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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by EagerBeaver71 View Post
    Interesting to note also, I have some Makita tracksaw clamps which fit happily onto the underside of the Ozito track.
    I think I posted this somewhere else on this forum, but a while back when I was chasing the Festool track clamps for my Ozito tracks I was told by a Festool dealer that most tracksaw tracks now are based on the Festool one after the Festool patent expired, so generally the parts are largely interchangeable. Don't know if this is correct, but the Festool tracksaw clamps certainly fit my Ozito track perfectly.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by 419 View Post
    I think I posted this somewhere else on this forum, but a while back when I was chasing the Festool track clamps for my Ozito tracks I was told by a Festool dealer that most tracksaw tracks now are based on the Festool one after the Festool patent expired, so generally the parts are largely interchangeable. Don't know if this is correct, but the Festool tracksaw clamps certainly fit my Ozito track perfectly.
    Ah now that makes sense and explains the interchangeability. I wonder when the Domino patent will expire?...

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by jack620 View Post
    ... C’mon, admit it. You bagged a product you have no experience with without doing any research.
    I simply bagged a crap product.

    Those sorts of stands have been around for at least 60 years. When new, they have good static load carrying capacity, but are rather rickety and do not tolerate side loads very well. They work quite well for a while, then they don't; the get hard to fold and hard to unfold and more rickety.

    You are perfectly entitled to an alternative view.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Default Poor Mans Solutions

    A 2400 x1200 panel is not that heavy. If it was a suitcase the majority of able bodied people, male and female, would be able to move it around without too much complaining, but these sheets are very awkward. If you are moving MDF and particularly in the 18mm thickness they are starting to get uncomfortably heavy too. One easy way to move them for short distances is a carrying board.


    Admittedly this is not a full size sheet and it is only 12mm thick, but I can move around full size sheets if required using this device. I just did not have any. The carrying board should only be long enough to clear the ground comfortably with your arm hanging down at full stretch, Be sure to round the handle as it needs to be comfortable, but the board can be made from scrap:

    P1090197 - Copy.JPG

    As far as cutting sheet material, I have made up quite a lot of these guides. They can be made to suit two saws by using both sides. The only crucial measurement is the straight edge. It needs to be straight. It doesn't even have to be parallel. The first cut of the saw dictates the cut edge and is what will be used from then on.. The motor overhangs the guide strip so that should be kept down to, say, 10mm and the base strip can be any flat material. In this case I have used an offcut of VJ sheeting, but hardboard (Masonite) or thin MDF or plywood would be better as less depth of cut is lost. However, even that is hardly an issue if you are only cutting sheet material.

    Track saw. Poor man.JPGTrack saw. Poor man. 2.jpg Track saw. Poor man. 3.JPG


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