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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Port Sorell, TAS


    Quote Originally Posted by Powertoolman View Post

    Yeah, I was going to ask if any of the users here wanted to review an advanced copy of the manual, but I can’t do this now; not if it would come with strings or resentment.
    Don't worry 'bout the few precious PC wowsers here. We all of us (bar a few) are happy to add whatever positive iinput we can to one of our favourite subjects, and we would be well peased to review your manual. As long as you're ready for a few cheeky irrelevant comments, bring it on maaaate!

    Merry Christmas
    The only way to get rid of a [Domino] temptation is to yield to it. Oscar Wilde go4it people!

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Port Sorell, TAS


    Quote Originally Posted by Lignum View Post

    I stopped posting Domino jigs and ideas a while ago because this is a tool that will take of big time soon as it hits the States and now that im realy getting into the swing of it, im very reluctant to share my new jigs and templates because of this very reason.

    Wondered why your enthusiasm 'died'. I understand that the tool now forms part of your livelihood, but it does make me a bit sad that you've removed yourself from participating. Have you also stopped reading other's posts, just in case you might profit from them? Thanks for sharing up to now, anyway.

    I would'nt overrate the 'international exposure' too much either. I doubt if many in the states give a toss about us here.

    I sense the end of this wonderful forum.
    The only way to get rid of a [Domino] temptation is to yield to it. Oscar Wilde go4it people!

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Earth, occasionally


    Wouldn't call m'self PC in anyone's language.
    You'll get to see the manual, I'm sure. Who else with the knowledge is going to review it? Don't like "I'll take my bat and go home" threats.
    Please also be aware that if you do get a document to review, it may or may not be related to the document being tagged as the Festool final Draft. You could just be puffin' muffins.

    Have a great Christmas and a dam*ed outstanding New Year.


  4. #64
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    May I suggest that this thread returns to the light hearted but very informative banter that has made the forum such a pleasure to read and participate in?

    I fear that the tone and the "I said, you said" direction it is going towards will end in tears and that would be a shame.

    To those who, for commercial, financial, copyright or personal reasons do not wish to post in future then thank you for all of your contributions to date. I for one have learnt and benefitted so much over the year. I hope that the forum will continue as the font of Festool knowledge and advice and not descend into a slanging match in which there are no winners.

    In any case, the sound of teddy bears being thrown into geographically dispersed corners is becoming a tad tiresome.

    A Merry Christmas and a Safe New Year to all.


  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Port Sorell, TAS


    I'll second that!
    The only way to get rid of a [Domino] temptation is to yield to it. Oscar Wilde go4it people!

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Default A word....

    Moderator's Hat on:

    Gents, this has been and will continue to be a valued and informative forum. Please continue to contribute your ideas and thoughts for the benefit of others.

    I strongly suggest that if you have ideas you think may have commercial benefit then you do not post them here. IP will usually be owned by the first person who gets to the patent office and this problem is not specific to this forum, it applies everywhere. If you have doubts then the onus is on you to get legal advice before releasing your information.
    Bear in mind that people from all nations view these forums, and anything you post can be manufactured and in a container on its way over here in a heartbeat! These nations do not recognise IP and copyright.

    The Manual

    Regarding the manual, if you wish to have it reviewed then I suggest it be passed via PM to interested members. These forums will not allow copyrighted material to be posted here (read the rules) that is not owned by the forum owner or the individual who posts it.

    Manuals have been reviewed in these forums before and there have been no issues arise because of it.

    Joyeaux Noel
    Le Groggy

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Earth, occasionally


    Thanks Groggy, I think that cleared up a number of points, particularly regarding O/S manufacture.

    Pat and Kiwi,
    As I seem to have the least to offer, I'm going back to lurking again. No taking my bat and going home, just wait till I feel I can say things as I see them. When do you reckon someone will come out with a book;
    "The Festool Domino - Advanced Techniques and Troubleshooting"

    have a great Christmas and talk to sometime

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by TassieKiwi View Post

    Wondered why your enthusiasm 'died'. I understand that the tool now forms part of your livelihood, but it does make me a bit sad that you've removed yourself from participating. Have you also stopped reading other's posts, just in case you might profit from them? Thanks for sharing up to now, anyway.

    I would'nt overrate the 'international exposure' too much either. I doubt if many in the states give a toss about us here.

    I sense the end of this wonderful forum.
    My enthusiasm is still as strong if not stronger than its ever been with Domi. Trouble is im basicly sharing that with half a dozen or so other owner users who appreciate it, and that that same enthusiasm isnt appreciated by the forums non Domi owners.

    We all know just how sensational this is in the workshop and how it has changed the way we do things. It simply dominates. So i see it NOT just as a festo tool but a woodworking tool in general.

