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Thread: Impressive

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poppa View Post
    No, not at all. I'm saying that of the 2 main parties I would prefer to vote for the Libs at the moment rather than Labor, because I think the corruption in Labor is more endemic. Not that it is absent from the Lib side, just less entrenched and severe. Unfortunately I think both sides have too many that are only attracted to the job by what they can personally get out of it. I agree with a few others that Turnbull would be a better option than Abbott. I initially had high hopes for Rudd because I thought he might have a chance at taking on the corruption within Labor and fixing it, but alas that didn't work out.
    I agree with those sentiments Bob. I believe that there is entrenched corruption in both sides of politics. I think the Lib's have covered their tracks well though. However I don't believe either party is corrupt, it's just that both have well entrenched bad apples that get expunged during a long spell in opposition. It's Labors turn now.

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  2. #32
    rrich Guest


    I sincerely apologize for stirring up this mess.
    I only meant to compliment you on the dignity and professionalism of your elected officials.

    As it was said, I only see the international side and unfortunately not the domestic side.

    So as part of my apology, everyone should have an extra beer while I'll join you with a glass of some very good Irish Whisky.
    (I'm just not a beer drinker.)

  3. #33
    FenceFurniture's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rrich View Post
    I sincerely apologize for stirring up this mess.
    I only meant to compliment you on the dignity and professionalism of your elected officials.

    As it was said, I only see the international side and unfortunately not the domestic side.
    No worries Rich - speaking for myself I was only pointing out what is likely to NOT be covered by the scant international media.

    There's a further example of Abbott's mentality about to hit us in May, when the Federal Budget is due. We have long been warned that it will be the horror budget from hell, with NOTHING to be spared from cuts. That includes Disability Pensioners and the like.

    However, no mention has been made of reducing or postponing his "Signature Promise" of paid maternity leave for (I think) up to 6 months, but it may be 12. Don't get me wrong - this is fundamentally an excellent idea. The only problem is that people earning up to $150,000 per year can still be eligible for a $75,000 payment. That $75k is the equivalent of about 3.5 people on a disability pension......

    Those figures are from memory, and there may need to be adjustment, but that's pretty much the guts of it.

    My point is: if you are earning $150,000 a year as the female in the partnership, then statistically speaking, your spouse more than likely earns that much and more. If a couple like that can't plan to have one person off for six months when they are earning that kind of stupendous money then maybe they need to sell the furniture, trade the house down, or otherwise sort their lives out.

    If anything should be cut or backburnered at the moment it is the paid maternity leave scheme. It is estimated to cost $5 Bills a year.
    Last edited by FenceFurniture; 22nd April 2014 at 06:50 PM. Reason: Got planes on the brain
    Regards, FenceFurniture

    Jan-Feb 2019 Click to send me an email

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by rrich View Post
    I sincerely apologize for stirring up this mess.
    I only meant to compliment you on the dignity and professionalism of your elected officials.

    As it was said, I only see the international side and unfortunately not the domestic side.

    So as part of my apology, everyone should have an extra beer while I'll join you with a glass of some very good Irish Whisky.
    (I'm just not a beer drinker.)
    No worries Rich. Our last few PM's have polarised public opinion somewhat I'm impressed with the way this has been discussed on this forum though. Strong views expressed without personalising them. I don't mind the odd scotch so will have one tonight

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  5. #35
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    Oh man, this is just getting ridiculous. Our PM needs to sort out his priorities.

    27th March, 2014:

    and for those who can't get to the link, here is an edited version:
    Australia's biggest Defence acquisition is currently rated as "unaffordable" because of reliability issues, a US congressional committee has heard.
    Federal Cabinet's national security committee is expected to endorse the purchase of an additional 58 F-35s next month.
    But the head of the JSF program, US Air Force Lieutenant General Chris Bogdan, visited Australia two weeks ago and declared the reliability and maintainability of the aircraft was not yet "good enough".
    .......could see countries like Australia paying millions of dollars more per aircraft.
    "We've looked at the reliability too and it is a really big concern now - it's very risky," the General Accounting Office's Michael Sullivan said.

    And this morning:
    Australia will buy 58 more F-35 Joint Strike Fighters (JSF) at a cost of more than $12 billion after the Federal Government gave the go ahead for the purchase yesterday.
    As part of the announcement, more than $1.6 billion will be spent on new facilities at air bases in Williamtown in New South Wales and Tindal in the Northern Territory.

    That will have to be spent between now and 2018 when the first F35s arrive.

    So, while it's cut-cut-cut for vital services such as pensions and education and god knows what else (but certainly a Science Ministry - eliminated), and it's spend Hee-YUGE on what would appear to be a bunch of $12 Billion lemons, a paid maternity leave scheme that has been panned as unaffordable, at least for the moment, by those who know (senior economists) , and a new Airport for Sydney (when we've managed for the last 30 years with one).

