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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mt Waverley Vic 3149

    Default Wooden Plane

    I should share with you a question which I posed to Judge Alan (fletty) last night.

    My original challenge to Matt was to make a wooden plane - that has morphed into any sort of plane for woodwork . But a question for you: is it possible to make a plane (including the blade) entirely from wood? If so what wood could be sharpened to produce a shaving from pine?
    On my 'coronavirus walks' around the neighbourhood streets, I generally talk to a couple of elder gents further up our street. A week or two ago I mentioned that we were starting the challenge to build a wooden woodworking plane. Yesterday Colin inquired as to how I was going with my plane. He had interpreted our challenge as meaning that the plane would be made entirely of wood, including the blade. and was somewhat taken aback at the thought of me using a steel blade

    Anyhow that got me thinking - is it possible to make a plane blade out of timber that would be able to make of shaving from a piece of pine?

    Let's have your considered opinions,

    Alan has not replied yet - he probably thinks the oldgreybeard has lost his marbles. D


  2. #62
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    I’m with Alan.
    For any tool to cut, it must be harder than the item being cut.
    Ok it might work on Balsa wood.

    Cheers Matt.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Canberra - West Belco


    Quote Originally Posted by Oldgreybeard View Post
    I should share with you a question which I posed to Judge Alan (fletty) last night.

    On my 'coronavirus walks' around the neighbourhood streets, I generally talk to a couple of elder gents further up our street. A week or two ago I mentioned that we were starting the challenge to build a wooden woodworking plane. Yesterday Colin inquired as to how I was going with my plane. He had interpreted our challenge as meaning that the plane would be made entirely of wood, including the blade. and was somewhat taken aback at the thought of me using a steel blade

    Anyhow that got me thinking - is it possible to make a plane blade out of timber that would be able to make of shaving from a piece of pine?

    Let's have your considered opinions,

    Alan has not replied yet - he probably thinks the oldgreybeard has lost his marbles. D

    To the blade question first.... the answer is less about can it be done but how well it could be done and what sort of shaving and width is deemed working. A dense close grained hardwood should be able to be sharpened enough to get a bevel shaving from pine so it would/should pass a narrow specific criteria.

    On the thought of the original intent of a "made from wood" plane, i know i didn't interpret the challenge as posted in that way and i do think the differing options thrown up so far are diverse and interesting

    I have some hard dense wood from an old railway sleeper that is unfriendly to even carbide tools so tempting to throw a bit into the mill and see if it can be done.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mt Waverley Vic 3149


    I agree that the option to use different designs and materials has produced a more varied and interest challenge. I have an old Ironwood 'chopping block' down behind the shed. I might attack that with the chainsaw and see if I can make a blade from it that will produce some sort of shaving from a piece of pine.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Not far enough away from Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by Oldgreybeard View Post
    I agree that the option to use different designs and materials has produced a more varied and interest challenge. I have an old Ironwood 'chopping block' down behind the shed. I might attack that with the chainsaw and see if I can make a blade from it that will produce some sort of shaving from a piece of pine.
    This does beg the question: "What is the point?"

    I agree that it can be done. But I think that there would be no practical benefit on doing so beyond the challenge of making it happen.

    It would most probably take a lot of trial and error to determine the most suitable edge geometry to achieve, for a very short time, a result that can be achieved much quicker and easier by other means. Once you have achieved a shaving with a wooden blade from a piece of pine,where do you go from there. I cannot see it leading to any scientific breakthrough that will end climate change, world poverty or Covid-19 lockdown. Once you have the photo framed and on the mantlepiece its all over and forgotten.

    But, hey, if it gives you a sense of purpose I'm not going to stand in your way.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mt Waverley Vic 3149


    Thanks for your comments Doug. There is no point to it - but since it was alluded to, curiosity kicked in and I need more practice in building the laminated plane body before I start on my 'competition piece'. So, why not?


  7. #67
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Lawrencetown, NS, Canada


    My two cents - it won't work. I'm no historian, but I'd guess there is not any reference at any time throughout human history of wood being used as the blade material for a tool (I can't find any with a cursory online search). Bone, stone, and various metals, yes. Wooden nails and pegs pretty well need a pre-drilled hole (Vampire slayers excepted), but they are fasteners more than tools.

    For an attempt to try it, one needs to define what constitutes success/fail. I.e., x-thickness shaving by y-width and z-length (although extra points would be awarded for starting a fire).

    Maybe too, the criteria should be that only wood can be used to make the entire tool? (starting with a standing tree ).

    But don't let me discourage you.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Sheets View Post
    My two cents - it won't work. I'm no historian, but I'd guess there is not any reference at any time throughout human history of wood being used as the blade material for a tool (I can't find any with a cursory online search). Bone, stone, and various metals, yes. Wooden nails and pegs pretty well need a pre-drilled hole (Vampire slayers excepted), but they are fasteners more than tools.

    For an attempt to try it, one needs to define what constitutes success/fail. I.e., x-thickness shaving by y-width and z-length (although extra points would be awarded for starting a fire).

    Maybe too, the criteria should be that only wood can be used to make the entire tool? (starting with a standing tree ).

    But don't let me discourage you.
    I’m with Sheets on this.

    Cheers Matt.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jun 2003



    Instead of a wooden or steel blade why not make the blade, or even the whole plane, out of Corian.

    If you want to go this way I can supply the stuff out of my store, I can even give you quite a few colours.


  10. #70
    Join Date
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    Mt Waverley Vic 3149


    Quote Originally Posted by Sturdee View Post

    Instead of a wooden or steel blade why not make the blade, or even the whole plane, out of Corian.

    If you want to go this way I can supply the stuff out of my store, I can even give you quite a few colours.

    Good to hear from Peter. I'll have to see how I am going a bit further down the track after our curfews etc are over.

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Dandenong Ranges


    Hi Bob. If you search for Matt Estlea on YouTube, he had a crack at a wooden plane blade a little while ago.

  12. #72
    Join Date
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    Mt Waverley Vic 3149


    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Ash View Post
    Hi Bob. If you search for Matt Estlea on YouTube, he had a crack at a wooden plane blade a little while ago.
    Thanks MA, didn't find the You Tube you reference but I did find this

    "". Absolutely brilliant and should be read by everyone of us .Please mention how impressed you were - not that I'm looking for brownie points from one of our esteemed judges but it is signed:

    I hope yours turns out as satisfying as mine.

    Regards from Perth

    Cheers from Melbourne


  13. #73
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mt Waverley Vic 3149

    Default Big brother is watching. You have been warned

    Matt has instructed me to update you all with the latest stats.

    Days left in challenge: 175

    Total Woodwork and Metalwork Forum Members who have viewed the announcement post :A total of 210 members have viewed my post of 7 September announcing the 2020-2021 Plane Building Challenge.

    Number of registrations for the challenge: There are currently 18 members who have registered - including 2 from Canada and 1 from USA.

    Number of posts: Collectively there have been 609 posts to the 18 individual threads (not including the Judges Corner and Tips, techniques and Theory sticky threads)

    Number of views of the registered members posts: In total the 609 posts have been viewed 17,325 times or approximately 22 new posts and almost 650 views per day.

    Of the total of 210 members who have viewed the original announcement, 8.5% have taken up the challenge.

    Neil, Ubeaut, our benevolent dictator should be suitable impressed. Keep up the good work guys

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Oh, great. Now I've got stage fright and it's still a week before I can go and hide in my shed.

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Picko View Post
    Oh, great. Now I've got stage fright and it's still a week before I can go and hide in my shed.
    You just need to make the first step(well actually probably a cut)
    The rest will be easy.

    Cheers Matt.

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