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Thread: Censorship on this Forum
24th September 2005, 08:27 PM #46
Originally Posted by echnidna
24th September 2005, 08:35 PM #47
Originally Posted by Grunt
Thanks for clearing that up Grunt . I understand now .
24th September 2005, 08:55 PM #48
Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.
24th September 2005, 09:31 PM #49
Originally Posted by Sturdee
I tried to give you a greenie for this but I couldn't. However, let me say that I agree with you completely. I'm happy with the way applies the axe. He has chopped me a couple of times. I've never felt aggrieved about it.
ColDriver of the Forums
Lord of the Manor of Upper Legover
25th September 2005, 04:14 AM #50
Originally Posted by Driver
Thanks Col,
At first I was going to refrain from commenting for I believe that and the other moderators, both Shane and Stuart, are very fair and evenhanded in their moderating.
They neither fear or favour anyone. If you exceed the limits they will moderate on your wording, and that IMO is not censoring, of your post.
BTW I believe that even Neil has had one of his posts mederated. :eek: So it can happen to anyone.
25th September 2005, 06:56 AM #51
pardon my Ignorance
Originally Posted by Grunt
we have a 14 yr old foster daughter who used to have every second word as a Wude one who in 3 mths has grown out of this stupidity .... so if we can re train her everyone else has a hope of growing out of the language as well have a lovely day im off to work ... at 6am cya jules
25th September 2005, 06:35 PM #52
This is a very pleasant board to visit and I for one would like to see it that way. There is no need for swearing or other offensive behaviour .. plenty of that elsewhere on the net for those wishing to indulge.
My full support to the moderators.
25th September 2005, 07:03 PM #53
Favourite Movie - has only one swearword - The Saint.
One of my most memorable moments with my Dad (who, by the way, doesn't swear) - Yep, the one time he swore and I've never forgotten the impact it had on me.
If my kids swore at me, they'd be blowing soap bubbles for a week.
I'm no angel, but I am careful and considerate of my language around others, including all of you, my fellow forum members.
The best example of what not to be like:
I have to listen to the neighbours over the backfence, swearing at their kids and each other *Every*Single*Day! *Every*Hour* they are home and not asleep. Let's just say every common swear word gets a workout in the same breath.
Anyway, I appreciate the forum without the swearwords. If they are actually needed, I prefer #@*&^$@*& instead.
25th September 2005, 08:58 PM #54
Originally Posted by rufflyrustic
Hear!...Hear!...must agree, makes the place a little more pleasant the the eye and mind!..
Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
25th September 2005, 10:08 PM #55
I seem to be in the minority, one lonely voice in the wilderness. Graceful in defeat, I bow to the overwhelming verdict.
Can't help but note that there do seem to be a great number of logical inconsistencies in the rationale advanced by the conservative side (99.68% - the worm splatted against the ceiling and stayed there)
Anyway, as I said when I posed this question, I have gained far more, from the Forum, than I contribute, so not another word on this topic, 4 letters or not.
As said, 'like it or lump it'. I shall ******* lump it! (that's 7 letters).Bodgy
"Is it not enough simply to be able to appreciate the beauty of the garden without it being necessary to believe that there are faeries at the bottom of it? " Douglas Adams
25th September 2005, 11:43 PM #56
before you go bodgy have a look at this peice of censorship
this is a classic in the over censorship of the T word
26th September 2005, 12:53 AM #57
I like Daddles' reply on the origins of "blue" language, even the time setting Norman V Saxon reminds me of the old Monty Python line "suppression of expression is repression, help help I'm being repressed"
Bruce C.
catchy catchphrase needed here, apply in writing to the above .
26th September 2005, 10:30 AM #58
I don't like swearing and can see no point of doing so.
26th September 2005, 10:38 AM #59
Originally Posted by doug the slug
Regarding Daddles bit on the origins of the words and repression thereof, the moral majority held sway during the reign of Victoria, when most of Britain's Empire was gained and/or consolidated. Hence it's these ex colonies who get all tishy about these old words. Victoria married Albert, who was a Lutheran (pretty strict and prudish). Their son was an absolute drunken slob and a lecher, a great disappointment. It was probably a reaction to the boy which pushed Viccy, with Alberts encouragement to new heights of prudery and sexual denial.Bodgy
"Is it not enough simply to be able to appreciate the beauty of the garden without it being necessary to believe that there are faeries at the bottom of it? " Douglas Adams
26th September 2005, 11:54 AM #60
I like the way the forum is at present. There is enough descriptive language around at present, without adding it to the forum.
I mean, when you hit your finger with the hammer, suffer from kickback, take too much wood off the cut, stuff up a perfectly good piece (you spent hours finding) of timber, trying to sand your fingerprints off, just seeing how sharp that blade really is.
Let's leave those words where they belong - in the shop
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