    Regards, FenceFurniture

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  6. #36
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    Yep agree, huge waste of money on the planes and the maternity leave. Ridiculous to spend that when our budget is in deficit and there are other priorities. I think the second airport is a good thing actually, and they'll probably outsource it to an external company and give them the profits for 30 years (which I disagree with on principle), so the upfront costs will be offset at least.
    Bob C.

    Never give up.

  7. #37
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    One thing governments are good at is wasting money. When some governments do it it's called 'waste', when some others do it its called 'stimulus'

    I don't think you can put all the blame on Abbott though. He does have a cabinet. What are they for if he makes all the decisions?
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poppa View Post
    .... they'll probably outsource it to an external company and give them the profits for 30 years (which I disagree with on principle), so the upfront costs will be offset at least.
    Yes that's correct Brian, but they will still be making large contributions to the surrounding infrastructure, such as roads etc, and that is pretty much forthwith as i understand it.

    Sure, the Northern Road has needed an upgrade for a long time, but.....

    Quote Originally Posted by silentC View Post
    I don't think you can put all the blame on Abbott though. He does have a cabinet. What are they for if he makes all the decisions?
    He's certainly not in the same league as Rudd for making decisions without consulting Cabinet. However, He consulted nobody about the Knighthoods (just told a few colleagues what he was about to announce), and the Maternity leave is his signature policy. As I recall there have been rumblings from other people on his side that it should be held back and scaled down.

    And apart from that, he is the leader who has been bleating about what a sorry state the finances are in, so it's up to him to show correct and prudent leadership, and rule a few of these things out (or for the time being anyway). If he's so hell bent on getting back into surplus within 5 (?) years then the quickest way to do it is not spend such vast amounts of money on what are clearly much lower priorities.

    A proper NBN Internet system is a real nation builder - all of those applications that will only be thought of when it is actually up and running - can't be qualified or quantified yet (when the wheel was invented nobody was thinking about cars). No, we'll water that down to the 19th C copper system and keep on spending millions and millions maintaining that into the foreseeable future. The copper system will be a choke point (think Dust Extraction) and the NBN will not be able to deliver it's full potential, or anything like it. Then they'll turn around and blame the previous govt for a crap slow system.

    This Joint Strike Fighter thing is just crazy. It was the previous Govt who signed the contract (back in Fitzgibbon's day as I recall) but surely there is a clause(s) about performance standards and KPIs, and delivery times that could cancel the contract. I'd love to know what other countries who are ordering these planes are doing now (or intend to do).

    What riles me the most is that Hockey (the Treasurer, whom I quite like as a person) accuses the previous govt of "spending like drunken sailors" when Abbott is is spending like a BiPolar on a hypomanic spending spree - spend up big on complete white elephant stuff, and have empty cupboards in the kitchen.
    Regards, FenceFurniture

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  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by silentC View Post
    I don't think you can put all the blame on Abbott though. He does have a cabinet. What are they for if he makes all the decisions?
    It would be a 'courageous' decision for them to get rid of him so soon when they went along with his style of electioneering.

  10. #40
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    Heh heh......a forum member was here on Sunday picking something up. We had our usual brief summary chat of the current politics and he said "When Neville Wran dies it'll all come out within six months (the reasons behind his sudden resignation as Premier in 1986, at the height of his powers).

    Bugger me if old Nifty Neville wasn't dead by Sunday evening! I have suggested to the said member that he start similar mantras about Abbott and Cambell Newman, but he said his preference was Murdoch and Alan Jones....
    Regards, FenceFurniture

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  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by FenceFurniture View Post
    Heh heh......a forum member was here on Sunday picking something up. We had our usual brief summary chat of the current politics and he said "When Neville Wran dies it'll all come out within six months (the reasons behind his sudden resignation as Premier in 1986, at the height of his powers).

    Bugger me if old Nifty Neville wasn't dead by Sunday evening! I have suggested to the said member that he start similar mantras about Abbott and Cambell Newman, but he said his preference was Murdoch and Alan Jones....

    There could be a wish/death list to follow. .

    Mr Wran wasn't called "Nifty" for nothing I'm supposing. On the ABC last night in remembering him, they recounted the allegations of corruption, acknowledged that he stood down during the hearing and pointed out that he was cleared on all counts.

    I found it interesting that they remembered him in that fashion. It was as if there was something else....

    I guess we will see in about six months if your friend's predictions continue to be accurate .


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  12. #42
    rrich Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by silentC View Post
    One thing governments are good at is wasting money. When some governments do it it's called 'waste', when some others do it its called 'stimulus'

    SWMBO doesn't understand why I'm laughing.

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