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    Quote Originally Posted by FenceFurniture View Post
    And how much money has been gouged out of the NSW NPWS budget by the Premier? National Parks are nowhere near as important as rebuilding concrete stadia that are just 20-30 years old. (somewhat ironic that the justification for tearing down the Sydney Football Stadium was because of fire risk....)
    Quite a bit, I believe. It's a bit hard to tell, because they've merged/demerged departments, so a department may appear to have more money, but have many more staff to support, with the overall reduction appearing on another department's books. Not sure if that's what's happened with NPWS.
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    At least one of the absolute experts on fire says the more hazard reduction burns are not the answer.
    Victorian fire chief says calls for more fuel reduction burns are an 'emotional load of rubbish' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
    Regards, FenceFurniture

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    Quote Originally Posted by AlexS View Post
    The reason your "record" isn't in the BoM records is because it wasn't recorded in a standard weather station. There are very specific standards for these including, for temperature records, the height of the instruments and the design and colour of the Stevenson screen in which they are housed. If you hold a thermometer out in the sun, you will not record the air temperature, you will record the temperature of the thermometer, which is effected by the radiant heat from the sun. If you hold it low down near a bitumen road you will record the temperature of the road, again, not the air temperature.
    I can assure you that if you take the trouble and pay some money for the time you are wasting, you can go to the original records and compare them to those freely available on the BoM website. In almost every case they will be the same, and where there are differences the reasons, and the method used to make the changes, will be documented.
    All very valid Alex,

    And I concur that the recording of the temperature results should be precise and to a given area.


    1. There must have been very hot years over a substantial area of Sydney and surrounds for at least one major newspaper to have a regular daily competition reporting the ‘HIGH’ temperatures. And yet the BOM figures from multiple weather stations do not report this higher than usual temperature range.

    2. The cracked/damaged pavements around Sydney due to expansion. In my own case, I remember this happening 2-3 times in 2-3 individual years outside my own home. Each time the concrete was repaired with the appropriate expansion joints.
    Of interest, is that you could see underneath the raised concrete path. The foundation bed was coal - my understanding was that coal was used prior to WW1 as bedding for concrete paths. This aligns with the fact that Haberfield was/is a heritage suburb. The path appears to have been the original path from when it was initially laid down.

    It has to be assumed that if the temperatures were reasonably static over the previous ~60 years, there would be evidence of ‘maintenance’ to the path if regular temperatures caused the issues I viewed in the 1960 ‘s.

    It certainly is food for thought!

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    Is this naturally occurring CC?

    Regards, FenceFurniture

    Jan-Feb 2019 Click to send me an email

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    Default We all know this tune....

    Ive posted this cartoon before.... but its so true...

    What I DON'T UNDERSTAND about CCD-ers, is *why*.

    WHY are they so violently opposed. WHY do they seemingly go over the handbars overs something that is obvious? WHY do they see no change, when a 10 year old child can see it?

    Are their brains dysfunctional? Isn't it strange how its the same mental raving mob thats in the Liberal, Ultra right, shouty, religious, rich crowd....

    The arguement is irrelevant. The fixing of it is critical.


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    Quote Originally Posted by woodPixel View Post
    Regards, FenceFurniture

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    That is a very interesting read Ross - thanks for posting. I have subscribed to NASA's newsletter.

    Significant takeaways from that are:
    "Per Rignot et al 2019, Antarctica is losing six times more ice mass annually now than 40 years ago"

    "We know subtle changes in Earth’s orbit around the Sun are responsible for the comings and goings of the past ice ages. But the warming we’ve seen over the last few decades is too rapid to be linked to changes in Earth’s orbit, and too large to be caused by solar activity."

    "...while a grand minimum might cool the planet as much as 0.3 degrees C, this would, at best, slow down (but not reverse) human-caused global warming. There would be a small decline of energy reaching Earth, and just three years of current carbon dioxide concentration growth would make up for it."

