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  1. #46
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Kalamunda, WA


    Quote Originally Posted by la Huerta View Post
    other nights it's the bloody drug infested idiots across from me acting like retards till 2am...
    I use to live across from some fresh out of schoolers who use to party till 3 or 4 in the morning. I did not mind except whenn they would decide it was time to go and hang around out front on the road for an hour screaming goodbye to each other - the girls were the worst.

    Not allot I could do about it but I did often lie in bed thinking that the next weekend when all the cars arrived I would go out there earlier in the night and drop a few big black dog nuggets on the ground under each door so they had something to talk about when they got 50 metres down the road on the way home, man you can't escape that kind of smell

    Thing is I never remembered to do it till it was too late.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Burnsy View Post

    I did often lie in bed thinking that the next weekend when all the cars arrived I would go out there earlier in the night and drop a few big black dog nuggets on the ground under each door so they had something to talk about when they got 50 metres down the road on the way home, man you can't escape that kind of smell


  3. #48
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Will this Politician also push for mufflers on Harleys??
    We hae 5 seperate owners who come home from work start them up go round the block a dozen times same on weekends.

    I will admit my neighbour got me riled he was building his garage workshop took 18 months.
    He was still going at 11pm one night and during summer come out at 8.30pm cooler to work right outside out lounge room window using grinders etc just as we were sitting down to relax.
    During the day he was inside sleeping.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Wagga Wagga NSW Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by WillyInBris View Post
    How about we also ban shopping on Sundays as well, I remember the days when family spent time together on a Sunday, not going to the shops but a picnic or beach or something.

    The 24hr economy isn't good for people, if you think back, its seems that we had a lot less problems in this country when it was half day shopping on sat and no shopping on sunday at all.

    As for people not using power tools on a weekend well then move to the country!

    I agree entirely with the ban on sunday shopping, many years ago when hubby was a chamber of commerce president, we tried to stop a large grocery chain from coming to our town, (I have since left that town and that hubby) lol, needless to say it diddnt work, you cant stop progress, and jsut to add I cant stand those niosy darn leaf blowers, I HATE THEM with a vengence, the people who mow our lawns use one, and everytime he starts it up, I want to go out there and put it where the sun dont shine..

    I try not go shopping at all on a Sunday, I agree it should be family time.
    And as for using power tools, I am still on the fence there, I use mine inside on the dinnig table so I hope I am not annoying the neighbours, and hubby dont care what I do, it is my home too.

    As long as I clean up my mess every few weeks lol.
    Cheers Deb.

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    I think reasonable rules are in place that cover most reasonable situations for reasonable people. They don't really need changing. We can only guess why the change was mooted in the first place, but the sense of 'reasonable' is the key.

    Trouble is the reasonable rules don't always cover all situations. It's very reasonable for a well-organised, retired person to run power tools in the mornings, and enjoy a quiet time in the afternoon. However, some people still work and some of those do shift-work, situations which require sleep late in the morning and off to work late afternoon. Again very reasonable.

    So who has the problem when the neighbour turns on the power tools in the morning! Obviously not the reasonable retiree who has the current noise pollution laws on his side. But you wait when that retiree needs to visit a hospital in the evening and the night-shift nurse is a bit grumpy due to lack of sleep, or makes some unfortunate mistakes. How reasonable would he be then?

    In my view, laws only cover the majority of situations. We should all be sensitive to our particular situation and realise we live in a community. Nothing wrong with a bit of compromise to keep the peace. Laws only exist because people can't agree to a compromise themselves.


  6. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Noise

    I am a shift worker, I work 12 and half hour days and nights, 2 weeks in 1 week off, I fly out on my last night shift, takes an hour to get to Perth, I usually kip on the plane, pick up my m/cycle at my nephews and ride 50 klicks home, the plane gets in at 10am and I usually get home around 12:30 or 1pm, by this time I have been awake 18 hours, my knuckles are dragging on the ground and I need sleep. My neighbour's know when I come back and are quite, I stuff ear plugs in as i cant stand the slightest noise. I drift off now when a bike with no muffler roars up and down the road. I AM ANGRY AND MEAN AND NASTY and the first thing that I grab is a lump of pipe sitting outside of my shed then I remember something from way back when I lived in Brisbane and rode in a bike club. I confront this young hoon with red eyes hanging out of my head and my brain wanting to rest. I reach forward quickly when he has no time to react and snip the spark plug lead off neatly with a pair of side cutters then threaten him with the lump of pipe explaining that I have been awake for so long that I dont give flying f***k about his un-registered noisy m/cycle and what I have done to it, go and complain to the police. I understand only too well what noise is about, I live with it being a miner and I understand how much enjoyment the shed can give any man or woman doing stuff in there as I am one too. Its un-necessary noise like un-muffled Harley Riders, buzz boxes with milk can mufflers and the doof doof cars that need to be banned.

