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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Country West Oz


    Quote Originally Posted by BobL View Post
    I prefer "globe" rather than "bulb"
    Me too

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Just quietly Eskimo.

    Eskimo, ‘and not tell us why’ would be quietly, wouldn’t it?
    Now if he was to just leave and not say why he was leaving, would that be ‘leaving with his tail between his legs’? I think so!
    As it happened, he didn’t 'leave quietly with his tail between his legs’, he told us why – good on him! And what happens? he gets jumped on – again. Reminds me of an old saying, ‘you just can’t win’.
    Of course this is just my opinion, but I'm allowed an opinion the same as everyone else, aren't I?

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Hi Ray,
    Great little roundup of forums there
    You may have forgotten the three of us that read it all and just click 'Like'.


  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Rural Victoria


    Quote Originally Posted by Steamwhisperer View Post
    Hi Ray,
    Great little roundup of forums there
    You may have forgotten the three of us that read it all and just click 'Like'.



  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Rural Victoria


    I haven't posted much recently, or perhaps as much in totality as some of the legends of this forum. I must admit I have not seen a huge amount of vindictiveness here... of course you will always get the 'experts'....

    I like to think that I'm detached and mature enough that I don't give a fat rat's about criticism. Then again, it just takes just one or two particular words to put a pebble in one's shoe.

    Now that I have finished a long and BORING reno which involved lots of BORING woodwork and BORING painting of said BORING woodwork, I should be able to move on with some awesome metalworking projects. I will happily post them here to show off.... oops I mean provide educational opportunities.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Gerbilsquasher View Post
    I haven't posted much recently, or perhaps as much in totality as some of the legends of this forum. I must admit I have not seen a huge amount of vindictiveness here... of course you will always get the 'experts'....

    I like to think that I'm detached and mature enough that I don't give a fat rat's about criticism. Then again, it just takes just one or two particular words to put a pebble in one's shoe.

    Now that I have finished a long and BORING reno which involved lots of BORING woodwork and BORING painting of said BORING woodwork, I should be able to move on with some awesome metalworking projects. I will happily post them here to show off.... oops I mean provide educational opportunities.
    Welcome back Gerbil & well done with the reno!

    Girl, I don't wanna know about your mild-mannered alter ego or anything like that." I mean, you tell me you're, uh, super-mega-ultra-lightning babe? That's all right with me. I'm good. I'm good.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Yorkshire UK


    Quote Originally Posted by Gerbilsquasher View Post
    No ! "Five"
    Best Regards:

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by th62 View Post
    this is just my opinion, but I'm allowed an opinion the same as everyone else
    Yes, and I too..IMO he was acting like a troll.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Enough said from me on this particular thread. Time to get back to building stuff…..

    Girl, I don't wanna know about your mild-mannered alter ego or anything like that." I mean, you tell me you're, uh, super-mega-ultra-lightning babe? That's all right with me. I'm good. I'm good.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by th62 View Post
    As it happened, he didn’t 'leave quietly with his tail between his legs’, he told us why – good on him! And what happens? he gets jumped on – again.
    I think we've established that the Gentleman concerned didn't get "jumped on" once, never mind again. It would seem that he felt some posts were being directed at himself, that's not the way myself and at least one other here read it, and as I was the author of some of the posts I think I'm in a good position to judge! However as the OP threw a little tanti, made some highly derogatory insults, before turfing his toys from the pram, and storming off swearing to never return, I guess we'll never know.

    There has been some discussion in recent times, especially off forum, that the forum isn't what it used to be. I'd highly agree. Last night I wrote a lengthy tome sharing my opinion as to why that may be so. Unfortunately my browser crashed and deleted the post just as it was about to be published. There goes an hour of my life! However, inspired by Simon's post I'll try again, and in a nutshell what I said was that I've seen the ebb and flow as people come and go, including myself, and nothing much changed. So I don't agree that a few people dominating the forum is the issue. Up until a few years ago people used to just make s%^t, and that's what we talked about. Sometimes it was good, sometimes it was bad, and sometimes? Well sometimes it was just plain ugly But it was good regardless of the flavour, knowledge and parts would be flying from one side of the country to the other, and as a result many good friendships were formed.

