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View Poll Results: should anzac day be a holiday.

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  • yes

    27 69.23%
  • no

    7 17.95%
  • rats ring

    5 12.82%
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  1. #46
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    I bet they are too.
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    back in Alberta for a while


    Quote Originally Posted by silentC View Post
    Emotive claptrap, Doorstop. Why doesn't it surprise me that you would go off half-cocked?

    So you'll be going to work on Monday the 26th next year will you?

    Wood Borer has hit the nail on the head.
    I'm really disappointed in you Silent, I had expected a better from you

    to repost part of my earlier post
    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    As long as I can remember, ANZAC day itself has been the gazetted public holiday.
    Only when ANZAC day fell on Sunday was Monday the public holiday and the day used for the ANZAC Day parade – the reason being that you were supposed to go to church on Sunday and not get blotto after marching with your old mates


  3. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Hunter Valley


    It seems that this thread has now become a "Boss vs Workers" debate rather than a reasoned argument as to whether ANZAC Day should have an accompanying day off when it falls on a Saturday, so I'm happy to join in.
    As I tell all my politically motivated mates,
    No bosses, no workers, and, no workers, no bosses.
    In other words, we need each other, so, for Gawd's sake, give it a bloody rest.
    On April 25th 1915, Australians and Kiwis, UNDER THE COMMAND OF THE POMMIES, were sent ashore against the Turks, and got shot to the
    We remember the guts and determination, not the folly of war, and I,for one, couldn't give a tinkers cuss if we have an extra day off or not.
    And, thanks for the quote from Kemal Attaturk,unattributed in a previous post.
    If the enemy commander could show such respect, surely it behoves is to do so too, and withouit the rancour.

  4. #49
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    Aug 2003


    I'm as in awe of what those men and women did as anyone. I have a bit of an interest in the two great wars from an historical perspective. I've read books about them. I can empathise with how people felt about leaving their loved ones, or seeing them sail away, maybe never to return. I get it, OK? Like I said, I don't need a special day to be appreciative of what they did. God forbid that I ever have to see my son or daughter do it. I'm probably too old now to have to ever do it myself.

    Nobody is questioning the validity of the day. The debate is about whether we should have a public holiday that everyone can benefit from to mark the occasion. I agree with Wood Borer's stance on it. I think we should have a set number of public holidays and they should fall on a weekday.

    People can call me un-Australian or whatever they like, it really doesn't bother me, because I know how I feel about it and their opinion doesn't matter to me. All it says to me is that they have completely missed the point.

    My question stands: will those who say we don't need a day off to mark ANZAC day be going to work on Monday 26th next year?
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Armidale NSW


    What I find offensive is that people would use the memory of the ANZACs (or call someone unaustralian or disgusting or whatever) to belittle them just because they would like a public holiday.

    No one has said the we shouldn't celebrate/remember the ANZACs on ANZAC day, all they are saying is that they want the public holiday.

    I want a public holiday.

    Bite off more than you can chew and then chew like crazy.

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Minbun, FNQ, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Lignin View Post
    ...No bosses, no workers, and, no workers, no bosses.....
    Yes but... when I had employees I put in a LOT more hours that they did that is for sure.... workers... puh!
    If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Tolmie - Victoria


    Courageous acts, blood and guts determination, sacrifices are recognised. Let's not kid ourselves though, I doubt if anyone can wholly appreciate the efforts of those we commerate on ANZAC day unless we were there.

    To hijack the day to push your own political agenda or to seal an argument to me is worse than ignoring the day. There are many groups who greedily use this tactic.

    People who fought and those who fought and died had a wide range of political views, religious views and all sorts of other views. They were not all old fuddy duddy hetrosexual right winged Christian monarchists who condenmed unions and workers rights. No matter what their views or preferences, their actions were all equally commendable.

    Just because a member of a group or a political party commemorates this day doesn't mean we all have to vote for their party or agree with their views for fear of being un-Australian. Those sorts of people upset me greatly and I feel should be publicly disgraced and removed from office for such a low and disgusting act.

    I personally don't attend services on ANZAC however it doesn't in any way mean that I don't respect the actions of my grandfather, my father or my uncles who between them fought for Australia in the trenches of France during WWI and in Europe, the Pacific and Darwin during WWII. We all commerate the day in own way.

    The one who paid the ultimate sacrifice after being shot down over Germany I have learnt was a fun loving practical joker who enjoyed a beer and a fair go for all. Like many of his mates, he wasn't some boring straight laced conservative - he was there to do what he thought was the right thing and to have a bit of fun at the same time. This he achieved but unfortunately didn't make it home.

    I'll have a beer and tell a few jokes for my Uncle Bill, my other uncles, my grandfather and my father on ANZAC day rather than be forbidden from wearing their medals publicly and lectured by some loud mouthed pompous lunatic with tear jerker military music being played in the background.
    - Wood Borer

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    sorry guys, i'm one of those workers who in the past has had to work a sunday just so i can have the monday off so i can go to the dawn service and spend the morning at the local RSL. i have my 2 beers a sit down brecky, and have a couple of yarns with all walks of life. i then go home by 10am (i am not a gambler,but i have nothing against it) then i strike up my victor and quickly do the front lawn. then the kids and wife come with me and we go conoeing or bike rideing or bushwalking as a family. i would like to add at this point that i will be doing that again this year (at logan in Queensland, we travel to different places each year.) i dont need a public holiday gassetted to me by govenment to enjoy a day that these blokes just did their job for. and as a result of their hard work we in principal have what most consider a free country. i have no reletive that i know that went over and faught, i just think WOW!! WHAT AN EXTRODONARY JOB THEY DID. i wonder if anyone here knows about the renumeration that these guys and the spouses got for doing that job. i do know a little about it because at ANZAC breackfest i bother to go and chat with these guys and have done so since i was 18 . if anyone knew the true answer to this then i think they would be ashamed of themselves entering into an argument like this. i was very interrested to hear someone talk about rememberance are so right that it saddened me to think it is so overlooked and at the age of 41 i have never looked at its meaning to be compared with anzac i dont want a public holiday on that day... i just think it is sad how it doesn't seem as an important day to many. thank you for pointing this out i never thought i would learn more about my own spirtual belifes on a wood working forum. i'll step off my soap box and as i do let me tell you all something...this saturday i will bow my head and give thanks LEAST WE FORGET. then its family time.
    glen boulton

