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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Petone, NZ

    Default Parts and Potential.

    Here are the parts I salvaged from that hunk-of-rust , former blacksmiths post drill:


    - main frame;
    - flywheel;
    - flywheel gear;
    - feed wheel;
    - self-feed lever;
    - spindle gear;
    - coupler (not shown);
    - pawl (not shown - fitted to other CB&F post drill)

    Then, when I went through my stash of left-over parts from the previous two (now one) CB&F No.61 post drills I have:


    - main frame (broken - awaiting scrapping);
    - feed wheel;
    - feed nut;
    - feed screw;
    - flywheel shaft;
    - flywheel gear;
    - crank gear;
    - crank pivot screw (not shown);
    - spindle gear;
    - spindle;
    - self-feed lever shaft (not shown).

    And when I put them together I have the makings of another (almost complete) post drill .


    Result !!!

    I'll need to replace some missing square-head set screws with bolts - although I have a sprinkling of them left over from these various donor drills. And if I really wanted I could file/grind down the hex. heads to square .

    I'll need to make up an anti-rotation/coupler lock plate (~2mm thick steel plate) - no problem. Also a crank handle. And I'll need to find a suitable thrust bearing. All do-able.

    And of course I'll be back to where I started - before I bought this rust-heap for the pawl - I'll be short of a pawl .

    But I don't expect to make much more progress on this for a little while - as other priorities are rearing their ugly heads (hopefully not an other 7 years this time ).

    Cheers, Vann.
    Gatherer of rusty planes tools...
    Proud member of the Wadkin Blockhead Club .

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Petone, NZ

    Default A-pawlling.

    I haven't found that rivet - but a friend had a few 1/4" x 2" rivets that I could have.

    I have now riveted the new pawl to the original self-feed arm.

    CB&F 100.jpg CB&F 101.jpg

    And I've touched up a little paint damage - before re-fitting the arm to the drill.

    Cheers, Vann.
    Gatherer of rusty planes tools...
    Proud member of the Wadkin Blockhead Club .

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