that one, as well as about Tassie.
    That’s a great blog post of yours BTW, and I’m glad you’re getting in to the forums. I might blog some more myself if I get a reaction.

    There’s a music section here as well if anyone wants to post something. And if anyone wants to post Stack related pictures or links in this thread, feel free. You can upload them to these forums, but I use Photobucket, or Imageshack (Photobucket is no good for big pictures), because I might post them somewhere else and I don’t want to use the bandwidth of WWF when I do.

    If anyone has general pics of the in-store meet at Warringah Mall, then I’d be interested because I didn’t get many myself. If you don’t mind sharing, but you don’t want to make them public then you could send me a message. The ones I got were good though, and I’ll post them later. Ditto for if anyone has pics of my Ape at the Metro gig. I mentioned that earlier I think.

    I’ll make a separate thread for anyone who wants personalised stickers shortly. You won’t have to wade through pages to keep up to date if you want some that way.
    And BTW, Thanks for the five star rating on this thread guys.

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    haha no problem for making the groups
    i was originally just going to make an andy group, but i thought it wasn't too fair to shaun and bradie :P
    it seems like andy is the favourite though
    i've made you an admin for the andy group. it just means that you have access to editing the group info and news. if you don't want to be an admin, then that's fine.
    just let me know

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    ur a really cool dad
    i need help please. where can i place a order for the stickers??

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    somewhere far far away


    hahaha. thanks for asking him that. i have a couple of pics. mostly of andy when they were performing cause i was standing right in front of him....and he was very good looking. lol umm when i figure out how to put images on here i will. bahahaha. andd thanks again for the comment. i really apreciate people reading and liking my work. i also find it funny how many comments this has. bahaha. like 5, 6 hole pages! bahaha. thats funny.
    se you round like a cookie...


  15. #75
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by shimmyazozo View Post
    haha no problem for making the groups
    i was originally just going to make an andy group, but i thought it wasn't too fair to shaun and bradie :P
    it seems like andy is the favourite though
    i've made you an admin for the andy group. it just means that you have access to editing the group info and news. if you don't want to be an admin, then that's fine.
    just let me know
    I don't mind, but I probably won't have time to edit anything. You never know though. If it would help, I'll jump in and gee up support anywhere if you want me to.

    Quote Originally Posted by princess_chloee View Post
    ur a really cool dad
    i need help please. where can i place a order for the stickers??
    Thanks for that. I've just posted a new thread here. The link is below. Jump in and make a post reply.
    Quote Originally Posted by audio_princess View Post
    hahaha. thanks for asking him that. i have a couple of pics. mostly of andy when they were performing cause i was standing right in front of him....and he was very good looking. lol umm when i figure out how to put images on here i will. bahahaha. andd thanks again for the comment. i really apreciate people reading and liking my work. i also find it funny how many comments this has. bahaha. like 5, 6 hole pages! bahaha. thats funny.
    There's instructions here on the forums somewhere. I'll post some of my own pics, but there are better quality professional shots out there. These mean more to me because I took them myself though.
    Yeh, this thread is pretty popular alright. Thanks guys.

    If anyone wants stickers, I've made a separate thread with instructions. Some of you have requested already, but could you make another post in the new thread so I can keep track of it.

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