  9. #54
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    Hunter Valley


    OK Cliff,Been there and done that too, and also had to provide after hours and emergency cover.(Until recently, a condition of my registration)
    Amazing how many animals get crook after hours, and how much people resent being charged a premium for the service.
    (Note I said "Charged"---my greatest occurrence of bad debtors was those who neede me out of hours!!)

  10. #55
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    Aug 2003


    i'm one of those workers who in the past has had to work a sunday just so i can have the monday off
    i dont need a public holiday gassetted to me by govenment to enjoy a day
    Sounds like you do, actually.
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Armidale NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by glen boulton View Post
    if anyone knew the true answer to this then i think they would be ashamed of themselves entering into an argument like this.
    Hi Glen,
    Do you know the true answer to your question? and if so, do you feel ashamed of yourself for entering this argument?

    There seems to be a presumption/assertion that if you want a public holiday, you are somehow knowingly disrespecting the ANZACs??? I wonder how many of them (the ANZACs that is) would have said no to a public holiday.

    Bite off more than you can chew and then chew like crazy.

  12. #57
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    Aug 2003


    That's what I mean about the emotive clap trap. It's an attempt to guilt you out of the viewpoint by suggesting that wanting or expecting a public holiday is some how offensive to the memory of the ANZACs. It's bollocks. What I don't understand is why. It makes no difference to how people will commemorate ANZAC day. As far as I'm concerned, this is an industrial relations issue plain and simple.

    Maybe someone could explain why they think a public holiday would actually be detrimental? Help us understand your viewpoint logically instead of trying to make us feel ashamed.
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    you are prety hard core silent i'll give you that...but sadly i think you missed the point...both mine and the nature of the i'm not going to hy-light anything you said.... just be thankfull that we didn't end up with a majority red flag...the point i was making is it makes no differance to me as it is celibrated on the day it falls..except the day we go to church...and as i'm not religious if we did it on sunday and didn't have monday off...then i would be ok with that too. i can appretiate the fact that you as an employee want a day off paid by your employer. i just wish the gassetted pubic holidays forced on us by government were paid by government so the employer doesnt have to increse his hourly rate to cater for public holidays, parternal days, sick days, anual leave days, carerer days, my granmother is sick day, the neibours dog attacked our cat last night days, i have to register my car days, i think i have food poisioning days, the party or concert was so big last night that if i did come in i would be hopless at work so i'm doing you a favour days, belive me i can go on for hours on this subject as i have had over 15 employees for the last 10 years... all this is not the argument i gladly gave all my guys and girls a day off whenever and this caused a few heated arguments with my construction manager and i. the problem is tring to remain competitive in the market... i know for a fact that a few of my guys have said that they wished that they had gone to work instead after pulling a stunt. and later reilising that we have lost a contract because of our hourly rate was not able to be competitive. every thing we do effects our hourly rate and this is why the employer is in that office for 85 plus hours a week. he is tring to make ends meet and keep guys employed. you will just have to take my word for it...its not as easy as it looks being the boss. let me tell you when it all goes bad.....the worst that will happen to you is you loose your job..i wish i could say the same.. so yes i'm not against them, i just wish i didn't have to fund them. and i am not going to lobby for more of them. my personal opinion is i belive we have more than our fair share of them. i understand you persepective absolutly "you feel let down by nsw government that we didnt get a holiday paid by your employer" and that is a terrible shame. the last thing we need is anyone feeling bad about not getting a day off. i will just go with the discion of the day on this one though. i wonder if you can see a little of my side. do your self a favour go to dawn service and then go to the rsl... take a look from the outside of the box.. its a shame you missed the opertunity to ask those questions i mentioned. they got not on minute off in any campain. this is somthing we here (thankfully) will never be able to compehend...not even a little. a baby criing in the doctors waiting room anoyes me. god can you even think what the screams would be like in those close quarters of a trench... and to think the government asked you to work a monday THOSE SADISTIC MONGRELS i going to have to stop now . i think i jumped on the meat ants nest enough. i hope everyone enjoys their family time on anzac day weather your an employee or an employer i think the world of both of these worlds
    glen boulton

  14. #59
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia


    the worst that will happen to you is you loose your job.
    and you find out that the employer doesn't pay your last paycheck, and loadings.......and then also find out that the employer never paid your taxes......and then the tax office gets up you....

    and this is not just small dodgy business owners, this is big business as well. it happens more often than you think.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Without reading it all, as it's a bit hard without any line breaks I think I get the gist of your post and you're still labouring under the misapprehension that my viewpoint on the public holiday some how makes me incapable of appreciating the day for what it is. For some reason, I am able to separate the two issues in my head, not sure why, must be just the way the old noodle works.

    Your argument seems to be that public holidays in general are an issue for employers. So it goes well beyond this one day in one year out of many. Doesn't seem to relate to the current debate to me, as it's a general rant about public holidays and leave in general.

    PS not sure what you mean by 'hard core'. Not a phrase I would use to describe myself in any case.
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

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