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  1. #46
    Join Date
    Nov 2019


    Hey Ian,

    Sorry, COVID struck me down like a cockroach, but I had been meaning to reply.
    I really like that front vise arrangement of guidebars! Very Very interesting indeed!

    I always find it great to see how something that appears so simple on the surface, is actually far more complicated and has had a clear and skillful amount of thought put into it. Good stuff!

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Brisbane (western suburbs)


    Quote Originally Posted by Siggykc View Post
    ....... I always find it great to see how something that appears so simple on the surface, is actually far more complicated and has had a clear and skillful amount of thought put into it. Good stuff!
    Siggy, I certainly put some thought into my front vise, it took me a while to figure out how to get it all together accurately enough to work smoothly with the rather primitive gear I had at the time! But I can't claim originality for the design because I plagiarised it from somewhere. I can't remember where I saw the original, it might've been in a very early FWW - they used to feature a lot more home-built stuff back in the early days.

    The one on my main bench is illustrated way back there in the thread, but here it is to save flipping back:
    Front vise red.jpg

    It cost me very little to make & worked better than I'd hoped & has continued to work smoothly for close to 40 years. It suits my purposes better than a bought one:
    Saw vise 2.jpg chair seat in front vise.jpg

    So the effort I put into it has definitely been repaid ....


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