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Thread: Best Jigsaw

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    EUR 254,50

    Bosch +GST 160 CE / BCE 0601518000: Baumarkt

    Handy to know... not sure I could fill out the forms tho...... in Danish?...

    Couldn't tell what payment methods they accept.

    Price seems to be about same as Axminster tools.

    Roll on Jan 7th... D Day (D = Divorce Day when SWMTSWTP finds out what I spent on a "new toy" - you will hear the screams & sounds of things being thrown, from there - trust me).

    Ahh the joys....

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Brisbane, Queensland , Australia


    Not sure how much you've tried to buy online, but from your comments, not much.

    Amex are lovely people to deal with, but they have VERY high merchant fees and can be slow paying the merchant for goods long dispatched, so many businesses, understandably, don't allow Amex, or they slug you, the consumer, additional fees.

    I have set up my kids with pre-paid Visa Debit cards. They can only spend their savings and they have low balances, so any Internet Fraud will be less painful. (Hasn't happened yet, but it pays to prepare)

    Some and I stress 'some few' vendors won't accept a Visa 'Debit' card, only a Visa 'credit' card, so I have 1 Visa card with a $500- credit limit. I can buy whatever I want with this card- as long as I pre-charge the card the amount I need. The banks don't like you doing this, but they don't stop you doing it either.

    There are many businesses overseas that will bend over backwards to give you good service and a good experience... And not go the gouge either... It's no different to shopping anywhere, you just have to weed out the shockers....

    As to the new Bosch being better than the Mafell, that's a mighty bold statement.... Not backed up by facts either. Specs on a page do not translate to real life use of the tool. Don't get me wrong, I like Bosch, I have many Bosch Blue tools, they are usually excellent value for money tools. What I'm saying is the Mafell is built up to a standard. The Bosch is built to a price point. Ie; You can get a very nice car for half the price of a new Mercedes, but it will not be a Mercedes and they will not be 'the same'... Whether the price difference is justified, is another conversation altogether...

    I'll be looking forward to seeing the new Bosch as soon as it hits our shores... Might even buy one...

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Its true

    Its true that I don't buy a lot of stuff online.

    Usually its ONLY what I can't get locally.

    1. Lads $4K Gibson Les Paul Black Beauty came from the US, coz we saved quite a bit on what we could get one for here.

    2. Some months ago - parts for my Robland X31 from the UK coz the local agents here weren't really interested - the UK operator bent over backwards - fantastic bloke - will use him again.

    3. This Bosch Jigsaw (when it arrives). I did try to buy it locally first tho, to no avail.

    I will report back on it.

    I didn't ignore the Mafell - I went to the website and had a look - and watched a Utube Vid I think.

    There were 2 reasons I opted for the Bosch over the equivalent Festool and Mafell

    1. The LED light is important to me... I'm blind as a bat up close now - but I 20/20 long vision - I had laser eye surgery to correct long vision.
    I recall the trouble I always had with my old jigsaw following the line when it's covered in dust from the blade and lighting is bad and dust/reflections on your glasses - I'd be puffing away and squinting and stopping, starting, - go get a torch & get the old man (my business partner) to hold it in the right spot - so I could see the pencil line. Typically in a kitchen install we'd cut out the sink opening, then a cook top opening - and sometimes a ceramic cutting board opening as well, so 2 or 3 holes that are "critical" to get right.... after a week in the factory making a kitchen, during the 1 day install - if you don't want to undo all your previous weeks work with 1 mistake.

    Our old jigsaw was great - lasted many years - eventually one day I turned it upside down to change a blade and the little grub screw down the tube that held the blade in dropped out into a huge pile of sawdust and do you think I could find it again (or get a replacement from the maker)?
    I spent a full DAY going thru that sawdust pile with a magnet etc, sucking up a little at a time and using the magnet etc - it never did turn up. (it was on a concrete floor) so I thought I'd find it... 300 kms from the city you can't just buy another one, so the day spent looking had to be invested.

    One perfectly good jigsaw - rendered inoperable after 15+ years of sterling service for 1 little slip/oops moment.
    Bought another cheap makita to "get bye" and it recently carcked it.
    So that's why I figured it was time for another good one - hopefully one without a grub screw blade change...mechanism this time.

