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Thread: Covid Vaccines

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    NSW, but near Canberra


    Quote Originally Posted by sacc51 View Post
    Hopefully the govt will adopt a no jab, no entry plan to protect us from the idiots!
    Speaking as someone who has been directly involved with European Court hearings involving unexpected side effects of drugs that DID undergo their full long term safety testing, and has seen first hand the pressures involved in drug development even when there is far less motivation (and profit) involved than in the current situation, I'm not convince that exhibiting blind faith in a brand new vaccine is wise, nor that classifying as "idiots" those who question that vaccine is justified. I suspect that the chances of serious long term side effects are minimal, but it HAS happened in the past. If something nasty DID happen, for example reproductive issues, when we looked back would we think that the rush had been worthwhile? Or would we wish that we had waited a few more months and got that additional data?

  2. #32
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  3. #33
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    People have been delaying having babies during the pandemic, probably quite sensible when health is a priority and medical services are under stress!

    I was chatting to my wife (a pharmacist and former "big pharma" employee) about covid, the vaccine safety testing and reproduction, and she mentioned that she has read that the biggest demographic in the "anti covid vaccine" group is women in the 29-39 (or thereabouts) age bracket. That would seem to be the "wanting kids and starting to worry about fertility issues" sector of the population......

  4. #34
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    I noticed there are a lot of discussions and a bit of disinformation
    Today's national press club address on Vaccine 2021 - Why, What, When and How by a panel of epidemiologists and immunisation experts Robert Booy, Mary-Louise McLaws and Sanjaya Senanayake talk about the COVID vaccine in a special event at the Press Club is well worth a watch.
    What I particularly like is their frank discussions on all the current issues, some of the disinformation spreading around are being discussed.

  5. #35
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    Interesting to note that if you die from covid, you can't have a baby anyway. As for side effects, I would listen to the health experts rather than the nay sayers that proliferate on the web hiding behind some fictitious 'I'm an expert' facade, conspiracy theorists also abound with no real scientific proof, yet still they put us all at risk. The health experts admit there have been side effects, but, they have been minimal and not serious. The deaths in Norway were people who had serious health problems and were expected to die anyway. As for waiting to see the after effects, we're seeing them now. How much time should we wait, 1 year, 10 years, 20 years. This same nonsense was around when the polio vaccine was introduced, as it turned out, polio has largely been eliminated. Covid 19 will not be the last pandemic/plague to affect us, Asia is a hotbed of diseases and history tells us they will occur regularly.

    The problem is the naysayers and conspiracy theorist who spread disinformation to further their nonsensical theories.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by sacc51 View Post
    Interesting to note that if you die from covid, you can't have a baby anyway.
    Very true, but those at greatest risk of dying from covid do not seem to be those for whom future reproduction is a massive issue....... In the US only 4% of deaths have been in people under 44 years of age, and 75% were over 65 years. So statistically those who have died of covid have made very little impact on the future reproduction of the human race.

    Quote Originally Posted by sacc51 View Post
    How much time should we wait, 1 year, 10 years, 20 years.

    A good question. Normally data is gathered sufficient to give a statistically valid result. So in the same way as electronics are specified as having a "mean time before failure" without a unit actually having been tested for millions of hours, drugs are tested over a growing number of individuals in the various phases of development, until enough data exists that the likelihood of unexpected side effects is acceptably small. That testing would cover all the likely candidates for the treatment indications - so a drug for use in geriatrics would not be tested on babies etc. In the case of a drug applicable to all ages, people of all ages would be tested. Testing would include pregnant women (because they are part of the target group for the drug), and that testing would monitor them through to childbirth and beyond. My point, and it was only for discussion, was that in this case the elapsed time has not been sufficient for anyone to have gone through the process of conception to childbirth after having this vaccine. So we have zero human data, and are simply extrapolating from non-human testing, or using a more indirect approach to decide that there isn't a problem. That's not to say that there IS a problem, just that we don't know for certain. So how long do we wait? Perhaps "wait" is the wrong word. Perhaps we should vaccinate those at greatest risk from covid, which would greatly reduce the mortality rate, whilst allowing ourselves time to fully evaluate any longer term effects? Those younger, fitter people would still catch and transmit the disease, but they couldn't give it to any of the higher risk people because those people would have been vaccinated. Assuming that those younger people would then have a natural immunity, the "pool" of transmitters would be ever decreasing but without any additional risk of side effects to the younger sections of the population. After a statistically significant number of people had proven that there were no impacts on reproduction, a full rollout could be undertaken - if it was still required.

