Results 31 to 45 of 133
18th February 2014, 01:47 PM #31
The new "thanks for the post" and "like" buttons will have cut the number of posts as you don't have to post to say
Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.
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wheelinround thanked for this post
18th February 2014, 02:22 PM #32
This is true for me. I don't say a huge amount at the best of times (generally because most people know more or do better work than me), but a lot of the small responses I used to make like "nice work" "looks great" "thanks for saying that" I now make by pushing the thanks or like buttons instead.
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18th February 2014, 02:24 PM #33
forum vs chat
For me the forum as it is is infinitely better than chat.
I can search on keywords to see whats been written on a topic in the past
There are discrete thread lines in a well defined logical framework of forums - I know where to go if I want to find out about pen turning or weeding my rural block or renovating my 9"Hercus.
I use Facebook to keep in touch with my nieces, to have a permanent place where friends can find my contact details if they lose them, as a backup for photos for insurance purposes
From my point of view Facebook and chat have their uses and so does this forum, for me they are very different things.
Lots of different people in different time zones can easily respond to the same thread, you have to be "there and then" to respond to a chat.
However if the forum ceased to exist due to loss of income I would be ticked right off.
Would a $XX per year membership fee help ? Or would that simply just drive more people away.
If the forum is under threat, I'd be happy to pay a fee for access to this forum.
BillLast edited by steamingbill; 18th February 2014 at 02:28 PM. Reason: spelling error
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18th February 2014, 02:46 PM #34
Thank you to Plantagenon for raising the issue.
Initially I was a little concerned about the statement "Members Declining." I have been feeling a little weary lately, but fundamentally attributed it to the hot weather, which increasingly seems to take it's toll in a way I was previously unaware. However, on opening up the thread I realised it was only the numbers to which Greg referred.
That was something of a relief I can tell you.
I think many issues are raised by the discussion.
Firstly: Are the numbers in real decline and exactly how are we evaluating that? For example I recently met a Forumite who had been a passive member, purely reading posts, for some while without contributing. He has decided to post now and recently assisted Chambezio and I with a delivery problem.
Neil has alluded to the fact that "readership" might not have changed a lot.
Gawdelpus makes a very valid point that the new "Thanks" and "Likes" buttons may well reduce the numbers of "minimalist" posts we see. Consequently, posts may not be a significant way of defining Forum useage for future. However, I have to say that this has only been in place for a week so it has hardly had time to influence posts at this point in time.
As to the introduction of chat rooms, well, in my ignorance I had always supposed this was where you "chatted somebody up." So thank you to those of you who have put me straight on that.
I have to declare a distinct prejudice against such institutions, which has already begun with Facebook. I have never participated on Facebook and probably never will. I say "probably" because of the quote that "man cannot say what he will or won't do without arrogance." (Just keeping the door open.)
I see mindless useage of Facebook, which frankly does not interest me in the slightest.
Having said that, Chambezio's comment that there are a disproportionate spread of users over the age of 50 has to ring a bell somewhere. If no new blood is coming along and no new woodworkers emerging there will come a point where the Forum will start to decline. I believe it is quite likely that the popularity of the Forums will roller coaster. That is natural. I also believe that like any business the Forums must be aware of dynamics in the market.
I can't see, from others description of "chat room" apps, that it would be productive for the Forums, particularly as Neil has explained that it does not increase revenue and in fact could be counter productive. I have stated before that when I see "sponsors" or "advertisers," I say a silent thank you, because I know they are allowing me continued free access to the Forum. (This is my publishing background from a former life resurrecting itself.)
Sponsors only participate if the membership is there. That's the rub.
So again, thank you to Plantagenon for raising the issue. "Chat rooms" may, or may not be the answer but possibly something else is. We shouldn't close our minds to progress and new technology and it is very fitting that the membership is sufficiently mature to discuss this openly.
Naturally, in the final analysis it is not our decision.
"Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"
18th February 2014, 03:08 PM #35
When i first started using this forum i accessed it via my laptop or website via ipad and it was fine. No problems at all full functionality and no issues browsing to the auction/market place.
Since i started using tapatalk (im no way implying this is Woodworkforums.com fault) it has taken my browsing experience to a below average rating. I cant view the Auction/market place and little quirks about browsing around just simply annoy me. The mobile version of the website doesn't work for me either. I just don't like it to put it bluntly.
I know that change is good and it needs to happen to add more functionality and better accessibility but i just like the original interface and since i dont use it on my phone i simply need to get off my backside and get on my laptop to continue posting properly
18th February 2014, 03:30 PM #36
Very true, it is not our decision to make and I agree with that. However, a little discussion doesn't hurt. It is interesting this post has generated so much discussion - good to see people coming out of the woodwork (pun intended).
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18th February 2014, 04:19 PM #37
18th February 2014, 04:25 PM #38
18th February 2014, 05:39 PM #39
Let them go to "Fakebook" what organisation would encourage antisocial behaviour that actually kills. Why do we stay part of this sleeze operation. It's not a necessary part of a happy life. Seriously affecting moral standards of society. Even some of the young ones are seeing the pain and dropping out of "Fakebook". Ron
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
18th February 2014, 06:06 PM #40
18th February 2014, 06:11 PM #41
The reason I'm not in favour of live chat is because it becomes almost impossible to find the genuinely useful nuggets of information. I much prefer being able to read old threads where the issue I am facing has been addressed. Sure, threads move off topic but mostly you find what you need.
When it comes to asking questions, I like being able to go back and re-read the threads I have created. I also like the fact that anyone anywhere in the world can come along later and learn from my experiences.
I am fairly new here, and as such haven't noticed a decline in posts. There are more than enough posts in the few sub-forums I follow to make it worth visiting the site everyday. In fact I usually pop in a few times a day.
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18th February 2014, 07:18 PM #42
I know I'm only new here and I don't want to come across as an arrogant , but solving these sorts of issues with websites and software is my profession; figuring out why people don't purchase products, don't sign up to services, abort an online form halfway through etc.
User experience designers such as myself are renowned for responding to questions with "It depends" and I'm not going to attempt to try and answer why people are engaging less with particular subforums because I would need to conduct extensive quantitative and qualitative historical analysis of user behaviour and participation.
However I will go out on a limb and tell you based on mine and my colleagues' general experience in social design:
a) Implementing a live chat will not drastically increase engagement; and
b) People are not leaving in droves and moving the conversations onto Facebook
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18th February 2014, 07:36 PM #43
18th February 2014, 09:13 PM #44
If a live chat section was introduced, I definitely wouldn't use it. I like it the way it is. If I am following a thread and its time to go to bed, thats fine, I can come back to it tomorrow and all the posts are still there, I have no idea what happens to the old posts in a live chat room.
As for Facebook, I have gone this long without ever having gone on there, so I don't see myself starting anytime soon. If family or friends want to catch up with me, they can ring me on my landline (I don't carry a mobile) or better still, come and see me.
A lot of reasons already mentioned why posting is declining I agree with.
Another reason that I think could be adding to the gradual decline, is the forum is getting too big and diverse. When I joined up 8 years ago, it was all about the woodworking and related offshoots, the membership was like being part of a big family, of course some still couldn't get on, that still hasn't changed.
Since I joined my life has gotten busier, I have barely any time to even look in the shed let alone make some sawdust. My visits to the forum have also gotten shorter and less frequent. When I eventually retire, I suspect things will turn around the other way for me ( I hope).
Until then, I will just continue to drop in and have a look around, and hopefully contribute something from time to time.
To the members who post their work and generate the discussions, please keep it up, the forum needs you.Brad.
18th February 2014, 09:18 PM #45
Don't want it or need it either, I like to be able to read and re read comments as I suffer from CRAFT disease.
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