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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Sydney Upper North Shore


    The questionnaire was handed out by the receptionist upon arrival to all people there for the Covid shot. When we saw the GP he had our medical records up on screen and took the questionnaire off us. We are clients of the medical practise.
    As they are vaccinating people who are not clients of their medical practise I guess they have to cover all bases.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    Had my shot at 9:30am yesterday (Monday).

    I must be the most miserable of everyone here! I feel like I've been thrown down a long set of concrete stairs and then rolled under a bus.

    Monday day was just fine - no problems at all, felt really tired at 10pm so went to bed (which for me is 5 hours too early!)... jjjeeessssuuusss what a night. Pounding headache, thumping heart, every bone joint and sinew ached deeply, my FACE hurt (!!!) and my spine felt like I'd been racked like Guy Fawkes at the Inquisition.... I was up 4 times and barely slept a wink until 5am... sweats, cold shivers, aches, pains, sharp stabs... I got up, took two neurofen and an aspirin (chewed it!).... then slept SOLID to 1pm!!

    Here I sit on the couch at 4pm, feeling very sorry for myself under a blanket like an old man at the villagio

    I talked with the units strata manager here yesterday lunchtime (I repaired the carparks fence on common property that was hit by a motorbike) and he was telling me he experienced these things.... I was hoping I didn't get them too!

    It makes me wonder - as I'm a bit of a Chonky Lad - whether these effects mean that SHOULD I have caught COVID that I would be one of those who'd become a statistic?

    My wife also had the shot at the same time and her symptoms are.... NOTHING - and thats it!

    EDIT - I want to say, don't let my exuberant and fervent descriptions put you off. I 100% endorse vaccination. It is sane and scientific. I'm just having a bit of fun at my own misery

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Sydney Upper North Shore


    I’ve heard that if the side affects of the vaccination are bad then you would have had a bad experience if you had caught Covid proper. Whether it’s true or not ???
    After our shots last Thursday, SWMBO came down with chills and a slight headache that night and I was fine. We took Panadol before bed on both night as advised by a friend in the medical profession.
    SWMBO was OK next day but I came down with a slight headache about lunch time and chills on and off all afternoon and into the night. Saturday and onwards, apart from a sore arm, we feel fine. Still got to get through the next 16 plus days.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default I joined the club...

    Had my 1st dose of the Astra Zeneca vaccine this morning and I’m feeling stiff, a bit tired and somewhat achey all over. Might be the vaccine but I’m erring towards the cause being the subsequent 6 hours spent on my hands and knees with a jack hammer; removing cement based tile adhesive...
    Nothing succeeds like a budgie without a beak.

  5. #35
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Lappa View Post
    I’ve heard that if the side affects of the vaccination are bad then you would have had a bad experience if you had caught Covid proper. Whether it’s true or not ???
    After our shots last Thursday, SWMBO came down with chills and a slight headache that night and I was fine. We took Panadol before bed on both night as advised by a friend in the medical profession.
    SWMBO was OK next day but I came down with a slight headache about lunch time and chills on and off all afternoon and into the night. Saturday and onwards, apart from a sore arm, we feel fine. Still got to get through the next 16 plus days.
    The way I heard it was that if you have a side effect its likely that your body is producing the right things to help you ward it off should you get infected. If you feel absolutely nothing, like me, you really need that booster shot. As well as your own natural immunity the nastiness of the experience of getting COVID also depends on things like the variant type, and your exposure load. If you get a small dose and have natural immunity you might not feel a thing.

    I got more of a reaction from my recent flu shot than the covid shot. I thought I had a sore arm for a couple of days but then realised that was more likely the after effect of demolishing the bathroom and removing those deadly klingon tiles off the floor.

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Elizabeth Bay / Oberon NSW

    Default I just had the jab

    After a wait of seven weeks, the local GP in one of the highest density neighbourhoods (pop. c. 20,000) in Sydney was able to accommodate us with the Astra. They've been receiving 50 shots/week.

    The after effects appeared during the following night with only the slightest hints of headache and nausea. The next day we were both feeling drained of energy and spent a welcome day in the horizontal position reading and watching the box.

    Were we worried about clots? At odds of 200,000:1, not really. Nor were we worried about catching Covid. But the serious long term effects of that disease are a real worry. It's not like the flu when life returns to normal. A friend's daughter in England had it and hadn't regained her sense of taste for nine months when we last asked. And it gets a lot worse than that apparently.


  7. #37
    Boringgeoff is offline Try not to be late, but never be early.
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    Woodpixels experience sounds much like my elderly neighbour. He's in his 80's and had the shot on a Tuesday, spent Wed's & Thur's head ache and shivers, laid up in bed. Friday, showed up for coffee back to his usual cheerful self.

  8. #38
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    Feb 2016

    Default Bright eyed and bushy tailed :)

    Yep - 100% now.

