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  1. #46
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    Hi Michael,

    If he ever comes back you can always say that if cost is a problem then you could make it without the legs or without the doors, maybe a bit smaller even. Would he like you to use cheaper hinges or runners, really not a problem to make it fit your budget.


    BTW: David $6 a head! How do you do it? Do you outsource to India?
    Last edited by prozac; 4th August 2008 at 11:25 PM. Reason: More to say.

  2. #47
    Scribbly Gum's Avatar
    Scribbly Gum is offline When the student is ready, the Teacher will appear
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    Quote Originally Posted by djfoggin View Post
    I work in a totally different field and in our business (catering) our prices are set out for all to see in black and white.

    Over the past month I have being told by prospective clients that my prices are crazy and that they want to negotiate on price ( I haven't put my prices up in two years even though my suppliers prices have doubled and some have tripled. I felt that seeing as everyone is suffering financially that i should swallow these increased costs and not put my prices up.

    Today I quoted on a menu for 700 people at $6 per head (including staff costs), I was told that my price was too high and that I should consider charging $3 per head (including staff) for 3 courses ( starter, 3 meats, 4 salads, spuds and 3 desserts) after spending 4 weeks on quoting for this university I threw in the towel, lost the rag and told them my name was not ronald from scotland and that they couldn't get starter plus all the extra's from him for that price.

    I will always remember my old man saying to me, Son you may never beat them on price, but you can beat them on quality- at thye end of the day if your only willing to pay peanuts for something all you can expect to get are monkeys nuts.

    $3 per head! - morons!
    You can't buy a cup of coffee for that!
    .... some old things are lovely
    Warm still with the life of forgotten men who made them ........................D.H. Lawrence

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