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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Northen Rivers NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Bleedin Thumb View Post
    I'm going to gag soon. All this ain't cops great!!!
    I know there are a few cops on this forum and there is not one of them that I have taken any objection to what they're said.
    I don't have a problem with people who become police I know a couple and they're great guys (and a gal).

    Its just I hate the police.

    There I've said it. I grew up in Qld in the 70's. REMEMBER what it was like.

    It was illegal to congregate.
    They hassled you constantly for just being a teenager.
    You got verballed.
    They fitted you up.
    They were corrupt.
    They were crooked.
    They were bent.
    And they were mean bastards.

    So you guys can all go on about how good cops are, and I admit they have come along way, but there is still a lot of crap goes on that I don't agree with, and I doubt that the coppers that frequent this forum would be able to honestly say that they haven't heard of or directly known of dodgy behavour by other cops.

    I don't mean to offend the serving members here, I'm sure that your all thick skinned enough or heard the rant before. Just had to provide another view on this love fest.
    I think I'm about to get roasted.

    Hi Bleedin

    Well I was till last december and if I was around in the seventies I would have behaved the same. Had I been a junior and gone to CIB in manly or the drug and vice squad where corrupt behaviour went on then I would have been corrupt.

    I have belted people who needed a belting, have sped gratuitously cause I could, played up with my mates on the grog cause it was our town and we watched each others back, covered my back and my mates with Internal Affairs and generally had a wow of a time.

    I have also kept a kid alive for twenty minutes at a crash scene, helped some pretty troubled people, dug up bodies overseas, watched autopsies of kids and a lot of other stuff that I am pretty proud of. I am aware of at least four people who would not be here today if it werent for me so I reckon the good out weighs the bad. I missed much of my sons early life, broke both knees fighting fools and will need a new new by 50.

    Cops were once a big family, there were good families and bad families just like in real life and were in some ways like this forum. The good, the bad and the ugly.

    Sadly today the family has been broken up and its just individuals out there looking after themselves. So we have a more just system but one that will result in bitter and in many cases mentally ill ex cops.

    There is however very little verballing etc going on now due to the taped and videoed records of interview and the weight is heavily in the defendants side as it should be.

    So I support what you say to a degree. Policing, done by the right people with the right attitude, is very enjoyable and I would support anyone thinking of joining but get some life experience first. Done by the wrong people it just sucks.

    Dont forget you are talking 37 years ago. Probably some steel beams, timber and bolts needed by now.



    maybe Im gonnna get flammed.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Tolmie - Victoria


    I had long hair too

    It is difficult when a decision is made in a split second by an individual under tough conditions and then it is drawn out over weeks by armchair experts asking questions about other options etc. in a court or an inquiry. How would these smarties have reacted if put on the spot?

    I feel sorry for the honest copper who acted to the best of their ability at the time under pressure when the outcome is not so good.

    The sleazebag copper who is intentionally brutally violent but pretends it is self defence, they are letting their mates down in the same way someone falsely reporting rape lets down the real rape victims.

    I have met good and bad coppers just like in any other profession or trade apart from politicians (they are over represented by dodgy slimeballs).
    - Wood Borer

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Northen Rivers NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Metal Head View Post
    It must be really frustrating dealing with some of the low lifes with have in our community. I would certainly be tempted (if I was a copper) to take the law into my hands and fix up the problem before it got to court.

    However, I do wonder why do they have to shoot people in the chest. In the RAF (U.K.) we were taught unless the dangerous person had a gun/rifle, to shoot them in legs/knee caps. Not only does it get them on the ground but they are in so much pain they lose their grip on the offensive weapon. At least the loved one's will still be able to see them as well as give them a helping hand.
    Hi Metal

    The only reason to discharge a firearm is effectively to prevent loss of life and that needs to be immediate and imminent. cops are taught to shoot for centre mass of the body. Police use hollow point style projectiles that are designed to stop in the body when they contact lots of soft body tissue. Arms and legs are not like that and the chance of the projectile hitting someone else is a real possibility.

    The average shooting takes place over four seconds and seven feet between them. Most shots are instinctive and not aimed so its normally a case of whip it out and fire.

    Police snipers aim for the brain stem to stop the threat immediately so there mates can go in and secure the place.



