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  1. #31
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    If Macca had to drive with a learners permit and "sit" driving tests would it not also be reasonable that folk who apply for disabled parking permits should also be required to be tested on there onroad driving competence before being permitted to keep driving?
    My parents both have disabled parking permits and I really don't think they would be able to pass any form of driving test. My Mum is very slow and uncoordinated and my father is a lethal weapon.... I will definitely not ever travel in a car while either drives and hate the fact that even though they both are fully licensed that they may cause a serious accident one day!

  2. #32
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    Default yep. No excuse .

    Well. Such parking spaces have been created with a purpose. That purpose identifys a need.
    I say just don't park in them.
    Don't pass them by! Be daring and caring!

    Dampen their misery....sit with them and talk a little.

    Buy them something to eat and a tram fare to a local mission.
    I'm so lucky that I've somewhere to live and have family support.

  3. #33
    ss_11000 is offline You've got to risk it to get the biscuit
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    Quote Originally Posted by rgum View Post
    I say just don't park in them.
    But they're so close to the stores.
    S T I R L O

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopha View Post
    If Macca had to drive with a learners permit and "sit" driving tests would it not also be reasonable that folk who apply for disabled parking permits should also be required to be tested on there onroad driving competence before being permitted to keep driving?
    My parents both have disabled parking permits and I really don't think they would be able to pass any form of driving test. My Mum is very slow and uncoordinated and my father is a lethal weapon.... I will definitely not ever travel in a car while either drives and hate the fact that even though they both are fully licensed that they may cause a serious accident one day!

    Christopher maybe you should check the laws.

    I know in NSW you can have a disabled parking permit and don't have to drive same in any state.

    In NSW anyone can make a formal complaint and have someones license revoked on medical, or competency grounds. You can request that your parents be tested.

    Whats your feeling on unlicensed drivers who drive and are uninsured.

    BT I had forgot I drove a few Volvo's when younger all large vehicles, you best never go to Sweden.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by wheelinround View Post

    you best never go to Sweden.]

    Now thats a scary thought.

  6. #36
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    would it not also be reasonable that folk who apply for disabled parking permits should also be required to be tested on there onroad driving competence before being permitted to keep driving?
    In the case of my MIL, the parking permit was for her but she wasn't the driver of the car. FIL drives everywhere. I don't think she has driven a car in years.
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  7. #37
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    There are also many parents who have disabled kids or carers who have people they drive around and they put their parking pass up.

  8. #38
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    All of Scandinavia, and especially Norway, have the toughest road rules and highest fines in the world. Norway has some incredibly narrow roads around their fjords as well. I once passed a car going the opposite way and we clipped mirrors, smashing mine. There was just no more room on the road and it could have been disastrous if I'd been in a wider car.

    There's no way that you'd let my mum behind the wheel either. She hasn't driven for twenty years and she's not the most healthy of people. We just keep her license for ID purposes, but she'll be up for her aged drivers test soon, so we'll just let her license go. She's got no interest in driving and we don't have a car anyway.

  9. #39
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    Pawnhead, we have thousands of miles of roads in the UK where two cars going in opposite directions cannot pass.
    Some of our drivers cannot reverse their cars either, which is needed. One driver has to reverse back to a passing space. I will leave you to imagine the situation when two drivers are unskilled in reversing
    woody U.K.

    "Common looking people are the best in the world: that is the reason the Lord makes so many of them." ~ Abraham Lincoln

  10. #40
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    Wow, I hope you drive pretty slow on those roads.
    In my case I was coming around a bend, and both of us were going too fast to stop. It gave me a bit of a fright and I slowed down after that, especially since there was a bit of a drop to the fjord on one side of the road.
    It was over 25 years ago now, and I remember copping a speeding fine (on a wide straight piece of road), and the wallopers told me that they had the highest fines in the world. I didn't quite have enough on me, but they ended up accepting all the travelers cheques that I had.

