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22nd October 2014, 02:52 PM #61
G day Brett,
Will have to pass on this one too. Another eye on the Friday preceding. I will get there one day!
22nd October 2014, 05:11 PM #62
G'Day Brett,
Don't think I will make it.
Son and Daughter in Law coming up from Melbourne Thursday a/noon. Going back sometime Sunday morning.
I might make it - if so I will bring my own food.
22nd October 2014, 06:56 PM #63
I've collected a few items to bring to the GTG for sale.
Marking gauge, hand planes, block planes, chisels, a couple of thread boxes and taps.
I haven't really started culling yet but I have to pack up the workshop and put everything in storage in the next couple of weeks so I'm sure I'll find plenty more.Those were the droids I was looking for.
22nd October 2014, 09:51 PM #64
CONFIRMED LUNCH Bushmiller Chinese crowie Thai FenceFurniture Thai fletty STILL HUNGRY groeneaj Thai heavansabove BYO Jensen FF Thai NCArcher Thai orraloon Chinese Ozhunter Thai Repliconics Thai Ross BYO rwbuild Thai Sawdust Maker BYO SHEETMETAL BYO
From TAFE/Men's Shed:
Aaron Thai Ed Thai John Thai Marilyn Thai Nathan Thai Stef Thai Warwick Thai
POSSIBLE Chris Parks BYO Christos BYO Greg Ward HiRoller Ian MacPuddock BYO Pat Skew ChiDAMN!! BYO Skew's_Girl BYO
23rd October 2014, 09:16 AM #65
Hi Brett,
Sorry but I can't make it - other commitments that day unfortunately. Hope it goes well.
23rd October 2014, 12:58 PM #66
Thai ... but I only need 1 chopstick!
flettya rock is an obsolete tool ......... until you don’t have a hammer!
23rd October 2014, 01:10 PM #67
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 2 Likes, 0 , 0crowie, Sawdust Maker liked this post
23rd October 2014, 02:28 PM #68
23rd October 2014, 09:42 PM #69
Anyone going to Carbatec?
s anyone by chance going to Carbatec before the 2nd? I need a new #M face mask:
BTW, these are the duckz nutz: they'll keep out ammonia, turps, Danish Oil, and even a cat fart. Good for about 12 months. I was cleaning up some dried possum pee in the shed a few days ago (having previously locked the possum out of the roof), and ammonia seems to be the solvent of choice. Had to use a fair bit and had my head right over it. When I finished I went back up the other end of the barn and took off the mask - the shed was overwhelmed with ammonia fumes, but I hadn't smelled a thing.
24th October 2014, 09:08 PM #70
24th October 2014, 09:20 PM #71
Thanks Nick, but Fletty sorted me out today (and picked up a mask).
24th October 2014, 09:28 PM #72
OOH That's a very kind offer, thank you Nick ....
I'll need to get my act together real quick .... this is actually on my Christmas wish list ......
Metal Detector
How have you organized your parcel please Brett as this is an offer too good to miss, thank you...cheers, Peter
24th October 2014, 09:29 PM #73
24th October 2014, 09:34 PM #74
24th October 2014, 09:45 PM #75
I can pickup if you want
also to others I'll probably need to go to timberbits soonish
so if you need anything brought up I can probably do so (small items not lathes or suchlike)regards
veni, vidi, tornavi
Without wood it's just ...
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