    2. While they MIGHT be a top line tool - I haven't ever heard of "mafell" before (after 20 years in the trade and 10 now away from it).

    Festool were "recent arrivals" and one of the lads used to sub let space from me in the factory to do wood turning bought a festool random orbit sander. It was more than 4 times the price of our Makita random orbit palm sanders, BUT - I used it once or twice on big slab table tops and it was outstanding as a tool to use...

    So I had to take Festool into account - just didn't think I could probably ever justify the price.....of Festool - well not now as a hobbyist anyway.
    Bosch I have been familiar with for a long time... this seems way overpriced BUT it also seems like a heck of a jig saw hopefully.

    I will give feedback on it once it arrives and I get to use it. I have a couple small scribing tasks to perform that will require a jigsaw, which is why I lashed out to buy it now.

    I don't have a band saw so for me the jiggy will likely get a lot if use until I do.
    Be interesting to see how it goes in due course.
    All I do know is I hate the cheapie makita - it wasn't fit to wear the name jig saw - compared to my old one.
    I missed using the old one... time to put that right but going to be paying for this (credit card) for some time.

    Hopefully it's paid for itself before the novelty wears off.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Brisbane, Queensland , Australia


    Yeah, well said.

    I'm also a builder with 30 something years experience and the last 15 or so specialising in Bathroom Reno's, so yeah I get exactly where you're coming from.

    When I had a couple of crews working, I bought some Festo gear, to do the right thing, but that sentiment wasn't returned to me and very expensive tools got abused just as much as Trade quality tools. I considered it contempt, but they'd have their own story I suppose.

    Anyway, I also have my workshop which I'm still fitting out with 'nice' gear. I've lurked on the 'FOG' for years, but got more involved in recent years with the advent of iPad, technology, etc... It's interesting what you pick up- scratching beneath the surface- about different markets and Marketing and Labelling, etc. I'm referring to Protool and that line of tools and how in North America, for certain reasons Protools are sold as Green Festools. Digging through the Mafell website it becomes clear that there are Mafell Manufactured Tools that are sold by Festool; in the Green Festool colours. This goes on all the time, all over. Think Mazda BT50 and Ford Ranger. Bosch is forced to sell a dumbed down version of Systainers, etc, etc. Bosch Saw Rails are re-branded, etc. Even with Festool, you are not always getting original Festool Tools. The thing they do very well is make a complete system that works very well together- the more Festools you have and use together in a system, the more you realise how this system compliments itself and your productivity improves. I don't have a Festool jig saw, but many have commented on the FOG that the jigsaw, in particular, is not up to Festools normal high standards. YMMV. Festools 'ordinary' is probly still head and shoulders above most....

    Oh yeah, BTW, a couple of years ago I bought a Bosch Blue 18v cordless kit with grinder, drill, 6 1/2" saw and cordless jig saw. I thought the saw and jig saw were handy toys.... Boy was I wrong. The biggest surprise is the cordless jigsaw. It is such a handy tool, I wonder how I ever did without it. It probably wouldn't be your go-to tool, but man it can do so much it astounds me. I'm very happy with it and won't go to site without it.
    For smaller jobs I leave my drop saw at home. Between the cordless saw and jig saw, I never need to pull out my power saw or drop saw, any more. So quick, so easy.

    Mind you, if I'm cutting Acrylic splashback panels on site, well @$2-400- per sheet, I'm definately using my Festo TS55 and tracks... Horses for courses.....

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Ozito man

    The other lad, who rented space from,me to turn wood (Eddie) we nick named "Ozito man".

    Eddie was always scratching to find 2 brass razoos to rub together. S for tools he always bought Ozito at one of the hardware chains in a neighboring town.

    We used to chide him a LOT about it coz they just weren't tools suited to any sort of constant use as he was doing. The brushes seemed to be made of case hardened plasticine, and wouldn't last a week - he was using a arbortech pro carving wheel on these ozito 4 inch grinders to carve Jarrah Burl into platters etc, and he would take the safety guard off to get more useable area on the tool, and invariably end up bogging it down and jamming the tool then it would strip gear cogs in the drive etc - at least 2 times a week.