  11. #41
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    Pacific highway and Princess highways used to be that dad many moons ago 12 hr from Sydney to Hawksnest along old Pacific hwy 5 hrs to get from Sydney to Nowra
    gee's i am getting old if I can recall that

    try Walch to Wauhope rd or Armidale to Coffs through Bellingen or some of the roads throughout Tassie, Snowy Mnts Highway or Cabramurra to Coryong or Orbost Rd to the coast or any of Victoria's snow field rds

    The drive up to Mnt Cambawarra still like that worse when two coaches going opposite directions or even Jenolan Caves rd or out to Hill End the hardway through Tuorondale all still like that

    Many of NSW back roads love them little traffic no cops.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by wheelinround View Post
    I ask the question also why do mother with prams need special parking also.
    Ever tried to organise a four year old out of one of those harnesses, at the same time keeping the two year old off the road nad find room for a pram at the same time......

    Then you know why you need the parents bays.

    Back on topic. My father has a disabled sticker, hasn't driven in five years. He knows he cant, still has his license, but refuses to drive. The disabled sticker is so when mum or myself drive him about we can park him close to where we are going and get his wheelchair out and set up.

    Even funnier, the silly old bugger still has his motorcyle license, cant stand up or walk by himself but can legally ride a motorcycle.....
    I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.

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  13. #43
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    Had to retype it all hit the X button instead of the minimize didn't I lost the lot.

    Yes Gra I have we had 3 18 months apart now all in there late 20's early 30's although my experience was little my wifes was daily.
    All were taught out on the foot path side never the road side stand and wait DON'T MOVE no rpam or disabled spots people didn't mind walking or catching public transport.
    Now thats what made me get the LOML to get a licence 2 kids getting off a bus carrying a stroller one in her arms plus shopping.

    Less shopping centres back then with large parking areas and small parking spaces you could drive a Ford or Holden in open the doors and have room for both vehicle occupants to get out. (Who's to blame who should we sue for loss of life the money grubbers town planners engineers??)

    All to often I see parents getting and letting kids out of cars into traffic strollers at the ready forcing cars to either stop or swerve to the wrong side to miss them
    Attitudes from mothers in shopping centres but I was parked in a pram zone why didn't you slow down there are kids about. No chastising of the child who's wondered off she/he was to busy on the mobile phone fixing hair etc etc.

    Its like fluro vest wearers all think it makes them superhuman I cant be hit so I'll jump out from behind my hiding palace and they'll stop.

    Nice hijacks eh even got into it myself

    Best special parking place set up is at our local shopping mall local constabulary hop into their patrol cars drive out their drive way in the next drive way park in emergency services to get their lunch pay bills etc etc drive back. Now their parking lot backs onto this shopping centre not only that they drive to Macca's next door through drive through and back.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by wheelinround View Post
    Yes Gra I have we had 3 18 months apart now all in there late 20's early 30's although my experience was little my wifes was daily.
    All were taught out on the foot path side never the road side stand and wait DON'T MOVE
    So have mine but kids can still be unpredictable, and any safety measures to reduce the chance of some kid getting run over the better

    Quote Originally Posted by wheelinround View Post
    no rpam or disabled spots people didn't mind walking or catching public transport.
    Now thats what made me get the LOML to get a licence 2 kids getting off a bus carrying a stroller one in her arms plus shopping.
    Whats public transport... dont exist where I live

    Quote Originally Posted by wheelinround View Post
    Less shopping centres back then with large parking areas and small parking spaces you could drive a Ford or Holden in open the doors and have room for both vehicle occupants to get out. (Who's to blame who should we sue for loss of life the money grubbers town planners engineers??)
    There were actually more shopping centres, they were just smaller, and closer to the houses, not the big monstrocities (Misspelt on purpose) that we have now

    Quote Originally Posted by wheelinround View Post
    All to often I see parents getting and letting kids out of cars into traffic strollers at the ready forcing cars to either stop or swerve to the wrong side to miss them
    Attitudes from mothers in shopping centres but I was parked in a pram zone why didn't you slow down there are kids about. No chastising of the child who's wondered off she/he was to busy on the mobile phone fixing hair etc etc.
    Scary isnt it. they need to be given a quick slap I think... I see it every day

    Quote Originally Posted by wheelinround View Post
    Best special parking place set up is at our local shopping mall local constabulary hop into their patrol cars drive out their drive way in the next drive way park in emergency services to get their lunch pay bills etc etc drive back. Now their parking lot backs onto this shopping centre not only that they drive to Macca's next door through drive through and back.
    MMMMM Doughnuts
    I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.

