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  1. #46
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    near Rockhampton


    Well I am feeling left out as I am apparently not getting picked on.... So I am taking my pink paint and going home...

    Light red, the colour of choice for the discerning man.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Victoria, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by .RC. View Post
    Well I am feeling left out as I am apparently not getting picked on.... So I am taking my pink paint and going home...

    Yeah well, sorry to say, that's what happens when you start painting classic Monarch lathes pink... everyone takes a few steps back and makes the sign of the cross, backing away slowly, looking over their shoulders for the nearest door...

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by RayG View Post
    Yeah well, sorry to say, that's what happens when you start painting classic Monarch lathes pink... everyone takes a few steps back and makes the sign of the cross, backing away slowly, looking over their shoulders for the nearest door...
    I don't know, I like a bit of pink.

    Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North Rocks


    Hi learned folk and others.

    I have lurked and commented where I thought it would help. i asked a question and one person offered to make a gear for me! I thought oh yeah right. But in the end he made 5 I think for others with the same broken teeth problem. Wow ! That is what I like about this forum, there are those that will step in and help.

    I am a member on several forums and at one time on another car based forum I shared my knowledge on rechargeable batteries and use in cars. I was hounded down by one member and no matter what I said or posted to backup my posts I was always dumped on again. Others supported my statements and agreed but they just added themselves to the list to be dumped on too. I still visit that forum but just do not bother to post as it detracted from my enjoyment of the hobby.

    I am an electronics nut and hanker for machining knowledge. I have a lathe and a mill but moving house and 3 kids has been preventing me from doing much with either. But I hope to be part of this forum for some time to come. It is up to the experience I have wether that will be as a lurker or a contributor.

    I understand we all have rights but this is more of a privilege, don't squander it.

    Zwitter / james

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Ballina, NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Pete F View Post
    Nothing devastatingly clever to say Ray, just how disappointed I was to read that post of yours.
    That's gold I reckon
    Captures the spirit of reconciliation perfectly.

    Now... don't take this personally everyone ... it's not directed at anyone and is not meant to offend, but I can't help think of a clip I saw a long time ago. Search for 'htfu video'.

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Australia east coast


    Quote Originally Posted by Pete F View Post
    A bunch of tool collectors try to out-gloat each other as to who has the most expensive/rarest/most accurate widget, even though they barely know how to turn it on, never mind use it to its full potential.
    I resemble that remark. I've got over 5 figures worth of machinery that I haven't even used yet.... Let alone actually painting it any colour, let alone *pink*. PDW

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Pete F View Post
    A bunch of tool collectors try to out-gloat each other as to who has the most expensive/rarest/most accurate widget, even though they barely know how to turn it on, never mind use it to its full potential.
    Yes, well I must confess to having 1 or 2 (or 3 or...) of them too.
    - but I try not to do the g word.


  8. #53
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Rural Victoria


    ..... I just have trouble saying 'no' sometimes.... I've saved a few old school machines from the scrappy with a quick offer. I think part of our heritage is lost every time an old mill or lathe is melted down and turned into a Hyundai

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Far West Wimmera


    I think we've established that the Gentleman concerned didn't get "jumped on" once, never mind again. It would seem that he felt some posts were being directed at himself, that's not the way myself and at least one other here read it, and as I was the author of some of the posts I think I'm in a good position to judge!
    The judgement of another persons meaning, requires the ability to see things from another persons point of view, Pete.

    Your post about "Chinese POS" may not have been directed at the OP, but it was hardly subtle. More like a bull in a china shop.


  10. #55
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Horsham Victoria


    Have we managed to keep him

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    The nature of the internet forums is "PUBLIC".

    If you stand on a bench in the local park and give a speech something similar may happen. Is it because of all the "weirdos out there"?
    Or is it because you are standing on a bench in the park giving a speech?

    Debatable right?

    What to do next? Call the police? Declare that we will never again give a speech since the locals do not deserve it?