    2 days later I'm back to my sarcastic and facetious self

    I did posit a question of whether worse effects of vaccination indicate predisposition to a worse outcome of COVID-ness.... apparently not! Vaccine side effects: My experience of them and what they mean - BBC News

  9. #39
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    Elizabeth Bay / Oberon NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by woodPixel View Post
    I did posit a question of whether worse effects of vaccination indicate predisposition to a worse outcome of COVID-ness.... apparently not! Vaccine side effects: My experience of them and what they mean - BBC News
    The question of vaccine reaction as a guide to the potential severity of the disease is surely impossible to answer. You either suffer infection as an un-vaccinated person, or you get a milder set of symptoms if you're unlucky enough to catch it post-vaccination.

    I took comfort that my after effects were sufficient proof that I didn't get a dud dose of vaccine.


  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Ringwood, VIC


    56 hours after mine, no noticeable effect at all. Wife had slight aches and pains, but only minor.
    11 weeks 5 days to go for the top-up😁.

  11. #41
    Join Date
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    Riverhills, Brisbane


    Having my 1st AZ shot in an hour......2nd one booked in for August

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Just a few observations on the situation from a rural (not remote) QLD perspective. The Astra Zeneca jab became available for the first time in Millmerran yesterday and today only. It is being administered at the local clinic by a group of contractors, who are travelling around from town to town for a couple of days at a time in each location. A bit like a travelling circus. I dread to think how much that is costing and also question why the same service could not be done by the local clinic, which as it happens is also a government department for the moment (QLD health) since the doctors practice shut up shop following some controversy.

    My workplace had advised that the jab would be available in Millmerran and gave a 1800 number to call. I did this and it took me to a location in Toowoomba 80Km from here. I persevered but was put on hold hold and advised I was welcome to wait: There were 289 people ahead of me in the queue. I was not prepared to be number 290 so went back to the work contact who said that number did not appear to be working well for Millmerran and gave me another number. It turned out to be the local hospital and after I explained the circumstances the lady explained they were not doing the vaccines as it was being handled by the clinic next door. I went through the process again but got a recorded message that they would call back. Thy did and through SWMBO we arranged an appointment for each of us yesterday.

    I should explain that about three weeks ago I had put my name down for the vaccine, but I had not heard back which is why I followed up after being advised through my work that it may be available. I should also add that if I wished I could have arranged an appointment for the vaccine in a neighbouring town 40Km away at an earlier date. I think I am beginning to understand why there is so much controversy over the rollout. I don't think these people could organise an intimate liason in a place of ill repute.

    So how did it go? The jab itself was surprisingly painless and a complete non event. I was due to go into work for a nightshift and all was good. I had the jab just after 1100hrs. By midnight I was experiencing muscular aches: A bit like I had the flue. By the end of my twelve hour shift I felt a little second hand and heavy headed. I slept fitfully through the day and woke up decidedly groggy, but things are improving now. Reactions between different people are clearly quite variable. SWMBO, who I expected to have an adverse reaction just had a mild headache. A colleague at work said he had violent shakes and shivering. Another colleague said he experienced nothing at all.

    Should you have this vaccine as the opportunity presents? Yes, I believe so. It is not like the common flu and can leave affected persons (not all of them) with ongoing complications. I am not an anti-vaxer, although I have never had a flue vaccination. Covid-19 is a nasty, insidious disease and you should take any precaution available.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Paul - thanks for the detailed descripton.

    My experience thru my GP was quick and easy but SWMBO and several friends I've spoken to about this have had an experience more like yours. I think someone said it would be no worse if the local school tuck shop ladies ran the vaccine distribution but i think that is being way too hard on tuck shop ladies.

    I a firm believer in the general flu vaccine, I had a really bad bout of flu about 8 years ago when I decided not to get a flu shot and that had me laid up for about 8 weeks. Since then I have had the flu shots each year and in the last two years the booster in Sept as well. I have still caught the flu each year (except last year) but the most I have been out of action is a few days. I believe for most people this will be a similar case for Covid unless some really nasty variants arise.

  14. #44
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    Riverhills, Brisbane


    I had my jab at 1:00pm today so 7 hours have past and as yet are free from any side effects but time will tell as the night goes on.

    As for the procedure to get the shot, it was easy but I am in the Brisbane suburbs. I rang my doctor on Tuesday to put my name down. My only criteria was that I was over 60yo and thought I would have to wait a few weeks. The nurse rang my at about 11:45 this morning and said there was an available slot at 1:00 so I said OK and she also made the booking for the 2nd shot in August.

    I arrived about 5 mins early ....was in....vaccinated...waited in the waiting room for 15 mins and out of there by 1:25. They were pumping them through like a factory manufacturing line. During the 25 mins that I was in the rooms, they had only 1 doctor giving the injections and a receptionist processing the patients ....8 - 10 people were vaccinated during that brief time and there was a constant stream coming & going.

    I will update tomorrow morning on how my body reacts to the jab after it's had over 18 hours to do it's work.

  15. #45
    Join Date
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    Riverhills, Brisbane


    19 hours after the jab and I have had NO side effects at all.
    Slept fine
    No fever, no chills, no aching limbs, no headache.....I may be one of the lucky ones as it seems to effect people differently.
    Some of these things may occur over the next couple of days so we shall see.
    The information that I have read indicates that days 4-20 is the blood clot zone so cross fingers and hope for the best for the next 3 weeks

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