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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt88s View Post
    Scratch that, I am getting a motorcycle.

    Problem 1. Family and friends.

    So I happen to drop that I was wanting to get a motorcycle and now everyone is treating me like I'm crazy. They seem convinced that I'd be roadkill the second I hit the road on one. As much as I appreciate their concern, I don't see it happening.

    My view is that yes, it is more dangerous than driving a car, but if you pay attention, wear safety gear, and have a good understanding of the fact that everyone else on the road wants you dead whether they know it or not, then you should be fine.

    They don't seem to agree with me and have went so far as to threaten the life of my future motorcycle.

    So what do you guys think? Am I as mental as they think? Are cycles really such death traps?

    And if not then how do I acclimate them to the idea?

    I'm really surprised by the strength of their reaction, they are really against it. I really don't think I should get a bike until they've adjusted some.

    (note, my mother works at a major hospital and fields several motorcycle accidents a week so thats kind of prejudiced her against them a bit)
    hi there, there is nothing wrong with getting a bike, but it`s the assholes you meet on the road (i.e.) a lorry. look at me now?

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    I'm sorry Jemmy, I really am. People are such louts, can't be bothered to watch out for others, what do they care, not like they're be hurt when their in a lorry. Bloody buggers. Reminds me of something a young ignorant fool once said after hitting two cars head on in his huge Dodge pickup truck and putting four people in the hospital after they'd been removed with the jaws of life. After hopping out without a scratch on him he said in his defence, "its a truck ya know, it doesn't handle like a car so when I had to swerve..."

    He swerved because the person in front of him brake checked him. The person in front brake checked him because he had been bullying them and riding their bumper trying to get them to go faster.

    Everyone, sorry, I did not mean to start and then drop this thread. We've actually been out of power, terrible ice store came though here, we were out of power for the last couple days, terrible tree damage. 27+ deaths. Something like 5-600,000 out of power.

    Family is still violently opposed to me getting a bike. I'm really torn here. I don't want to hurt my family, nor make them do anything that would hurt family relations, but I feel very strongly about getting a bike. It's a mess. I think I'm going to go crazy. Can't live with them, can't live without them.
    Wood. Such a wonderful substance.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Conder, ACT


    Don't think you would want to be on a bike in that weather.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    are they your own pics Matt?

    Looks pretty awesome, though I guess the consequences of such a wild event are no fun.
    I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
    Albert Einstein

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by martrix View Post
    are they your own pics Matt?

    Looks pretty awesome, though I guess the consequences of such a wild event are no fun.

    All except the second one, my brother took that one I think.

    I have a couple hundred pictures. Digital cameras are nice in that you can just shoot, shoot, shoot.

    We've had a very mild winter, as you can tell by the green grass encapsulated by ice. The sap had no time to drain out of the trees, so when the ice storm hit it was brutal for them. I could stand out on the porch and hear trees exploding all over, it sounded like a war.
    Wood. Such a wonderful substance.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Blue Mountains


    Hi Matt,

    I was in Canada for a severe winter about 25 years ago. I remember the hoar frost, one of the most incredible sights ever. I was going to hitch from Edmenton to Vancouver, my travelling companion, a canookie, put me straight real quick.

    Its a difficult environment to live in but oh so beautiful.

    "We must never become callous. When we experience the conflicts ever more deeply we are living in truth. The quiet conscience is an invention of the devil." - Albert Schweizer

    My blog.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Graceville. Qld

    Default Bikes etc etc


    I am coming up to 62. Have ridden two wheeled things most of my life and still do. Motorbike & bicycles.

    Yes I have had accidents, but nothing too grievious. I do believe it is imperative you develop a hightened and innate road sense, and never let your concentration lapse.

    I believe you must ride to be seen. If you are seen you will not get hit by other road users. A lot of people ride both motorbikes and bicycles trying not to get hit and in so doing don't allow themselves to be clearly visible.

    I would encourage you to take advanced riding instruction, where you are taught to ride correctly, corner correctly, and how to fall. I know a lot of people go on about safety gear, on a bicycle, does lycra pass as safety gear? and yet i have seen speeds of up to 100kmh on a bicycle on long downhill runs.

