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5th September 2017, 11:23 AM #46
5th September 2017, 11:47 AM #47
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5th September 2017, 12:38 PM #48
5th September 2017, 08:39 PM #49
Report for last night meeting of three.
Lots of discussion about why Bob hates iPhones.
Mick showed me some pics of his lovely tool holding thingy for his lathe.
Sally had a pot of beer.
I pretended I knew what Bob and Mick we're talking about regarding camera stuff.
Cheers Matt
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doug3030 liked this post
5th September 2017, 09:44 PM #50
Upon arrival I spied Matt and Sally, but being hungry I took off for a seniors meal, great price, nice and small. The welcome surprise was the no salt on the chips and the crispiness of the beer battered fish, washed down with apple juice made me ready for the evening.
I must admit, I didn't expect to find some robust discussion on the plusses and minuses of the iPhone 7. Today I had the pleasure of speaking with and seeing just how the iPhone 7 camera system works, by an owner who is more than well versed in how it can be manipulated. He is a master of how that camera system works in still and movie modes. Some safety film clips that he recorded for our induction courses on using machinery in our Men's Shed looked as though they were shot on an electronic dedicated movie camera. His still images are more than excellent, they are superb.
The iPhone 7 Plus, lets you shoot images at 2x magnification with its 56mm-equivalent lens. Is exactly what I was told by the iPhone 7 Plus owner, who promptly proceeded to demonstrate said features. The iPhone 7 Plus 56mm lens and whether it had a genuine 56mm lens or an equivalent 56mm lens was discussed ad nauseam; hence my detective work today to establish whether or not it had a genuine 56mm lens, or whether it had an equivalent 56mm lens. This camera lens information is also reasonably widely available for anyone who does some diligent research.
For the record, the iPhone 7 Plus has an equivalent 56mm lens.
On to matters wood, I discussed how I was getting ever deeper into wood turning, enjoying it immensely.
Some discussion was then held with regard to the upcoming Nikon D850 camera body, mention was made about it's ability to become a film scanner with a 1:1 macro lens (read Micro Nikkor).
Matt showed some pictures of wooden tools he had recently made for beating things, some discussion about their suitability and what he envisaged doing with said tools was quite interesting.
At this stage some drinks were ordered; hot chocolate is not a strength of the Box Hill RSL.
Sally discussed more matters wood and mentioned a gathering on a weekend. I'll let her and Matt elaborate on that.
More matters photographic were discussed.
Time for me to leave.
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6th September 2017, 09:50 AM #51Um I think I'm struggling with basic life issues again ie calendars
Surely that "Ubeaut" camera, phone, computer, whatever has a calenender and I thought 'Siri" would whisper in your ear and tell you what day is as and what you are expected to do that day
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6th September 2017, 01:18 PM #52
6th September 2017, 04:20 PM #53
Ok I've spoken with higher beings
So this month if there's interest we can do another Box Hill GTG.
Monday 25 of September 7 ish start time.
If Doug and Bob could check to make sure I haven't made an of my self I would appreciate it.
Cheers Matt
6th September 2017, 05:21 PM #54
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6th September 2017, 05:59 PM #55
6th September 2017, 06:10 PM #56
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11th September 2017, 09:21 PM #57
Monday 25 September BOX HILL RSL CLUB 7 ish start time.
Pagie I pm you to remind you
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justonething thanked for this post
12th September 2017, 09:54 AM #58
Thankyou I will be there, I hope.
I am learning, slowley.
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12th September 2017, 01:20 PM #59
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18th September 2017, 08:30 PM #60
I think I got the date wrong. But I had a meeting of one.