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  1. #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Yes Blackwood will work, their even was an Australian maker of Traditional European Coffin Smoothing and Jack Planes who made his planes from Blackwood. I am not sure what period he was from but I am sure a true tool collector would know the guy. I saw a photo of the Blackwood planes online but it was many years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pagie View Post
    The taper for my blade please. Would blackwood be any good for plane bodies?

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by thumbsucker View Post
    Yes Blackwood will work, their even was an Australian maker of Traditional European Coffin Smoothing and Jack Planes who made his planes from Blackwood. I am not sure what period he was from but I am sure a true tool collector would know the guy. I saw a photo of the Blackwood planes online but it was many years ago.
    that would be E Kennedy, a Melbourne Maker. Early 1900s
    HTPAA :: Kennedy Planes

    a couple of other species to consider. Red Ironbark, the Melbourne Chinese plane-makers of the late 1800s, Spotted gum would be my choice is slippery to the touch.
    Made one a while ago in a hard acacia of some sort, it was sold to me as 'Hickory wattle"


  3. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Chisel Handels

    Hello All

    Those have ordered Firmer and Paring Chisels as part of this batch order.

    We need to discuss handle shapes and timber selection. I PM'ed those blokes who ordered firmer chisels, asking for their comments, this is what we have so far:

    I am not too fussed about the handle design. A little longer would suit me
    sheoak for firmer & paring chisel handles, I like the H&S style, ferule would be good on the firmers.
    ferrules and the Sheok sounds good. I will be hitting them.
    Harry R
    I like the handle design from your 11 April post in the M2 HSS Firmer Chisel Batch
    This is the design we originally proposed and what Harry R refers too.

    Regarding the paring chisel we could just dome the end so it fits comfortable into the palm of the hand?

    Timber Selection

    If you are part of the Paring of Firmer Chisel Order and you have asked for handles below is what I have you down for. Now The Native Olive and The Qld Maple I have and I have spares of the QLD Maple. I still need to buy the W.A. She Oak from dusteater, who is selling me a set of 8 blanks for $15 plus postage. If you are down for W.A. SheOak and want to swap to QLD Maple please post as it will save me from buy extras. At the moment we need 96 handles for the firmer chisels AND 84 paring chisel handles.

    Paring Chisels Timber Selected

    Member Name
    Max (ANU) N/A
    Old Gunnie N/A
    Polie N/A
    Ray153 N/A
    TermiMonster N/A
    brontehls Native Olive
    Javali Native Olive
    jbarch Native Olive
    JT Native Olive
    Ivorbigdeck Qld Maple
    GreenTemple Qld Maple
    Acer Qld Maple
    bsrlee Qld Maple
    HarryR Qld Maple
    Kevjed Qld Maple
    Christos W.A. Sheoak
    gnu52 W.A. Sheoak
    xpearler W.A. Sheoak
    guyc45 (USA) W.A. Sheoak
    ww417 (USA) W.A. Sheoak

    Firmer Chisels Timber Selected

    Bushmiller N/A
    Glenlara N/A
    Old Gunnie N/A
    Polie N/A
    rat52 N/A
    chambezio N/A
    Christos W.A. Sheoak
    Gnu52 W.A. Sheoak
    Harry R W.A. Sheoak
    Horaldic W.A. Sheoak
    ivorbigdeck W.A. Sheoak
    javali W.A. Sheoak
    Kapex W.A. Sheoak
    TermiMonster W.A. Sheoak
    zvon W.A. Sheoak
    TruckieMuzz W.A. Sheoak
    XPearler W.A. Sheoak

    Confirm Your Order

    Have a look at the images below taken from the
    spreadsheet. If you order is INCORRECT send me a PM and I will make correction, OR you want to change your timber selection QLD Maple.

    Screen Shot 2012-11-25 at 9.29.39 PM.pngScreen Shot 2012-11-25 at 9.29.47 PM.png

    Calling All Turners

    Last time we had handles turned the bloke was a commercial turner and while his work was consistent and accurate his care and attention was lacking. With most of the handles needing lots of post sanding. I am considering asking if someone on forum would interested in doing the job. Someone who understand what woodworkers demand. A commercial mob would charge us $4 per
    handle, for 171 handles that comes to $684. That is what we budgeted for at the moment. IF you know anyone who be interested in taking on this job for the specified sum of money, PM me with details.

    Please contribute you comments as we will be starting the manufacturing of the handles asap. So this will be you last chance to contribute.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    moonbi nsw Aus

    Default Confirmation in Responce to PM

    Hi Helmut,
    Just to bring us both up to the same level....I will not require any handles as I want to make my own. If you could supply the ferrules with the Chisels, that would be good
    Just do it!

    Kind regards Rod

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2006



    Quote Originally Posted by chambezio View Post
    Hi Helmut,
    Just to bring us both up to the same level....I will not require any handles as I want to make my own. If you could supply the ferrules with the Chisels, that would be good

  6. #51
    Join Date
    May 2007
    North of the coathanger, Sydney


    Try Tea Lady, she might be interested.
    veni, vidi,
    Without wood it's just ...

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Thanks I have sent her a PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sawdust Maker View Post
    Try Tea Lady, she might be interested.

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by thumbsucker View Post
    Last time we had handles turned the bloke was a commercial turner and while his work was consistent and accurate his care and attention was lacking. With most of the handles needing lots of post sanding. I am considering asking if someone on forum would interested in doing the job. Someone who understand what woodworkers demand. A commercial mob would charge us $4 per handle, for 180 handles that comes to $720. That is what we budgeted for at the moment. IF you know anyone who be interested in taking on this job for the specified sum of money, PM me with details.