    The reality is that we do things for our own purposes first. Even when we are being generous and altruistic, we do it for ourselves.
    It is a well known yet rather unpopular fact.
    “We often contradict an opinion for no other reason
    than that we do not like the tone in which it is expressed.”

    Friedrich Nietzsche

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Far West Wimmera


    Quote Originally Posted by Marc View Post
    The nature of the internet forums is "PUBLIC".

    If you stand on a bench in the local park and give a speech something similar may happen. Is it because of all the "weirdos out there"?
    Or is it because you are standing on a bench in the park giving a speech?

    Debatable right?

    What to do next? Call the police? Declare that we will never again give a speech since the locals do not deserve it?

    The reality is that we do things for our own purposes first. Even when we are being generous and altruistic, we do it for ourselves.
    It is a well known yet rather unpopular fact.
    Very true, but I for one would like to think that on a forum such as this one, given that we know to some degree the regular contributors, there would be some attempt to follow the normal social consideration for others. This forum is often said to be a very helpful one. It would be good if that could continue. I find that people who "get upon their soapbox" and sprout their "rigid opinions", make me ignore that point of view. If one has a rigid opinion then maybe they are incapable of seeing any other point of view, which makes them a bad candidate for giving advice. Also maybe the OP would not have decided to leave.


  13. #58
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Far West Wimmera


    I have changed my mind a little.


    If you stand on a bench in the local park and give a speech something similar may happen. Is it because of all the "weirdos out there"?
    Or is it because you are standing on a bench in the park giving a speech?
    is a reference to the post referred to by the OP which started all the trouble, then I disagree with this statement/question. There is a vast difference between standing on a bench in the park giving a speech, and posting on a forum about your experience with using something. A review. Making comparisons in this way often leads to misdirection. I was not aware that the review post submitted by the OP(that started the problem) was in question.

    It is a strange quirk of human nature that when someone decides he has had enough and leaves, eventually the group left will start to deride that person.


  14. #59
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by toolman49 View Post
    G'Day Fellas,
    Over the years I have seen many posters come and go, it is now my time to move on, recently the question was posed "is there a good Chinese caliper", I responded with a (hopefully) even handed warts'n'all review of a mid price caliper, in return I was jumped on by an opinionated bigot who has no idea of my priorities or resources. Asking myself "do I need this" this simple answer is no, so fellas, goodbye and good luck.
    I'm sorry you feel that way mate! The more of us here solving problems and asking questions the better IMO.
    Even good people have bad days and are guilty of being curt on forums (me included). This one seems to be pretty darn civilised.

    I still remember watching my Father ordering books from the states from the catalogues in the back of books... 6 to 8 weeks later....some answers and more questions would arrive in the mail. I'm thankful I have a place to ask some advice!

    Whenever I google a question, it's inevitable I find the answer on one of the million forums out there. All the years of googling questions I have only found two forums I wanted to join. Most have a healthy following of 'clever' trolls.

    If you want to see nasty...check out coffee forums...sheesh!!!

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    No derision intended and I don't know neither of the people involved.
    Just an observation.
    And if you think this is an isolated case you have something else coming. All forums have this occurrences regularly. This forum is probably the one that from all the forums I know has the least.

    Yes, of course your observation is the sensible one, this shouldn't happen, we should be civil, why do this or that. That goes without saying.

    However it is healthy to look at ourselves when something like this happens.
    The person that posts a helpful comment does so because the set of values that govern his character tells him that this is the way to be, that is who he is.
    The person that posts a stiff lipped comment does so because the set of values that govern his character tells him that this is the way to be, that is who he is.
    Both do so for themselves, to conform to who they are, to what both think is of value, each believing that such is the best light they will be seen in by others.
    In general is best not to tell a person this, since he will deny it vigorously. The mechanism by which we operate is not very popular and certainly not politically correct.
    Still it is very helpful if someone can look into it and understand what makes him or her tick.
    “We often contradict an opinion for no other reason
    than that we do not like the tone in which it is expressed.”

    Friedrich Nietzsche

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