    Now? It seems from where I stand it's become more a pi$$ing contest as to who can Google better/faster than the next guy, as egos try to out-do each other to try to show off how "smart" they are. A bunch of tool collectors try to out-gloat each other as to who has the most expensive/rarest/most accurate widget, even though they barely know how to turn it on, never mind use it to its full potential. Bizarre esoteric theories get discussed in threads that run to a dozen pages or more, meanwhile the solution is just to throw a VFD on the machine and get to using it. In short, so few seem to be actually making stuff these days. The frauds who think they're being clever by pretending they are aren't fooling anyone, people who actually use their machines can see straight through the hoax. It's frustrating, leads to a lot of bad information being shared, and it just makes them look like idiots.

    The Australian Government recommends 2 1/2 to 5 hours of physical activity each week to maintain a physically healthy lifestyle. 30 minutes a day, most any physically capable person can achieve that. I think it would be a similarly very good guideline if "physical activity" was substituted and added as "hobby time" and for us that means "workshop time", where guys left Google alone for 30 minutes and just went and just made stuff; good, bad, and even ugly! In my opinion this forum would be a much better place to "hang out" if that was the case.

    My 2 cents to do with as you please.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Victoria, Australia


    Hi Pete,

    It would be more constructive if you stopped trying to categorize people into boxes, everyone has their own story, and experiences to draw on, the best result are always when people are contributing constructively not making derogatory and demeaning statements designed to belittle the other guy. It's just as easy to explain to someone why they are wrong, rather than just throwing out insults.

    I can understand why some people who really do have a lot of experience and knowledge in their own particular areas to contribute, but they just give up and move on.

    I know you are going to try and come back with some devastingly clever justification... but try to resist. You are better than that. As a group we can do better.


  12. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by RayG View Post
    Hi Pete,

    It would be more constructive if you stopped trying to categorize people into boxes, everyone has their own story, and experiences to draw on, the best result are always when people are contributing constructively not making derogatory and demeaning statements designed to belittle the other guy. It's just as easy to explain to someone why they are wrong, rather than just throwing out insults.

    I can understand why some people who really do have a lot of experience and knowledge in their own particular areas to contribute, but they just give up and move on.

    I know you are going to try and come back with some devastingly clever justification... but try to resist. You are better than that. As a group we can do better.

    Nothing devastatingly clever to say Ray, just how disappointed I was to read that post of yours. Now if you can't see the irony in this; "...the best result are always when people are contributing constructively not making derogatory and demeaning statements designed to belittle the other guy." You mean like what you just wrote?

  13. #43
    Join Date
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    Victoria, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Pete F View Post
    Nothing devastatingly clever to say Ray, just how disappointed I was to read that post of yours. Now if you can't see the irony in this; "...the best result are always when people are contributing constructively not making derogatory and demeaning statements designed to belittle the other guy." You mean like what you just wrote?
    Yes, it wasn't intended as an insult, it was intended to be a constructive comment.

    I used to be on a pretty good trivia team.. there were 8 of us, one guy knew all about movies and academy awards, another knew 80's music, another was a whiz on classical music trivia. etc etc Everyone had some special area of knowledge and general knowledge that contributed to the whole.

    The forum is a bit like that, everyone has personal experience, training and practical knowledge of some aspect of metalwork.. that, and the willingness to help others with that expertise is what makes it work.

    A bit of humor doesn't go astray either.. god help us all if we lose our sense of humor....


  14. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Some people's sense is just a rumour.

    Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Hypocritical musings???

    Better quit now: I can hear the moderators boots stomping along the Rule Highway...

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