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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Never

    Never let it be said - I don't finish a job!.

    Managed to find time to trim the pipes all to length - and take them back to the exhaust guy and get the 2 short ends swagged (swaged?) down to fit inside the two longer upper sections!

    They even MIG welded them for me to save me spattering stick welds all over the galv coating and making it ugly!

    It put a severe dent in the credit facility on my "man card", but at least once I grind the welds down smooth and add the fixing plates - I can then prep and paint them, to keep the metal white ants at bay, and install them using some 10mm loxon/expanding bolts into the brickwork!

    After that I am "in the good books" with old mum for at least - oh well, maybe......5 minutes. (I'm always in the nuer? newer? ahh crap - with her - it's just the depth that varies).

    Which means - time to press on with the wooden cyclone, and adjustable height work bench builds.

    I was up till 3 am this morning, working out all my pieces sizes etc to make tapered cones & circular cylinders out of flat bits!

    At one point I was designing a pantograph, with a Makita 4 inch grinder & Arbortech power wood carving chisel... to smooth the flats inside the cone into a true circle... to laminate it inside....

    Then I figured - just laminate each of the 40 flat pieces and trim them individually before I put it together.....and it can stay a series of 40 flats in a circle & it will be MUCH easier to laminate that way....rather than laminating the inside of a cone...

    Might even do the same for the air ramp laminate the inside of the air ramp as well so it doesn't wear...

    Lots of number crunching last night....going to have to make up some jigs, BUT I figure if I have to ever help someone else out and make another one or two - I will at least have all the jigs and measurements to do so.

    I do think a timber cyclone will be significantly quieter to run I hope.

    The planning & prep is half the fun IMHO.

    Photos of the rails to come when completed in the next day or so!.

    Unless something else comes up... my weeks seem to go to crap pretty quick... when others ask for me "to just do this" and "just do that"... it ruins a whole weeks plans sometimes!

    Might have to apply for another man card the way its going!

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Getting

    Getting closer to finished now.

    A little more "adjusting" with the angle grinder and welder tomorrow - some paint and drill the holes and install...

    Sounds like nothing if you say it fast! (Meaning it could take me a week).

    You can't rush these things.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Far West Wimmera


    Now if you could just replace those broken pavers.......


  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Thats

    That's next in line.

    But first, I have to dig them up anyway - to put the hot and cold water pipes across to the shed trough/sink, & then replace them afterwards with matching brick paver's to match those already around the shed.

    You have to do these things in their proper order, or you just end up re doing stuff you've already done once. (And at the rate I work, that could take 2 lifetimes).

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Far West Wimmera


    Quote Originally Posted by Timless Timber View Post
    That's next in line.

    But first, I have to dig them up anyway - to put the hot and cold water pipes across to the shed trough/sink, & then replace them afterwards with matching brick paver's to match those already around the shed.

    You have to do these things in their proper order, or you just end up re doing stuff you've already done once. (And at the rate I work, that could take 2 lifetimes).
    So I am not the only one.


  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Nope

    Nope Dean,

    In a previous life I worked for years to other peoples "deadlines".

    People like to set 'deadlines' for often no good reason other than they think it will make you hurry up!

    I know from experience that I ALWAYS underestimate how long something will take me, then you give your word you can meet someone elses deadline - then you rush, and make (sometimes expensive) mistakes, (and injure yourself or others) as a result - because no one wants to let someone else down, by being late!.

    My ol man smoked a lot of his life... and sure like everyone of his era he was addicted to nicotine - no denying that, BUT I came to realize that stopping work to light a smoke - gave him time to think a proposed action thru before hand - or work out a solution, or plan the next step etc... smoking time equated to thinking time for him - an excuse to stop and contemplate the best way to do the next step (and when he quit smoking he took up drinking coffee for the same reason - so he could boil the billy and have a coffee & THINK).

    What I found was that when you rush things - you don't enjoy making anything....rushing, removes MY enjoyment of the build it / make it process.

    I no longer make anything to a deadline. It gets done when it gets done. It gets done when I FEEL like making it, when I am in "the creative mood", and when I am enjoying myself. If I am NOT enjoying myself I STOP and go do something else... and when I FEEL like it, I go back to my task...

    I came to the conclusion that life's too damn short to always be rushing, to be admonishing ones self for letting someone else down, by not meeting their deadline.

    People coming to understand that - if you need something in a hurry - I am NOT the bloke to come too. If you want it done RIGHT - in my own good time, when I am ready - then different story.

    The people who need something yesterday, are NOT the people I want (need) to make anything for any more.
    I've literally "bin dere 'n done dat" & have the scars to prove it.
    Someone else deadlines - and demands and expectations, doesn't grow me any new fingers, and just 1 "mistake" around machines could cost me a lifetimes loss of such digits.

    In fact I think I shall make a sign up to that effect.....probably TODAY (or tomorrow if I feel like it) - and hang it in the shed... so anyone entering knows my thoughts about deadlines and hurrying etc to meet THEIR timetable / deadline etc.

    I work for MY enjoyment these days.

    This is part of my 'stars' (more like 'horror scope') for today

    If you have a bolder and more self-confident temperament, you may be inclined to act too quickly, to be hasty and overcritical of others. Or you may be accident prone. With this influence, you are not as careful as you should be, and you might hurt yourself.
    Am I working in my shed with machinery today?


    Why not?

    I just don't "feel" like it (today). And I am working for myself, on something for me, ATM, so I don't have a deadline.... SWMTSWTP asked me yesterday when I'd finish these hand rails... and I honestly answered - "when they are done"!

    Now had I answered "tomorrow" - then she would have planned out something for me to do for her, for the duration of the weekend....
    When I answer "When they are done" she knows better than to make plans for my time to suit HER deadlines.

    I'm not running a business... and I'm not answering to anyone... anymore, as far as my time.... I do what i want to do, when I want to do it, IF I feel like it.

    If there's no deadline - I don't have to stress about meeting it, or beat myself up for it, if I don't meet it.

    Someone who wants it done yesterday, is welcome to go make it themselves.
    And if they COULD - they wouldn't be round at my place asking me to make it for them.
    I try a LOT less hard these days, to please others & a LOT harder to please myself.
    Life's starting to become a lot more enjoyable!.

    IF I charge anyone anything for any job - its a set price to cover materials and my efforts... and doesn't include a set number of hours and a set hourly rate.... and i don't work to deadlines so no one including me - has to worry about time management and hourly output (increased productivity).

    I've long ago, left all that crap in life, behind.

    Most people have zero idea what "time" really is anyway. If they did they would realize ol Albert Einstein was right and that time is relative to the observer (which is why his special theory of relativity was thus named)!.

    Their time reality and mine might be (are) totally different today.

    When I am lying on my death bed the last thing to enter my mind, will be how many jobs I didn't meet someone else's deadline on during my lifetime.

    This is why it will take me 2 lifetimes, to get round to everything I need to do!.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Timless Timber View Post
    Most people have zero idea what "time" really is anyway. If they did they would realize ol Albert Einstein was right and that time is relative to the observer (which is why his special theory of relativity was thus named)!.
    In reality, time is nature's way of ensuring that everything doesn't happen at once.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    Good on ya Timeless Timber! I like that perspective. It sound like you have earnt that opinion!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Well said Timeless Timber, I have stopped making wood heaters for sheds as all i ever get is can i have it by next week-end, Im over rushing jobs for others it does take the enjoyment away, now i know why i smoke so much, allways thinking. cheers steve.

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