    Climate change, yes, we do have climate change, look at the ice ages, they came, went and came again
    From NASA: It is virtually certain that orbital forcing will be unable to trigger widespread glaciation during the next 1,000 years. (snip) Climate models simulate no glacial inception during the next 50,000 years if CO2 concentrations remain above 300 ppm.
    We don't need to plan for 1,000 years, let alone 50,000.....we need to get through the next 100....maybe even the next 10 at the rate things are going currently!

    If the CCDs can quote people with the authority of NASA, or the IPCC with evidence to the contrary then that is worth reading and observing. The opinions of the likes of Alan Jones, Chris Kenny, Andrew Bolt, and the biggest climate eggspurt of them all - Murdoch - mean absolutely nothing. That bunch are just cashing in on the prevailing mood of the naysayers - after all, if they didn't have something to beat up and moan about, what would be the point of Sky After Fark?
    Regards, FenceFurniture

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    Quote Originally Posted by FenceFurniture View Post
    At least one of the absolute experts on fire says the more hazard reduction burns are not the answer.
    Victorian fire chief says calls for more fuel reduction burns are an 'emotional load of rubbish' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
    According to him and there are always other views NSW fires: Hunter Valley property owners say indigenous cultural burning saved their property

    If anyone lives in a bushfire prone area they either accept the risk or they should move. My backyard is The Royal National Park boundary and the many forum members who have been to my place will tell you how it is situated on the top of a gully. The other day someone asked what was our plan, I responded with grab what is not insured and run which is exactly what we did in 2000 when this town was evacuated. I have been in some big fires and anyone who is delusional enough to think they can put a big fire out is snorting some good stuff. There is no way to describe the experience to anyone, it just is not possible. I left the firies after a fire went over the top of the truck sometime before the 2000 fire and have no desire to go back.

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    It's finally raining properly here right now, but there's also a fair bit of loud and bright lightning.

    Regards, FenceFurniture

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    My take on burn offs is most probably a bit different to other peoples. The burn offs are too big in height and get into the tree foliage, the foliage dies back and then drops onto the ground and the debris fuel load is made bigger when the next big wind goes through creating a bigger problem. What they should do is then repeat in the same area at a very low height some months later to get rid of that debris covering but in reality the whole of Oz needs to be burnt and that ain't gonna happen. When we had a fire that went into the National Park we were supposed to ring them and they would respond and put it out. Quite often we couldn't find a phone to ring up from and the two way radio didn't work either.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Parks View Post
    Yes but he's not saying that hazard reduction doesn't work - just not the only thing in the mix. I have no doubt that experienced Black Fellas know exactly what they are doing. Just another reason why we need their culture to survive and thrive.
    Regards, FenceFurniture

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    I've recently decided that I don't believe in cancer.


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    Last week, Mrs fletty and I were trapped on the fire devastated NSW South Coast. We were evacuated a number of times as a trip back via Canberra or the Snowy Mountains was blocked by fires and the trip north on the coast went through some terrible scenes. We luckily were self sufficient for food and water as we didn’t want to use anything that was needed by displaced locals and we slept in the car. Now, my memory of sleeping in the car a few decades ago is a memory of romance and excitement but the current reality is one of rolling out of the car in the early hours of daylight and wandering around for an hour or so looking like the hunchback of Notre Dame until my skeleton could straighten up again. I spent some time in the evacuation centres hoping to get reliable information because, with power gone, mobile phones and the web soon followed. We had the car radio but the ABC’s far south coast radio station, which is the emergency station, appeared to have burnt out. In these evacuation centres I constantly heard locals, who have suffered more than I can even imagine, talking about how these fires behaved differently to any they had encountered before and the general consensus was that these fires FIRST travelled along the ground not through the tree tops and that they were then exposed to the likelihood of a second wave travelling through the crowns.
    My photos ( and only the less confronting ones are included here) showed the crowns relatively intact but the ground line utterly devastated.....

    94AB6640-998E-436C-8D36-77D8C06A1CE8.jpeg A8142003-696A-4632-A2FC-79491437E78C.jpg

    ........ and so it easy to see why the locals, and especially the experienced ones, believe that lack of back burning is the most significant culprit to enable such an historic drought to turn to fire devastation.
    a rock is an obsolete tool ......... until you don’t have a hammer!

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