    So in my enthusiasm i mention it in other threads and get all the snide remarks about it and even as far as getting told by a highly respected senior member to get of my soap box and stop boring everyone and to take it back to the Festool thread. No wonder i cant be bothered posting my thoughts and ideas anymore.

    And as for
    Quote Originally Posted by TassieKiwi View Post
    "Have you also stopped reading other's posts, just in case you might profit from them?"
    Apart from Flowboy and a few from Rocker whos posts are both terrific on the Domi, their hasnt been many others of late, so its not only me whos stopped. Their is hardly any posts from you either on Domi related practices latley

    Maybe you Domi lot are also sick of the Anti Festo/Domi Brigade constantly having their dig and trying to shoot us down. Suppose wee`l all have to pull our fingers out wont we and get back to talkin Domi

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Lignum View Post
    Maybe you Domi lot are also sick of the Anti Festo/Domi Brigade constantly having their dig and trying to shoot us down.
    Me listen to any Anti Festo(/Domi) sound? Nope don't think so. Oké only a little bit to the sound of my wife minding our family budget.

    The Domi is still the first thing on my Festool wishlist, still searching for the right project/excuse for the wife to get me one .

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Hi all,

    Wishing success to Festool for the introduction of the domino on the US market.

    PTM, exactly what Roker and others said: that very precise machine ask for a careful operator when aiming the perfect joint particularly when working on small sized stock.
    But actually, that's not very difficult: one has just to raise his glass only when all the mortises are done!
    (Thanks to domi, it doesn't take too long).
    Though not having use it a lot i tend to have faith in her and proceed now directly from dominoing to gluing without the ritual of dry assembly stage!:eek:
    Advantage is that you don't have to take the pliers thus you don't enlarge, even a tiny bit, your joint and your are early done!
    Another thing is that the grip of the domino is then so good that one could even do without clamps... Just a good whack to tighten the pieces.
    You then, just have to sit in front of your new born masterpiece and congratulate yourself with the beverage of your choice...
    After all it's all about having some fun isn't it?

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Flowboy View Post
    "The Festool Domino - Advanced Techniques and Troubleshooting"

    I think with fun loving co-operation and a team spirit you guys that have had this machine for some time with the desire to create, experiment and develop these techniques such a book could easily become a reality.

    Some of you already have knowledge to put into print and market this book.

    There is no better soap-box to be on than the one you have a passion for - don't let the knockers dampen your spirit.

    The book would have international appeal.

    This could be BIG if you wanted it to be.


    There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness"

    (Man was born to hunt and kill)

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Earth, occasionally


    Hi Teejay,

    You're absolutely right. After I wrote that yesterday, I thought Gee, ya know...
    I already have a conceptualisation of how it could work and the beauty of it is that people contributing get recognition and royalties. I'll talk to some people after Christmas by PM, Email and in person.

    Wouldn't worry about the the forum collapsing, within 12 months you'll have Americans teeming here. So many so, you might be lucky to get a word in. Of course it'll then lose its Aussie/Kiwi flavour and won't have the punch they expect or else you'll have to be so PC....

    Oh well.

    Returning to lurking,


  13. #73
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    An observation

    This thread has posters from NZ, USA, Wales, UK, France, Netherlands and even Tasmania (.

    If the forum remains informative it is entirely possible this will become the "go-to" online site; provided it stays friendly and helpful (I'll assist there as required).

    For anyone wishing to develop anything Festool/Domino related this forum should provide some great ideas. I'll make a prediction that the Domino forum may well become one of the busiest we have.

    The only real problem I have with this thread is I don't have a domi, and feel like a voyeur every time I drop in .

    (show us yer domi )

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Melbourne, Victoria


    Quote Originally Posted by Lignum View Post
    Maybe you Domi lot are also sick of the Anti Festo/Domi Brigade constantly having their dig and trying to shoot us down. Suppose wee`l all have to pull our fingers out wont we and get back to talkin Domi
    Now you guys know how us Triton owners felt at the height of the orange kicking brigade! I can sympathise. Course, as Groggy has said - neither of us can afford one, as much as I could have really used one last week
    "Clear, Ease Springs"

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Earth, occasionally


    Hi Stuart,
    You know how to get me. And I work from home so pretty much always here, even over the Christmas break. We have ham and we have turkey, but no caviar (SWMBO has allergies) and boxes of dominoes stacked up to hyar. Same applies to anyone in Melbourne wanting to try the Domino on their own or my timber. Think of it as a good will thingy. Hope some of you get in touch at least.

    Regards and Merry Christmas to all the honest, God fearing searchers for the truth. In Domino Veritas


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