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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Take your tools with you to the afterlife like the Viking's do. Let them build a mighty funeral pyre, then set it on fire and let it rise up into the heavens, they may have to sprinkle the whole lot with white phosphorus, but it will assure you that you and your tools are assured a place amongst the honoured dead is valhalla.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Just a document and photos

    Quote Originally Posted by chambezio View Post
    I know Evan uses a spread sheet to catalogue his array of "stuff", but is there a simple program that will record a picture and written description of an article then store it with an index that can quickly bring it up?
    My computer skills are scant so I don't want anything that is too complicated for my old brain.
    My life time of accumulating tools and machines comes with a story attached to each piece. Its probably only significant to me and not to anyone else.
    Doesn't have to be a spreadsheet. I use Google Docs Sheet... its free and does 99.7% of what I need

    I was thinking that for those who neither have the inclination or time to learn these things (after all, what's the point for a one off) you could just put it into a text document or even just a simple notepad (or whatever text program you happen to have).

    All the pictures can just be stored in a folder on the computer and backed up to a thumb drive. Reference the name in the text file. Leave them as the names of the photo or rename them yourself..... e.g. DSC001234.jpg or TableSaw1.jpg

    Just have a set format such as below and leave a gap between each entry:

    -- Purchase Date
    -- Name of Item
    -- 10 word description
    -- Price paid
    -- Where from
    -- Serial number
    -- Picture number
    -- Notes


    -- 20 June 2013
    -- festool ABC123
    -- Circular saw. Green, black and silver, not the blue one.
    -- $4.3 billion
    -- Local Bobs Big Shop of Bargains
    -- xyz12345
    -- dsc01234.jpg
    -- blah blah blah

    Of course you can use CTRL-F (or Find in your program) to locate things if its a big list later.... this is obviously for people later or for oneself when the price is long forgotten!

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by chambezio View Post
    This thread has given me a lot of concern. None of us know the exact time the dispatcher needs us! So the paperwork has to be ready when the time comes. I have 2 girls 29 and 25. The youngest doesn't seem to ever want a partner but the eldest is on the hunt for a man. This unknown fella may be the son I didn't make....but who?
    Every tool and machine has its own story of acquisition (but that's irrelevant to the person who ends up with it) So I have to do some thinking.
    On another note there have been a lot of thefts of late in our district. Targeting people such as our situation (rural subdivision- houses with area around them)They just drive in and load up with what ever and drive away leaving very little for the Police to investigate. So maybe it is time to do a detailed "Stock Take" with photos to make it better for insurance purposes as well as Police identification.
    Its going to be a big job for either situation, but I think it needs to be done
    A friend had his shed cleaned out and had to claim for the theft, his biggest problem was remembering everything he had and months later he would want a tool and find he had not claimed it. Photos and a list kept somewhere else is the best solution and could be used as a guide for selling the equipment after we pass on. My son asked me why I was buying more stuff a while ago as he had no interest but I am not interested in his likes and dislikes, this is all about me.

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