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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    What if we look at it the other way around. Maybe Australian prices are not excessively high after all. Maybe prices from overseas only seem cheap, because the AU$ exchange rate is artificially high because of the resources boom. Should the resources boom ever (god forbid!) collapse copletely, the AU$ could well drop to 50 US cents. And then, prices elsewhere would look expensive, would they? And wages here would look low. Australia is one of the richest countries in the world beause of its natural resources, and not because we were somehow more efficient or more laborious or more inventive or better trained or otherwise superior to other industrialized countries. It is just the luck of the draw. Lets make the most of it, as long as we can.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Unsure if anyone has touched on this already, but is it worth considering that some sellers dangle the carrot with item prices at or below purchase price and then make their margin through postage. And lets not forget also that "postage" also has a packaging/handling component. People are entitled to charge what and how they want. You'd have to assume that regardless of item vs postage/handling ratio, it would be those that fall mid-way in the spectrum to succeed as viable businesses in the long term.


  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Bendigo Victoria


    No Chris, that argument doesn't hold water.

    If the $US exchange rate should drop to the 50s then most of our prices would double!

    The reason so many of our prices are so high is that the $US exchange was in the mid 50s for quite a while, and not that long ago. As a result our prices increased dramatically at the time as our importers adjusted to the lower exchange rate.

    When the exchange rate then rapidly increased to over 1.00, the importers in most cases did not adjust their prices down to reflect that better exchange rate. They may have adjusted a little, but nothing like the new reality.

    And let's not forget that the US$ has devalued dramatically not only against our $ but also against the rest of the world currencies. Despite that most imported goods are still way cheaper in the US.

    Have a look at our petrol and diesel prices, they are now way higher than when our exhange rate was in the mid 50s, yet TAPIS crude prices are still around the $US100-110 mark, as they were then, yet we pay about 40-50% more at the pump.

    Yet "our" oil companies report a loss every year, they can do this because they pay inflated prices for the crude and refined products they import from their affiliated companies in Asia. It is called "exporting profits".

    "Our" car manufacturers play the same game, they buy components from their overseas affiliates at inflated prices, then report a loss in Oz and go to the government of the day to get huge subsidies. It is called industrial blackmail and it looks like our current government has finally decided not to play that game anymore.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by .RC. View Post
    Plus the US sellers have the economy of scale..... They might sell 1000 1,2,3 blocks to every sale of one set in Australia...
    Though that still doesn't answer or show reason though of the massive difference in prices. These items are not made in either the U.S or Australia, they are all sourced from Asia and then marked up.

    As others have mentioned - Why do we pay more for downloaded software from Adobe than anywhere else in the world? More for iTunes songs?

    It's really hard to justify how some 1-2-3 blocks that are made in China, can sell in the U.S for $10.00 and in Australia the exact same item is $70.00


  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Far West Wimmera


    One of the things I try to look out for is stuff being sold under a "Name Brand" when it is the same product, with maybe a stamped name that you can get down at the discount shop for a fraction of the cost. I don't mind paying a bit for quality but I refuse to pay out extra dollars just because of the name on the package.

    It was mentioned in another thread that CTC will ship by surface mail at a far cheaper rate but you have to ask for it. Last year I bought abot $500 worth from them. I had a spreadsheet of what I wanted and costs from various places including postage. When I made the purchase I kept looking at the total cost including postage as I had a set limit. The total postage was hugely less than the individual amounts. Enough that I wont bother to look at them again. Just look at the total. It has been said before, save up for a big order.

    I ordered some gear from Roton in US a couple of years ago. This included 3ft lengths of silver steel. Total weight was about 15 lb. It cost $116 in freight. At about that time I wanted to order some other stuff from another company in US. This order was about 5lb. They wanted $182. I decided against this one.


  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Some people are never happy, they admit to saving a motza on the product then whinge about the postage costs. The biggest laugh I had was when someone told me he was going to import a Clearvue cyclone himself as my price was too expensive compared to the US retail price. I offered to arrange it so he could and when he got the freight quote he came back and apologised which I give him points for. If you are going to import stuff freight and postage are part of the deal, if you don't like it don't do it.