    PS Pollies too.

    D D

  7. #52
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Broome West Aussie


    aaaaaahh know that feeling REAL well Dingo Dog!!

    Tryin to get back out there again hopefully soon... anyway my way was slightly different eh... Id come of the nightshift (same time) wait around for the damned plane that sometimes rocked up at 10am sometimes 12 or even 2pm! so by the time the plane leaves site Im about ready to drop and passout... but Ive never been able to sleep or even flamin nap on a plane... so finally we land in Perth and for the next hour you'll find me wandering around like a zombied chook trying to figure out where the hell Id left the damned car finally remember wander over to it and drive the 2 and a half hours home or 4 depending on the damned traffic... more often than not Id zone out by Pinjarra and pull over for a feed an power nap at Waroona... then homeward

    To find the noisey ones were home from school!! ooooooooh god so then of course since Id been gone for 2 friggin weeks theyd want to "DO STUFF DAD!!" so of course as Id not seen them for said 2 friggin weeks we would "DO STUFF" finally Id find the bed by 10pm and fall with a thud under the doona only to be woken by her friggin highness who of course since we hadnt seen each other for 2 weeks wanted to "DO STUFF HONEY!!"... life on the mines eh?

    At least this time when I go back and come home I will waltz into a silent house and be able to... CRASH!!! Sleep for 24 hours then go get the nippers for the week and after a week of nipper dad madness buggar of again!... BLOODY BLISS!!

    Mind you theres a bunch of bloody mongrel open muffler harley riders just up the friggin road now and I tell yer what if they dont PHISS OFF right soon theres gonna be a nice new ubloodybeaut concrete hump suddenly appear 100 mtrs from their friggin drive overnight with 2000 4in nails embedded in it!! FRIGGIN MONGREL BLOODY HARLEYS!! ...damned near drive me insane!... them and the flamin wallies in their bloody no muffler bush bashers!!

    And while Im at it... who told the damned phissant next door that just cause hes got 20 flamin acres that he has some godgiven right to run a herd of MOOOIN grunting friggin cows on it? EH??? Bloody hell ...between the damned cows on one side the friggin chooks and midnight crowing flamin mongrel rooster on the other and the bloody railway that has damned trains that run at all ungodly hours at night at the back corner this place is like living in a blasted megaphone!! NOISEY FRIGGIN JOINT!!

    Yous mob in suburbia have it easy I tell yer! When I get back on another mine Im gonna sell up and buy in suburbia I think just to get some peace and bloody quiet and some sleep

    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    Poor bugger. I hated doing night shift, I think I have done around 18 months of night shift over the years, working 13 hours straight, sometimes 7 days on 3 off, others week on week off. I hated it it and it was even worse when you got home and the neighbour decided to start doing the mowing around 10... so you get back to work that night after 2 hours sleep and you keep going for another 7 days... it seems endless and I am glad its behind me .

    No I just have oncall to deal with

    You can never have enough planes, that is why Mr Stanley invented the 1/2s

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Adelaide Hills


    That's when you wander out in your pyjamas with your willy hanging out. Fastest way to disperse a gathering of young women.

    Quote Originally Posted by Burnsy View Post
    I use to live across from some fresh out of schoolers who use to party till 3 or 4 in the morning. I did not mind except whenn they would decide it was time to go and hang around out front on the road for an hour screaming goodbye to each other - the girls were the worst.
    Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Adelaide, South Awstraylia.


    I have a neighbour that makes woodworking noises until 9:30 - 10 at night and any time during the weekend. Do I complain, hell no. He works a full time job during the week and the only time he gets to woodwork is in the evening and weekends. The neighbour on the other side had a barking dog, did I complain, you bet I did. A barking dog has no purpose and is just lazyness on the part of the owner. I guess what I am trying to say is that for me it is a mind thing, noises don't worry me if they serve a purpose, but noise for the sake of noise, dogs, screaming kids, harleys...???? me to tears
    Try to look unimportant, they may be low on ammo.

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