    Please contribute you comments as we will be starting the manufacturing of the handles asap. So this will be you last chance to contribute.

    At $4 a piece you would expect the handles to need a lot of post sanding. :S Also there are 2 ferrels on each handle that need to be well fitted to that you can hit them in anger. And what sort of finish and all that. And little leather bits? Do you want those?

    But I would be interested in doing them.

    One little suggestion for the handle design, I like a little step in the handle. It makes it easier to push. Here is a pic of one I did a while ago, and the chisel I kinda copied.
    chiselsnov2012 009cs.jpg
    ea Lady

    (White with none)
    Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I will try to outline the Handle Turning job in nauseating detail, so forgive me in advance.

    The timber is supplied the species are:

    • Native Tasmanian Olive
    • QLD Maple
    • W.A. Sheoak
    • European Olive

    The timber has already been cut into ruffly (42 to 45) mm x (42 to 45) mm x 200 mm for you.

    The total number of handles are 171 (Could be reviewed).

    • Qld Maple - 32 blanks Paring Chisels
    • Native Olive - 15 blanks Paring Chisels
    • W.A. Sheoak - 45 Paring Chisels
    • W.A Sheoak - 79 Firmer Chisels

    All you would need to do is:

    • Drill a 55 mm deep hole on one end (4 mm diameter for paring style handle and 6 mm diameter for the firmer style), this is the end that the tang will enter. It is critical that this hole is straight as a skew hole, will mean a skew chisel.
    • All handles are visually identical. The design is set, and is based on the Harold & Saxon shape which is wildly popular (Note the crisp line of the H&S, it's not bulbous, rather it runs in a straight line from the socket, at its apex it has a sharp corner and then it tapers to the back again in a sharp straight line). This is all about standardisation, repetition and production. There is no place for artistic licence.
    • That the handle profile flows cleanly from and to the brass socket profile. Crisp lines, showing a modernist intent, think the German Pavilion by Mies van der Rohe, 1929 Barcelona Exposition, Spain.
    • Sanded to 400 grit would be ideal but 240 will suffice as long no deep sanding marks on the handle as the last guy did.

    A single socket and a ferrule will be provided that you can reference the fit.

    However there is NO need to do any of the following - As the blokes will do this when they get the components that form the chisel kit:

    • Assemble the chisel
    • Pare out the mortice for the tang
    • Apply any finish to the handle


    The sockets is tapered on the inside, so the fit will be a friction fit, the tang will also interlock the whole setup. Here is drawing of the socket, the chisel and tang interconnect.

    The ferrule should be a tight fit. It should jam as the end of the wooden handle is compressed and expands, locking the ferrule into place.

    You will have about a month to finish the handles for the firmer chisels, and then up to 2 months after that to finish the paring chisels handles. This should line up with RayG surface grinding. Having said that the commercial turner turned twice as many handles in less then 5 days.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Plane Blades and Chisels ( A progress report )

    Helmut, you have my order right, 8 x 150's in paring chisels with no handles.


    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Perhaps it is not my place to comment as Ihave requested my chisels to be unhandled, but that sort of tedious technicality has never silenced me in the past. Turning of tool handles is my only lathe turning activity and while I am mediocre at it, I enjoy this aspect.

    It seems that from Helmut's comments we paid $4 per handle last time, which I am thinking would be around four years ago. On top of that the job was less than satifactory in terms of finish.

    How realistic is it to expect a better job (more refined) for the same cost four years later? If a forum member, be it Tea-Lady or anybody else, is good enough to commit to the work, should we ask them for a more refined product for the same money?

    If the plane blades are anything to judge the chisels by, they will be exceptional and up there with the best chisels available anywhere in the world today. Not only that they will be approaching unique and as such a valuable commodity and certainly highly desireable.

    RayG and Josh have, to my mind, boxed well above their weights in producing the blades to such a high standard. Those who have received plane blades have already attested to this and I am confident that the chisels will receive the same glowing acolades.

    I am throwing this discussion out to those of you who have opted to have a handle supplied with the chisel. I know that some of the costs have blown out during the production process and additional costs have been requested. Most of us have paid these willingly as it has been caused by circumstances beyond control.

    I also happen to believe it adds to the kinship of the forum to have as many tasks as possible completed within our membership. It is a bond set in timber .


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Paul fair comments. Tea Lady and and I will discuss the details, if blokes want to push up the cost, and if Tea Lady and want it. Then so shall it be.

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by thumbsucker View Post
    Paul fair comments. Tea Lady and and I will discuss the details, if blokes want to push up the cost, and if Tea Lady and want it. Then so shall it be.
    Discussion and consultation are the way. Excellent .


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Melbourne, Australia


    In reply to the PMs regarding firmer chisels, my order is correct.

    I'll be striking my chisels so I'll need ferrules.

    In relation to shape, I dislike the shape of LN handles, it causes my hands to cramp.

    A shape closer to the Harold and Saxon one would suit me, with a subtle "belly" to it.

    I have Ashley Isles chisels with a similar shape and they are great in terms of comfort.


  15. #60
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    You say the timber has been cut "roughly" to 42- 45 mm. How square as this influences how square we can drill the holes.
    ea Lady

    (White with none)
    Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.

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