    Ozito man would take it back with his receipt & get another new one on warranty - sometimes 2 times a week - he'd go to different towns even to spread himself around - so they didn't realize he was using them commercially not as a hobbyist....

    He had cardboard boxes full of dead Ozito tools...

    I often wionder what became of Eddie Ozito man - no doubt he's still about some where.

    The other young buck used to rent space from me - was a fantastic wood turner, but he died early say late 30's of drugs and booze - caught up with him eventually.

    Funny the things you remember... I remember he never used a steel chuck in his wood turning life - always turned his own wood chucks....reckoned you weren't a wood turner if you had to use a steel adjustable jaw chuck.

    He made some nice pieces before cashing in his chips.

    Probably never for get Ozito man tho!

    Happy new years if your out there anywhere Eddie!


  6. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Perth, WA


    I might have missed it reading through the thread but one of the main reasons postage is now so expensive is because all postage systems ... Auspost, British mail etc realized they were losing out and upped the postage costs to gain and make a profit from online sales ...ebay most of all ... Auspost increased their postage charges twice last year from what I remember ... I buy online from all over the world on a regular basis.

    as for buying things from the UK ... I know many have imported ...I Myself being from blighty brought some items over with Me when I moved to Australia 14 yrs ago ... but your better off in some cases actually using a electrical adapter and leaving the UK plug on ... UK plugs come in 1.5amp,3amp, 5 amp and 13 amp ratings ... when I got here I had a AUS plug fitted to My stereo unit ... blew the plug straight away ... electrician tried another ... blew that one too ...checked all the wiring to the system ...everything was fine ... put the 13amp UK plug back on and used an AUS adapter ... never had a problem since ...and yes it still works.

    Im not sure if its too safe using power tools with adapters but its just My experience Im passing on ... Maybe the UK have altered their AMP Plug ratings since I left ... in 14 yrs a lot can change.

    Sorry for digressing from the conversation

    I have an old bosch that does the job for Me ...but need some new blades ... hmmm ... more shopping to do.


  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Thanks Vapor!

    Thanks indeed Vapor,
    When I swap the plug over, cough, cough, cough, - I mean, when I get the university qualified trade skilled electrical engineer in here to swap the plug over - I'll suggest he use a 10 or 15 amp plug first up if needs be, and see how he goes.

    I can see the panty wads hitting the reply keys already!

    It was a typo I tell ya - a Typo- it happens!

    Its left the UK at least, probably in Oz customs somewhere.

    Worlds most expensive Jigsaw- it would wanna cut holes all day by itself unsupervised for what it's cost.....heck I could employ a boat load of illegal Mexicans with coping saws all week for this kinda $... the body must be made from the new un-obtainium alloy concocted of Kryptonite...& gnats nurries.

    You know Superman and Chuck Norris had a bet once about who'd win a no holds barred fight between the two of them - with the loser having to wear his undies on the outside of his clothes for the rest of his life!


  8. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Perth, WA


    Quote Originally Posted by Timless Timber View Post
    Thanks indeed Vapor,
    When I swap the plug over, cough, cough, cough, - I mean, when I get the university qualified trade skilled electrical engineer in here to swap the plug over - I'll suggest he use a 10 or 15 amp plug first up if needs be, and see how he goes.

    I can see the panty wads hitting the reply keys already!

    It was a typo I tell ya - a Typo- it happens!

    Its left the UK at least, probably in Oz customs somewhere.

    Worlds most expensive Jigsaw- it would wanna cut holes all day by itself unsupervised for what it's cost.....heck I could employ a boat load of illegal Mexicans with coping saws all week for this kinda $... the body must be made from the new un-obtainium alloy concocted of Kryptonite...& gnats nurries.

    You know Superman and Chuck Norris had a bet once about who'd win a no holds barred fight between the two of them - with the loser having to wear his undies on the outside of his clothes for the rest of his life!

    Superman ? ... chuck norris ? ...I heard Bruce Lee kicked both their asses at the same time with one foot while playing ping pong blindfolded

    when you get your new unobtanium (wolverine classification rip it to pieces spec) jigsaw , just have a look at the UK plug ... if it doesnt tell you on the back of the plug flip it over and between the 3 connection pins it will tell you exactly what Amp rating the fuse is .... yes I forgot to mention these are fused plugs ... they probably come sealed on power tools ...or they have a little removable slot where you can change the fuse out if it blows (small round ceramic tube with metal end caps ...I actually brought a bunch over with Me) that will give you the right amp rating ...Im guessing its probably a 13amp fuse if I remember correctly.