  7. #37
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    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Parks View Post
    If you are going to import stuff freight and postage are part of the deal, if you don't like it don't do it.
    true...but ya not gunna stop us whinging about

    Yeah I can get spare parts form US cheaper and faster than some national suppliers for my industry...but I have to worry about the warranty...this is another factor that one needs to take into account when getting stuff from OS

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    One of my favorites as far as this sort of thing goes it a certain book many on this forum would have or certainly would have heard of. Written and (as I understand it) printed in AU. Sells locally for about $40+$6.50 postage(and up). You can buy it in the US for $25+ $16.38 postage(I'm pretty sure I've seen cheaper but couldnt find one ATM). So the same price near enough, just that one has been on a 30000km round trip.
    But as my father would say(as the seller) "its our job to set the price, its your job to decide whether to pay it"


  9. #39
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    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Stustoys View Post
    But as my father would say(as the seller) "its our job to set the price, its your job to decide whether to pay it"

    never heard that before but its so true

    works with everything I guess...its why I'm broke...she does cost a bit

  10. #40
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    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Stustoys View Post
    But as my father would say(as the seller) "its our job to set the price, its your job to decide whether to pay it"
    Within reason. I would not begrudge anyone from making a good living but I cannot tollerate greed. In any case, as can be seen from this thread, many are choosing not to pay the price and are shopping OS.

    Girl, I don't wanna know about your mild-mannered alter ego or anything like that." I mean, you tell me you're, uh, super-mega-ultra-lightning babe? That's all right with me. I'm good. I'm good.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Don't get me wrong, I choose not to pay most of the time also. Its just that I have given up trying to understand it. I'll often buy things I think I will need rather the have to pay the local price when I need them and dont want to wait for the post.

    A few years back I bought a set of US made allen keys from the local supply shop, $34. The same keys on ebay were(and still are) about $8 + $13 shipping. The seller doesnt great combined shipping so as I was buying a crimping tool I could add 4 sets of allen keys and a set of brake cylinder hones for about $8 extra postage.

    Something that had slipped my mind, in the things we mostly deal with there is likely a LARGE trade discount(some of which comes down to just how much the guy behind the counter likes you and how much of a pain you've been). I've no idea if things work the same way in the US. As an example I had a sparky that used to live up the road from me and did work for the company I worked for replace all light switches and power points, install a new panel and a few other odds and ends, he was there the whole day. He sent me down to ------ (the local supply place) with a list of what he needed, said to put it on his account(to get his discount) but pay cash. They went as far as ringing him up as that NEVER happens they told me. The discount I got meant I ended up "paying" him $50 more for a days work than it would have cost me to pay retail and to it myself(not including the odd bit of wire here and there).

    I thought the ACCC had given up on this one...... is it still going?


  12. #42
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    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Stustoys View Post
    Don't get me wrong, I choose not to pay most of the time also. Its just that I have given up trying to understand it. I'll often buy things I think I will need rather the have to pay the local price when I need them and dont want to wait for the post.

    A few years back I bought a set of US made allen keys from the local supply shop, $34. The same keys on ebay were(and still are) about $8 + $13 shipping. The seller doesnt great combined shipping so as I was buying a crimping tool I could add 4 sets of allen keys and a set of brake cylinder hones for about $8 extra postage.

    Something that had slipped my mind, in the things we mostly deal with there is likely a LARGE trade discount(some of which comes down to just how much the guy behind the counter likes you and how much of a pain you've been). I've no idea if things work the same way in the US. As an example I had a sparky that used to live up the road from me and did work for the company I worked for replace all light switches and power points, install a new panel and a few other odds and ends, he was there the whole day. He sent me down to ------ (the local supply place) with a list of what he needed, said to put it on his account(to get his discount) but pay cash. They went as far as ringing him up as that NEVER happens they told me. The discount I got meant I ended up "paying" him $50 more for a days work than it would have cost me to pay retail and to it myself(not including the odd bit of wire here and there).

    I thought the ACCC had given up on this one...... is it still going?

    yes yes yes...the ACCC doesnt know it exists
    Trade discounts will go one forever..... bearings and belts are the worse.. I, I, I, mean the best for my industry...well almost the best...must be same for industries such a tooling etc

    look at the discounts for telescopes I mean good stuff not the cheapo at cash n carry

    EG I particular brand model sells for nearly 3k here in oz but less than 1k in US (plus approx$500 freight to aus)....some one once said take a holiday to Hawaii buy scope and come'll be in front if you dont take swmbo

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Laidley, SE Qld


    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    ... bearings and belts are the worse..
    Which reminds me, I recently wanted a cogged B section V belt. Closest one I could find was an hour away at Rocklea for $30, or on ebay I could buy the same item from the UK for $20 including postage to Laidley. There was no rush so the UK guy got the business.

  14. #44
    Join Date
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    Armidale NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post'll be in front if you dont take swmbo
    Correction - you'll have a telescope and a bit of loose change, but you'll never hear the end of it.

    Bite off more than you can chew and then chew like crazy.

  15. #45
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    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Vernonv View Post
    but you'll never hear the end of it.
    oh yeah, never thought of that.

    Might be better to take her and get a little silence

    .....or am I being too optimistic?

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