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Thread: Bring back any memories?
3rd August 2017, 02:33 PM #31rrich Guest
. . . and the pictures were always better on radio.
Afternoons were filled with 'Sargent Preston of the Yukon', 'Sky King', 'Straight Arrow', 'Roy Rodgers', 'Tom Mix' and many others. Radio created my first career desire, a sound effects man. A really great career choice that was gone before I started high school.
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3rd August 2017, 04:00 PM #32
Black and white re-runs; Laurel & Hardy, Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin. Serials such as Champion the Wonder horse, Zorro, Flash gordon & Buck Rogers; the Tarzan movies featuring Johnny Weismuller.
Growing up in Wollongong in the early 70's it wasn't until about 1976 before we got a colour TV, and half the programmes were still in B&W anyway.
Later, in the UK during the 6 week school summer holidays Yorkshire Television didn't start transmitting till about 0600 in the morning and the first hour was dedicated to kids programmes like The Banana Splits; Hanna Barbara cartoons and at least two of the B&W shows previously mentioned.Nothing succeeds like a budgie without a beak.
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4th August 2017, 04:46 PM #33
The Childrens Session on the ABC
Who remembers the Childrens Session on the ABC? Ending with the song ...
A jolly good night to you, and you, and you, and you, and you
The time has come to finish, and the session now is through
The thought is old, is old, is old, but the wish tonight is new
A jolly good night to every one
A jolly good night to every one
A jolly good night to all, especially you, and you, and you, and you ... and you!
And who was an Argonaut, and did you ever win the Order of the Golden Fleece?!
I can't even recall my Argonaut name - and I certainly have no idea where my Argonaut badge went!?
The closing song for the Argonauts - sung by the ABC Wireless band!
Fifty mighty Argonauts, bending to the oars,Today will go adventuring, to yet uncharted shores.
Fifty young adventurers, today set forth and so
We cry with Jason, "Man the boats, and Row! Row! Row!"
Row! Row! Merry oarsmen, Row!
That dangers lie ahead we know, we know.
But bend with all your might
As you sail into the night
And wrong will bow to right, "Jason" cry,
Adventure know,
Argonauts Row! Row! Row!
6th August 2017, 06:48 PM #34
Remember when
The Golden Fleece that I remember were on the petrol pumps when service stations gave both service to pump petrol and serviced and repaired motor vehicles. There was always one and often two hoists to lift cars up and it took less than 15 minutes to do an oil change.
Black boards were black and chalk was used.
To watch a film the lights were turned down and a projector was used.
The only phones we used was the one (only one) at home or pay phones out on the street for 5 cents or less.
To make a phone call overseas was a big deal as you needed to use an operator.
All school work was hand written, typing was only done in typing class.
Instead of calculators, pen and paper or four figured tables. If you were lucky a slide rule.
An electric drill, was an electric drill - corded, metal body, one speed and one direction with a key for the chuck. A power saw was an option for the electric drill.
The cordless drill never had a battery to go flat, you just turned the crank handle.
A fast way to do up screws was with a ratchet or Yankee screwdriver.
Gee we have it easy today.
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6th August 2017, 08:17 PM #35
6th August 2017, 08:39 PM #36
Never used a slide rule but used logarithms
"It's good enough" is low aim
6th August 2017, 10:03 PM #37
I can remember paying six pence for a Mars bar, the last one I bought cost two dollars forty yesterday.
Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.
7th August 2017, 12:23 AM #38
Many years ago I worked out at Cobar NSW.
In order to make a telephone call to Sydney, you had to ask all the people talking on the circa 100 klm party line that you wanted to make a call, and they would get off. Then you had to turn the ringer several times to ring the desired number.
20th August 2017, 01:34 AM #39
learnt to drive in a dodge 108and a,studebaker truck with an arm in the centre of the dash for indicator
I tried to be normal once.
Worst 2 minutes of my life.
20th August 2017, 08:33 AM #40
Poor? My Dad had to go on night shift so I could wear the boots to school..
Milk round for me, 5 in the morning to wake up the horse.
BTW I remember all 14 and then some, especially playing marbles along the gutter.
My old man had the only car in the street, such a rarity that he used to put a lighted hurricane lamp by it at night so people wouldn't walk into it...
MarkWhat you say & what people hear are not always the same thing.
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20th August 2017, 05:48 PM #41
How many of you can remember the "ding ding" when you drove into the service station.
The cry of "Fares please" on the tram or bus from the conductor, or the ticket machine as the bus driver wound the handle to give you a ticket.
Movies with a short before intermission and the main feature film.
When banks provided a service, and the tellers had a face. I have not been inside a bank for years, and my local suburban branch quietly closed down.
Milk was milk and really only came in one pint bottles, although if you are older it was probably ladled into a milk can.
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20th August 2017, 11:03 PM #42
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21st August 2017, 01:27 AM #43
I remember butcher shops that wood shavings on the floor in both the customers and work sections.
21st August 2017, 01:29 AM #44
I remember, prior to public libraries, small private libraries operating where you paid a small amount to borrow books.
21st August 2017, 11:59 AM #45
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