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  15. #45
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    A few years back I blew my cirvical spine at C6 and C7 and was unable to move without a great deal of pain walking was pretty much a nonevent and neck movement was pretty much restricted to straight out in front... actually came very close to being permanently wheelchair bound...

    Anyway over time with some great physio and aqua therapy I slowly got on the mend for a few years I was unable to drive PERIOD it just wasnt safe still had my license and kept the car for a while and could have driven but chose not to as I said just plain unsafe and dangerous but as I got better I was advised by the docs and specialists to apply for an acrod thing and change cars... so I got an auto and a wheel thingy and the acrod card... but you know living in Mandurah I think I used it in a disabled parking spot maybe 5 times in the years I had it... why? cause there was ALWAYS some mongrel buggar parked in there WITHOUT a sticker!! either that or they were that disabled they couldnt get out of the damned car... I dont know how many flamin times Id go to park and thered be some wally sittin back in a disabled parking bay havin a smoke with no blasted sticker

    Now Im not one to shy away so I more often than not would eventually find a parking spot and make my way back to have a go at the wally smokin in the bay their excuse? generally speaking "oh no worries mate Im just waitin for the missus she'll be back in a tick" or else it was biligerent along the lines of "WHO THE F.... MADE YOU THE F.....ING DISABLED POLICE?" "HOW DO YOU KNOW IM NOT DISABLED?" well I dont but hey if you are and you want to park there GET THE RUDDY STICKER!



    my view is when we stop caring about the "less fortunate" the "less able" within our society and allow the mongrels to take control and do as they please without standing up for them then our society is stuffed and we as a people are part of the problems contributing to it.

    It gets me that we allow people to hurt maim injure or take from in anywaythose less able to defend themselves and do nothing say nothing... just turn away... theory being "I better not say or do anything I might be a witness or I might get hurt" ...never mind that someones getting their head kicked in never mind someones unable to walk to the shops never mind that some are disabled to a degree that they NEED that extra room just to get bloody well out of their car never mind that some are elderly and need to be given time an space to be able to be independent... some people just do what they like when they like to who they like.

    I believe we all have the obligation if we see something WRONG to do something to change it!... even a note on their bloody windscreen is better than doing nothing!... arrogance and abuse are the two worst contributors to the increase in violence and abuse of the "less fortunate" "less able" and the elderly within our society... but when we who are able who are fortunate do nothing when we see it and do nothing then we are as bad as the ones who do it.

    I no longer need or have my acrod sticker... even with me new ubeaut bung knees Im fitter and more able than those deemed to require on... so I no longer have it. And good on me! but they are designed for a reason... if you dont have one dont use the damned bays! if you need one get one its not as difficult as some would have one believe and if you need it so what if it is?

    Is it our place to question someone parking in a disabled parking bay without a sticker? YES IT IS!!... just as its our place to stand up and help someone being kicked the shyte out of by a mob of flamin mongrels! yes we will probably get hurt but we may just buy the other poor buggar the time for help to arrive or stand back up and help themselves!... remember these mongrels are gutless and when confronted by determined adults tend to back down... and hell if they dont we almost all have mobiles dont we? Police 000 Crimestoppers 1800 333 000 find your local police stations phone number and put them on speed dial and call them!! shyte it doesnt take much to help people.

    Personally whenever Ive confronted some wally in the disabled bay they have moved on without too much drama and if not... well security is usually just inside the entrance somewhere... and yes I have no bloody hessitation whatever in dobbing some of these mongrels in to the authorities NONE WHATEVER!

    By doing nothing when we see injustice and wrong doing we contribute to that injustice and wrong doing... we are as much a part of the problems of our society as the mongrels that perpetrate them.

    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

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