  4. #34
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Kuranda, paradise, North Qld


    that's possibly the most frank and honest post I've ever read. I commend you, not so much for admitting your wrongdoings as a cop, but just for admitting that you've done wrong, period.

    "If you need a machine today and don't buy it,

    tomorrow you will have paid for it and not have it."

    - Henry Ford 1938

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Craggy Island


    Quote Originally Posted by Gumby View Post
    Why ? They aren't the ones saying he Police have nothing to fear. You are.
    They are the ones who are saying it...they can explain it, if you can't understand it.
    Read the Police (Immunity from Civil Liability) Act yet?
    There's a boat inside me trying to get out.
    Was it something I ate?

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    There are good and bad people in all organisations, the cops, the army, the post office and the local Coles all suffer from this.

    Trouble is that in some jobs more harm is caused by the ratbags than in others.

    My go out to the good, decent or just ordinary police.

    I too remember the bad old days in QLD

    Dazzler - good post... particularly about being young and joining a corrupt group... happens eveywhere, unfortunately.... and is only fixed by strong leaders, and when its often fools at the top....

    I have no dramas with a copper shooting at someones bodymass.
    I reckon if the cop has to shoot in the first place.... better the out of control aggressor than the cop. Aiming for the legs gets police killed, and the idea of a 'noble' death is hard to sell to a grieving wife and kids.

    Yep, I'd only be a copper for the big paycheck!

    "Use your third eye" - Watson

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by craigb View Post
    Let's all hope the bad old days are gone.

    For sure, the cops didn't get too many plaudits in the '70's if you were a hippy (like me).

    However, that was then.....

    True enough but..... I had so many bad experiences with the them that it has shaped my psyche.
    And I must point out I'm not a criminal... Ive never been convicted of anything I was just harassed and intimidated by them.

    I was living in a share house at one stage in the valley in Brisbane where we were raided once a week. I kid you not! Once a week for about 3 months or more and all they got was some crumbs of dope on some poor bastard that was visiting us.

    .......... best not get me started my whole youth seemed to be permeated by cops intimidating and threatening me when I wasn't doing anything wrong.

    And not much has changed, ... they're are still picking on teenagers from what I see in the local rag.
    But thats alright by me as I don't like teenagers either.

    EDIT I missed your post Dazzler as I was busy slooowly typing.. good post and I'm smart enough to realise all these things ... just find it hard to shake off the animosity towards the profession...except when I need one. I had to say that before some one else did!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Never really had much trouble with the cops. I had a Highway Patrol guy who singled me out when I was 19. Used to pull me over every time he saw me, just for the hell of it. Fined me for not parking close and parallel because I pulled up on the opposite side of the road; fined me for not wearing a seatbelt because I was pulling it on as I drove away from a parking space; fined me for dangerous driving because one of the rear wheels spun a bit as I turned a corner on a dirt road. You know, that kind of thing. But I hated him, not cops in general.

    I've got a mate who is a sarge in Sydney and it blows me away how cheerful he always is despite what he has to deal with daily.

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Sydney, NSW, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Wood Borer View Post
    I had long hair too

    We're just going to have to take your word for that Rob.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    My missus had a meeting with Christine Nixon (Vic commisioner) earlier this week. Said "what a loverly lady..... but not a person to be mucked around. Definitly SWMBO.

    According to my missus Paul Mullet should reconsider his choice of careers

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Bleedin is correct about Brisbane police in the '70s, I agree with his description completely as it matched my experiences there. As a youngster I pulled out from a stop sign and turned right. I was immediately pulled over and ticketed for speeding. When I argued that wasn't possible in 100 yards I was dragged from the car and threatened - so had to cop it sweet. That happened to most guys in their 20s at that time.

    You don't forget those things. Since then I have worked with SOG teams and country police quite a bit (VIC, SA, WA and NSW) and have had nothing but good experiences.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by craigb View Post
    We're just going to have to take your word for that Rob.
    I had long hair too. I've got a photo somewhere to prove it!

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    OK Silent, WB and all you ex hippies if you cant find a photo you weren't there or you were always square.

    Me at 17.....30 years ago...the years have not been kind.

    Attachment 40712

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Sydney, NSW, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Bleedin Thumb View Post
    OK Silent, WB and all you ex hippies if you cant find a photo you weren't there or you were always square.
    Me 1975.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    How do you guys get your hands on these pics so quick? OK, I'll have to go up to the house and find one...

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