    I think you might have to post some pics of the beast in action when you get it all up and running by the legally certified guild of master electricians .... wonder if it sprouts claws and you develop the power over all jigsaws by sheer thought alone

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default My nephew

    My nephew who's an ethical hacker (for the Oz spy agency) is working on a "jigsaw hacking program" that allows mine to take over control of all near proximity jig saws, and make them into a swarm of zombie jigsaws - all controlled by me.

    Muah ha haaaa

    (Actually he's just finished a program to do that to aerial drones - but adapting it to the world of virtual jigsaws should be a synch).

    Would i lie to you all? sheesh.

    Amazon warned about drone hackers - Yahoo!7

    He co authored and presented the peer reviewed paper as part of his doctoral thesis for the uni or something.

    Damn kids these days.. I actually think the Iranians actually beat him to the idea tho - his "task" was to merely backdoor what the Iranians had achieved it - so that WE knew how they did it (and can take steps to prevent it in future).

    Iran downs US drone: Iranian TV broadcasts images of allegedly seized US drone - YouTube

    Ahh what a wonderful world we live in Aunty Jack.

    He (she?) could have trouble operating the jigsaw wearing those boxing gloves tho.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Perth, WA


    I heard the Amazon drones were going to be used in a new sport


    Hmmm ... Zombie drone control ...thankfully they never figured that one out on the show the walking dead ...but the applications could be interesting ...although if the power goes out you have a mass of zombie jigsaws running rampant lol

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default You heard about that, hey!

    You heard about that hey?

    I'll just keep a packet a them 12 G depleted uranium drone loads handy, in case the power goes out & the zombi jigsaw apocalypse is upon us & would recommend others do likewise.

    Now were just getting silly!

    Packet be damned - I'll order a case!

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Perth, WA



    yeah ...I think we are getting of track now ...or the guide line ...or laser guide .... ohhh time to stop it lol

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Vaper View Post
    I might have missed it reading through the thread but one of the main reasons postage is now so expensive is because all postage systems ... Auspost, British mail etc realized they were losing out and upped the postage costs to gain and make a profit from online sales ...ebay most of all ... Auspost increased their postage charges twice last year from what I remember ... I buy online from all over the world on a regular basis.
    What happens with international postage is that every country charges the originating postal service a service fee per annum. If AP decide to lift their prices then the originating postal service has to price in that price rise to Oz so you pay more effectively to AP.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Perth, WA


    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Parks View Post
    What happens with international postage is that every country charges the originating postal service a service fee per annum. If AP decide to lift their prices then the originating postal service has to price in that price rise to Oz so you pay more effectively to AP.
    Yup ... and talking to My relatives back in the UK they seem to be doing the same thing with lifting prices for all types of postal both national and international which will in effect get passed on again when prices are renegotiated between countries.... the postal services took their time but unfortunately for us they have caught onto how much profit they can make from us international buyers.

    Probably not selling enough stamps anymore

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Its the 7th...

    Its the 7th Jan...

    Its arrived!

    I went and bought a travelers adapter plug down at tricky Dicky Smiths, to try her out and make sure she works!

    And work she does - fine!

    I see there is a 13 amp fuse in the UK plug - as was mentioned earlier a page or so back.

    The traveler plug adapter is only 10 amp...

    It works fine - the LED's light up etc - I don;t see it being a problem...

    The ONLY way I could imagine being able to use it with 13amps would be to attach a Aussie 15 amp plug, but who wants to do that - there are few outlets take the heavier earth pin... and even fewer extension leads.

    I'm tempted to leave as is - (well at least until its out of warranty at least).
    I have a couple small jobs to do soon with the Jig saw so will report back when I've actually cut wood with it.
    Right now I want to thank all of you who encouraged me to hold out for this 160 model.
    It is the ducks nuts and I am really pleased with it.

    Thanks heaps - all of you - mucho appreciated!.

    Bzzzz zzzzz - that me playing with it...sounds like mums old singer sewing machine - schweet as a nut!.

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