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View Poll Results: Which Drivel Should Be Kept

49. You may not vote on this poll
  • The Friday Drivel

    21 42.86%
  • Footy Season Drivel

    6 12.24%
  • Lets sell Al to Grunt instead

    9 18.37%
  • Rat's Ring (just fer Cliff et al)

    11 22.45%
  • Get rid of the drivel completely

    17 34.69%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Results 61 to 75 of 84
  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    I've been busy and not read all of this before tonight.
    I do contribute to the Friday thread and I admit I'm not much of a woody. I do like my turning and don't read much in the other forums. I have not noticed any threads being taken over by drivel in the turning forum before or after I started contributing to the Friday forum. If I can contribute in my areas of knowledge then I will and I hope that everyone else does the same. This may not be in woodwork but lots of other fields are represented in the wide selection of people that contribute to this forum.
    I don't see the problem with the Friday thread. If you don't want to read it then don't. Just keep your browser pointed at the forum you are interested in and it magically doesn't worry you.
    I don't like the occasional personal attacks that I have seen but these seem uncommon.
    Lets all keep it fun and informative.
    Terry B

    The most ineffective workers will be systematically moved to the place where they can do the least damage - management.
    --The Dilbert Principle

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    In the shed, Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by Terry B View Post
    I don't see the problem with the Friday thread. If you don't want to read it then don't. Just keep your browser pointed at the forum you are interested in and it magically doesn't worry you.
    I don't like the occasional personal attacks that I have seen but these seem uncommon.
    Lets all keep it fun and informative.

    What Terry said.
    I make things, I just take a long time.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jun 1999
    Westleigh, Sydney


    Must admit I don't read or contribute to the Friday thread (Friday's the day I do 'real' work), but I reckon Terry's summed it up. Unless its causing a problem or wastinng storage space....don't know if that's the case but guess we'll be told if it is.
    Visit my website

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Conder, ACT


    Why not put the Friday thread in to open slather.

    Only select verified users can see it.
    Most Friday threaders are open slather users.
    The Goggle bots won't see it.
    Kids etc won't see it.
    Winges and attacks etc may diminish.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    In the shed, Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by DavidG View Post
    Why not put the Friday thread in to open slather.

    Only select verified users can see it.
    Most Friday threaders are open slather users.
    The Goggle bots won't see it.
    Kids etc won't see it.
    Winges and attacks etc may diminish.
    G'day DavidG,

    I don't subscribe to open slather for the reson that I don't want to slang it off against other Forum members, which is the prime purpose of O/Slather, as I understand it.

    I don't want to have to have a password for Open Slather just to participate in Friday Drivel. If you don't like it you don't need to read it.

    We don't slang of at other members, except for those who participate in it, and everyone understands that everything is in good fun.

    I have no interest in the Pen Turning, Intarsia (what is it?), Green woodworking and Wooden Boats so I don't read them. Simple solution.

    Nor do I read The Rip in the Fabric, is it that far removed from Friday Drivel? If so, why not also move it to Open Slather - because it's not the place for it.

    Leave it as is.
    I make things, I just take a long time.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Please give me an argument to allow posting of meaningless, unconnected, unfunny, posts in threads other than those designed to take it (OS, Nothing to do with WW, A woodies yarn etc).
    Also explain why someone should be allowed to continually hijack threads with this drivel when it is, and always has been, against the rules.
    Finally, explain why the admins and mods should ignore requests from users such as yourself complaining that their threads have been hijacked or filled with dribble when the forum rules are quite clear on it.
    So, the problem is with threads being hijacked..... no worries, seems very fair.
    i.e. don't post dribble and tossery in people's threads, do it in the right place.
    Seems to me that if someone is becoming a problem with constant hijacking of threads, that they would get a warning, or the boot in short order?

    A possible solution:
    I'd respect a "pain in the backside of the moderators" rule... if I can put it forward?
    i.e. get two warnings in a fortnight/month and the third gets your account locked for a fortnight/month, further PITA posts get accounts locked at Mods discretion. (to stop mbrs racking up two warnings as a way to 'compete')
    Seems like a good way to manage the excessive demands on the mods time when threads get hijacked with dribble and tossery.

    This rule doesn't mean you can't carry on with banter like normal, just that you respect others threads.

    Further solution:
    A simple way to provide an outlet for the dribble would be if the members so inclined opened an instant messenger account that allowed group 'calls' ... msn messenger might provide this. ??
    A messenger service like the msn one provides 'on-line' notifications and messenger service user names could be added to users signatures.