    It is my suspicion, given the various reports of virus mutation, that the covid vaccine is likely to follow the path of the 'flu vaccine - a new one every year for the "current" strain of the disease. If that happens then it would seem likely that it will also follow the funding model of the 'flu vaccine, meaning "at risk" groups get on free and everyone else has to pay...... However, vaccines and the human immune system are a fascinating topic. Some viral diseases, like polio, have been largely wiped out by vaccination, whilst others have proven much harder to eradicate. There appears to be many reasons for this, and what category covid falls in to is still unknown!

    Quote Originally Posted by sacc51 View Post
    The deaths in xxxxxxx were people who had serious health problems and were expected to die anyway.
    This made me laugh, it was word for word one of the "expert statements" made by those defending the drug in the case I was involved in 20odd years ago. I was, by the way, employed by the pharmaceutical company involved. Today I ordered a new vaccine fridge in which to store the covid vaccine. So not really a naysayer, or a conspiracy theorist, if it was me you were referring to.

  7. #37
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    Warb, I think SACC51 was referring to me I pop out all kinds of irrational sensationalist mumbo

    BTW, I really like the thinking of your second para on demographic diversification for immunisation. Surely this must be a consideration? (rhetorically asked)

  8. #38
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    Pharmacies have now received the "invitation to express an interest in providing covid vaccinations", so the planning and rules are now largely finalised. The rollout in Australia is, in the early stages, targeted towards the old, plus health workers and others who are more exposed to infection and critical to the response. So the staged roll-out, with younger people last, is indeed the approach being taken. Approvals for the vaccines are provisional (approval lasts only 2 years and the drug must be monitored more thoroughly than usual) and only for people aged 16 and over.

    There is an interesting article in the SMH here that discusses variants/mutations of the virus, where they might have come from and what impacts they have on immunity either natural or by vaccination. It's worth a read. It includes the "interesting" suggestion/theory that people who are on long term pharmaceutical treatments for serious diseases may have provided the breeding ground for the virus to have undergone it's mutation to the newer "T800" versions that are now emerging.... I'm sure the concept that treating one fatal disease may have allowed another to get worse will make for some very interesting discussions from a "political correctness" viewpoint!

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by sacc51 View Post
    Interesting to note that if you die from covid, you can't have a baby anyway. As for side effects, I would listen to the health experts rather than the nay sayers that proliferate on the web hiding behind some fictitious 'I'm an expert' facade, conspiracy theorists also abound with no real scientific proof, yet still they put us all at risk. The health experts admit there have been side effects, but, they have been minimal and not serious. The deaths in Norway were people who had serious health problems and were expected to die anyway. As for waiting to see the after effects, we're seeing them now. How much time should we wait, 1 year, 10 years, 20 years. This same nonsense was around when the polio vaccine was introduced, as it turned out, polio has largely been eliminated. Covid 19 will not be the last pandemic/plague to affect us, Asia is a hotbed of diseases and history tells us they will occur regularly.

    The problem is the naysayers and conspiracy theorist who spread disinformation to further their nonsensical theories.
    I've heard from a couple of physicians who recommend getting the vaccine, but also say they'd like to see some cohort that doesn't. I suspect this is just hedging on their part, and I'm by no means a naysayer.

