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Thread: What a garbage site facebook is.
3rd June 2023, 11:06 PM #31
I use a couple ad blockers that catch all of the ads on shytebook marketplace. Adguard allows you to target specific elements, such as those ads, if they get through... Over the years I've heard a few say you shouldn't have more than one ad blocker but my experience is to have a couple. One catches most and the other catches the rest. My browsing the internet is very sterile, I don't see any ads on fakebook or reddit...
13th June 2023, 09:51 PM #32
Just a slight update...
It was posed that the scams are generated by bots on fakebook... My first 10 or so ads drew lots of scams. They tapered off when I added the Ukraine flag... But that really wasn't conclusive...
Since then I took a break from farcebook and pulled all the ads. I started up again a couple weeks later and have at least 35 (not including what's sold and taken down) things up for sale, all with the Ukraine flag as the last pic. I've only had one scam attempt, from an account out of Italy. It's also the same for bumtree. Same number of ads and I think I may have had two scam attempts when asked if still available (when it clearly says don't ask that).
So take that for whatever it's worth ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
16th June 2023, 12:11 AM #33
16th June 2023, 12:32 PM #34
I have bought and sold on fakebook marketplace, sold some insulation this morning.
Never had a problem either way.
Got an ad from some gutter cleaning mob yesterday,
Simple delete fixed that.
17th June 2023, 07:54 PM #35
a curiously timely article: Victims speak out over ‘tsunami’ of fraud on Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp | Meta | The Guardian
On other sales, I'm selling a few smaller non-woodworking things on Gumtree (grow lights) and enquiries are ZERO...... nil.
Seems sales have... stopped?
18th June 2023, 01:48 PM #36
I've had 3 hate speech bans for using the word "pom" conversationally.
Years ago in Aus a guy took a media company to court for using the word in an advert claiming it was rascist.
The high court of Australia found that the word is a slang term and not rascist in any way, shape or form.
18th June 2023, 04:59 PM #37
I'm a Pom but as a citizen I identify as an Australian.
Nothing succeeds like a budgie without a beak.
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 1 Likes, 0 , 0Simplicity thanked for this postSimplicity liked this post
18th June 2023, 09:56 PM #38
I had to pick up a piece of furniture on Sat. I wouldn't fit between the wheel arches of my ute. Checked both Gumtree and Facebook for people giving away pallets. Gumtree had very few advertised, but there were heaps on Facebook. Drove out to the address (a warehouse) and heaved a couple in the back. Fixed. Facebook has its uses. Always had good luck with Marketplace.
23rd June 2023, 07:07 PM #39
23rd June 2023, 08:39 PM #40
Pom is an anacronym, albeit slightly abbreviated from pome
"Prisoner of Mother England."
At least, this is what I thought it meant from the days of transportation.
A quick delve through the internet did not yield a clear confirmation. Before any racist cries begin I should confess to being a pome (b?), although I have lived in Oz for forty three years, which is now quite a lot longer than I resided in the UK. I too identify with Australian culture and if I followed sports, which I don't, I would barrack for Oz.
"Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 2 Likes, 0 , 0Simplicity, Chief Tiff liked this post
23rd June 2023, 09:43 PM #41
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