    Be confident, be aware, be cogniscant of your own skills and the capability of the machine you are riding

    Colin Howkins
    Graceville Qld Australia

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Paignton. Devon. U.K.


    Matt I read one of your other posts.

    Dont you think your misses also comes into consideration when discussing taking up riding a motorbike?


    Vegemite and Marmite are basically the same, both are basically byproducts of the brewing industry, Marmite has a smoother texture though. I used to use Vegemite but for some reason its gotten extremely hard to get over here, so I've converted to Marmite, and found I like it just as well if not better.

    Bovril is similar to both but is made from beef extract.

    I seemed to remember some stink about Vegemite being banned due to excessive Folic acid content or some such thing, but I think that turned out to be urban myth, I don't think you can get too much Folic acid anyway, isn't it just another water soluble B vitamin?

    None the less its almost impossible to find around here now.

    Well, I suppose I'd better go tell the missus I'm preggers.
    End quote
    woody U.K.

    "Common looking people are the best in the world: that is the reason the Lord makes so many of them." ~ Abraham Lincoln

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Bikes whether cycle, motor or scooter are a good move in the current climate crisis.
    the more who use them the safer it will get with dedicated lanes etc.
    I am seriosly thinking of getting a scooter
    the drive into work costs 20% of my income and it takes ages.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    back in Alberta for a while


    having a mid life crises are we?

    have you ever riden a bicycle any significant distance at speed (say averaging > 25 MPH?)
    have you ever riden a motor cycle?

    the first thing you should know is unlike a car or truck, preparation and weight distribution when riding a bike is critical
    watch a few rounds of the 500cc world motorcycle championship
    take careful note of how the riders are continually adjusting their riding position to corner, accelerate, brake — they do this to keep the bike stable.
    while you wont be riding at anything like the racers' speed you have to develop an instinctive ability to keep the bike balanced through every maneouvre you make.
    if you don't prepare before every corner it's only a matter of time before you comne off.

    locally (my state in Australia) you have to take a two day course in rider awareness before you can get a permit to learn to ride a motorbike

    see if you can find a similar course where you are.


  11. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    sorry Ian,
    Who were you addressing this to?
    my answer to you if it was me, is yes yes and yes
    Ive ridden small cc bikes and scooters in various conditions and terrains
    and I believe that in vic you have to do a bit more than days to get a p plate.
    please dont patronise.

    astrid (we dont have an icon for mildly amused)

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Port Macquarie


    Quote Originally Posted by billbeee View Post
    Hi Mat,
    I'd say go for it, when I was in my teens I bought a motor bike for 35 quid and traveled hundreds of miles on weekends and saw places that most of my mates never saw.
    Buy a 4WD and go places road bikes can't go.

    Always look on the bright side...

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Port Macquarie


    Quote Originally Posted by astrid View Post
    the more who use them the safer it will get with dedicated lanes etc.
    Will never have dedicated lanes for motorbikes and motorcyclists wouldn't want them.

    We could go for the melee of 2 wheel transport ala India or most Asian countries much safer.

    Always look on the bright side...

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    back in Alberta for a while



    it was intended for Matt, not you
    I should have been clearer, I'm sorry

    here in NSW it's two days training before you are allowed to sit the knowledge test which you must pass before you get your Ls

    the following is lifted from the NSW RTA web site and is to help Matt88 decide if he wants to persue getting a motorcycle
    learning to ride a motorcycle does require a high level of balance, co-ordination and concentration and not everyone has these skills. If you can ride a bicycle and drive a manual car you probably have the necessary skills


  15. #45
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Paignton. Devon. U.K.


    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post

    it was intended for Matt, not you
    I should have been clearer, I'm sorry

    here in NSW it's two days training before you are allowed to sit the knowledge test which you must pass before you get your Ls

    the following is lifted from the NSW RTA web site and is to help Matt88 decide if he wants to persue getting a motorcycle
    learning to ride a motorcycle does require a high level of balance, co-ordination and concentration and not everyone has these skills. If you can ride a bicycle and drive a manual car you probably have the necessary skills

    Matt is a yank!
    woody U.K.

    "Common looking people are the best in the world: that is the reason the Lord makes so many of them." ~ Abraham Lincoln

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