    Unless I have some streak of bad luck, I'll bet getting the first jab Friday.

    I'd kind of like some cohort to not be vaccinated, too - it may provide useful information. In the case of our country here, that generally tends to be under 18 at this point.

    But (huge local health care industry here), I've also seen notification of trials for underage vaccine use here. All the way down to age 1 as far as collecting volunteers for further trials.

    I think this is foolish, but whatever. I know of a whole lot of children who have gotten a fever and the trots from covid, or something of the sort for a short period of time, but the seriously ill kids are only something we see on the news. If 10 million kids get covid, and 1000 end up with something that looks like kawasaki syndrome, then that's all we'll hear about - fear mongering.

    There have been two here to my knowledge so far that were critical with that (out of 2.2 million people). That's not a nice thing to have happen to those two, but Children's hospital is filled with kids with other life threatening issues, and we hear nothing of any of it.

  10. #40
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    Got boosted today.
    8 months on, wanted the recommended 6 months and tried to book in but all the 4 month que jumpers had blown the waiting list from 2 to 6 weeks.

    Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Duke View Post
    Got boosted today.
    8 months on, wanted the recommended 6 months and tried to book in but all the 4 month que jumpers had blown the waiting list from 2 to 6 weeks.
    Not queue jumping. Three months is the ATAGI recommendation: ATAGI statement on defining 'up-to-date' status for COVID-19 vaccination

    Edit: Fixed link to display correctly

  12. #42
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    No cue jumpers up here, and no lines. I got my booster last week, no booking, just walk in and fill out the paperwork, get jabbed and wait the 15 minutes, from getting out of my car, and getting back in it, was 30 minutes.

  13. #43
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    Apr 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by sacc51 View Post
    Interesting to note that if you die from covid, you can't have a baby anyway. As for side effects, I would listen to the health experts rather than the nay sayers that proliferate on the web hiding behind some fictitious 'I'm an expert' facade, conspiracy theorists also abound with no real scientific proof, yet still they put us all at risk. The health experts admit there have been side effects, but, they have been minimal and not serious. The deaths in Norway were people who had serious health problems and were expected to die anyway. As for waiting to see the after effects, we're seeing them now. How much time should we wait, 1 year, 10 years, 20 years. This same nonsense was around when the polio vaccine was introduced, as it turned out, polio has largely been eliminated. Covid 19 will not be the last pandemic/plague to affect us, Asia is a hotbed of diseases and history tells us they will occur regularly.

    The problem is the naysayers and conspiracy theorist who spread disinformation to further their nonsensical theories.
    Research is uncovering the longterm effects of Covid on those who appear to have recovered successfully. There are several enduring or potential organ issues.

    Speaking with my psychologist hat on, I wonder about the longer term neuropsychological problems: memory, learning difficulties, and emotional problems (to mention a few) in those who contracted Covid.

    The issue of vaccination may be the case of damned if you do and damned if you don't.

    Regards from Perth

    Visit for tutorials on constructing handtools, handtool reviews, and my trials and tribulations with furniture builds.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Duke View Post
    Got boosted today.
    8 months on, wanted the recommended 6 months and tried to book in but all the 4 month que jumpers had blown the waiting list from 2 to 6 weeks.

    That should be 7 not 8 weeks.
    The wait was because I wanted it done at my usual medical centerwhere they have all my records.

    Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Duke View Post
    That should be 7 not 8 weeks.
    The wait was because I wanted it done at my usual medical centerwhere they have all my records.
    All Covid immunisations are recorded with The Australian Immunisation Register regardless of where you have it. This is more for the benefit of anyone else that needs to know who may be deciding to wait to see their own doctor.

    If you have an electronic health record, it should also be reflected there as well. That said, this is a little more hit and miss and depending on the provider.

    I chose to use another provider for my booster shot because Moderna was not being given by my doctor.

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