    Gotta admit its the rare moments of brilliant wit that is a big part of the attraction of this forum...
    like Soundmans "Boilermaker Moonwalk" post in the gloves on angle grinder thread....
    or the threads that have been hijacked off into absolute lunacy, and there have been a few. Great value to sit back and chuckle at the hissy fits.

    Hope a solution thats good for both the mods and users can be found.

    "Use your third eye" - Watson

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    In the shed, Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by Clinton1 View Post
    Gotta admit its the rare moments of brilliant wit that is a big part of the attraction of this forum...
    like Soundmans "Boilermaker Moonwalk" post in the gloves on angle grinder thread....
    or the threads that have been hijacked off into absolute lunacy, and there have been a few. Great value to sit back and chuckle at the hissy fits.

    Hope a solution thats good for both the mods and users can be found.

    I totally agree with Clinton1, and it's the reason that I find this such a pleasure to be part of, besides being very imformative and helpful. Lose the wit and humour and this Forum will be as dead as so many other Forums. The Apple Forum is a prime example, over moderated and you can't say anything that is even against something Apple even when it's justified without being kinghit by an over zealous mod.

    Don't kill it. May I suggest that's what brings so many hits to this Forum.
    I make things, I just take a long time.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Clinton1 View Post
    Gotta admit its the rare moments of brilliant wit that is a big part of the attraction of this forum...
    That's just the point.

    The rare moments of brilliant wit are like the proverbial blue moon. Very seldom indeed and most of the time it is just drivel. In fact the drivel is often so bad that I question whether the drivellers are indeed adults for they sound so childish and puerile.

    The solution is simple, keep all the drivel in the Friday thread, which is not in question, but keep it out of the rest.


  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Don't kill it
    See Sturdee's last line.

    None of the mods are suggesting everyone should be straight laced.... just not hijack threads with dribble. fair enough for me.

    "Use your third eye" - Watson

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    willagee wa (near Freo)


    if people want to drivel let em go. if ya dont like it dont read it!
    First On Race Day

    And the first brock trophy goes to...............
    and we got no "2" as well
    A FORD driver.

    ironic isnt it?

    and if ya cant win on ya own merit punt em off!!!
    holden cheater team!!!!!

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by black1 View Post
    if people want to drivel let em go!

    Fully agree, but where would they go to.

    No other bulletin board, especially dedicated to woodworking, would accept a bunch of drivellers. This board appears to be the last outpost for them.


  12. #72
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Leithfield, New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by Terry B View Post
    I've been busy and not read all of this before tonight.
    I do contribute to the Friday thread and I admit I'm not much of a woody. I do like my turning and don't read much in the other forums. I have not noticed any threads being taken over by drivel in the turning forum before or after I started contributing to the Friday forum. If I can contribute in my areas of knowledge then I will and I hope that everyone else does the same. This may not be in woodwork but lots of other fields are represented in the wide selection of people that contribute to this forum.
    I don't see the problem with the Friday thread. If you don't want to read it then don't. Just keep your browser pointed at the forum you are interested in and it magically doesn't worry you.
    I don't like the occasional personal attacks that I have seen but these seem uncommon.
    Lets all keep it fun and informative.
    Quite right Terry. I commute Monday & Friday 250 miles each way so I don't get to spend as much time making things as I'd like, or did before the travelling started. But I read everything about woodwork I can get my hands on and I can't wait for the time when I get to build the increasing number of projects that are "on ice". Friday drivel builds community. I'd seriously miss it.

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Warwick, QLD


    Quote Originally Posted by MurrayD99 View Post
    Friday drivel builds community. I'd seriously miss it.
    Once again for the record, The friday thread is not being banned!!! It will be closed on the following saturday morning and deleted the following friday. All we are asking is that you keep the nonsensical drivel for that one thread. Drivel in other forums will not be tolerated!

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    In the shed, Melbourne


    G'day Woodbutcher,

    Without being slapped or whatever, may I ask what will happen to the 90% of threads that contain some drivel? Will those people be castigated? Does this mean this Forum is going the way of other staid Forums?
    I make things, I just take a long time.

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Warwick, QLD


    WE are not trying to stop friendly banter and good fun, but the absolute idiotic posts are getting too much. There is a fine line between fun and drivel and at the moment we are trying to work out where the line should stop.

    Obviously it would be too much to go back through every previous post, this is for future posts and no the forum will not be going the way of others.
    Have a nice day - Cheers

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