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Thread: The next King and Queen?
25th February 2005, 08:41 PM #31
I think that the time is ripe for a change to a republic, since most Australians feel that it is anomalous to have a non-Australian Head of State. But our President should be a respected figurehead, rather than someone with real political power.
I am sorry if my previous post came over as being anti-American. In many ways America is a great country - it is just that some of its political and social institutions could do with some improvement. I just find it sad that many Americans are firmly convinced that their country is the best in the world to live in, and that we foreigners should be pitied for not living there. Which is ironical, since my American wife regards Australia as a paradise compared to her homeland.
25th February 2005, 08:55 PM #32
Originally Posted by beejay1
Whilst you Brits may still feel beholden to the descendants of that murderous invader William the Conquerer ( a frenchman ) who enslaved your country, we aussies, apart from our pm, don't feel that way. If honest John :eek: had given us a decent referendum it would be off with their heads as far as we are concerned.
Strange is'nt it, our honest John sucking up to both George W and Lizzie W at the same time.
BTW I'm not knocking anyone here, simply expressing my personal point of view as others have done so please guys do not take this personally.
25th February 2005, 09:01 PM #33
Hello Dear subjects
Mummy and I have been totaly chuffed by what we are reading here on your forum.
Maybe one day you can all be free to do as you please, but for the moment Mummy is in charge, so deal with it.
Cheers Big Ears
25th February 2005, 09:04 PM #34
Oh Yes, one more thing.
Please dont refer to my betrothed as Horse Woman, she cant help it you know.
She is a warm and loving creature.... woman.
25th February 2005, 09:38 PM #35
Prince Midge .. err Charles, you are a funny man.
Craig (respectfully tugging his forelock :eek: )
25th February 2005, 10:39 PM #36
Originally Posted by beejay1
not pickin' on you mate, but when someone makes strong statements, colonials like meself feel the urge to have a poke at them
25th February 2005, 11:01 PM #37
Good progressive and rational thought process there Sturdee, thats the way forward
Correct me if im wrong here but I thought the 99 referendum lost out on both proposals because less than half of your elected delegates voted in favour of either, one of which would have at least removed the Monarchy issue for Australia, taking you much closer to your objective and following the process of gradual change. Is it not also the case that the Australian high court has ruled that power lies with the people in this matter?
Clearly your elected delagates did not represent the electorate viewpoint in this matter, or maybe they did. Personally, I think I'd have opted for something rather than nothing.
And maybe sturdee can persuade the PM to behead the Goverenor general rather than sack him.
25th February 2005, 11:34 PM #38
Originally Posted by beejay1
Yes you are wrong, only some of the delegates were elected to the conference by the people. Most of them were politicians and alleged eminent persons appointed by the pm. Talk about unrepresentative jerrymandering of the convention. But what can we expect of our pm who is an unashamedly royalist.
Sorry beejay, I wont be talking to our honest ? John. :eek: The last time he came to our suburb I went miles out of my way to make sure I missed seeing him.Was definately worth the effort as it is bad enough to see his rodent like face on TV.
Come the revolution and they'll all go and we'll appoint Al as President and make foil beanies compulsory.
26th February 2005, 12:34 AM #39
Something amiss here Sturdee, surely. I can only assume that you speak for the minority here as John is now in his third successive term of office is he not?
So that must mean that the majority of aussies are still in favour of the monarchy if theyre in favour of John?I think you need to convert more of your countrymen to the faith.Viva La Revolution
26th February 2005, 06:57 AM #40
Originally Posted by beejay1
26th February 2005, 07:27 AM #41
Originally Posted by Sturdee
I think we in Britain should still be allowed to lop off a few heads now and again, what jolly fun it must have been back in the olden days.
Mummys mob were very good at it you know, thats why she is Queen.
26th February 2005, 07:53 AM #42
Your Ighness, respectfully, if you insist on wearing a kilt, please address us from the rock on Arthurs Seat
Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.
26th February 2005, 08:00 AM #43
I think you Aussies have done it again . You have decorated the wrong end of the horse.
26th February 2005, 10:55 AM #44
hang on paul your confusing me. are we talking about a horses **** or the Australian government or are ----------- nope its ok, im back on track now
26th February 2005, 01:43 PM #45
Originally Posted by beejay1
They started to trace back our family tree but stopped when they discovered the handbag incident of 1731.