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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    se Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by mossyblog View Post
    Handy, Thank you.

    I think we've exhausted the implied benefits of local store vs import a few times now would you say? so what would you say is the benefits of importing or any new additional negatives come to mind other than warranty, friendly smiles, local economy boost. .... how about any experience with hidden costs etc?
    Let me state that I have not purchased any power tools from out side Australia and I have not purchased any items from the United Kingdom.

    When I have purchased locally I have had the goods delivered in about a week. When buying from overseas delivery can take from a week to a couple of months (or more). If you do not mind waiting that is fine, but if you need an item for a particular process in a build it can hold everything up. While the risk of a faulty item is low, it is still a risk. I purchased one router, and found it did not perform as I expected. I spoke to the selling agent (nt900) who agreed that it was faulty, arranged for pick up, repair and return. Yes I was without the tool for a week or two, but I could keep track of what was happening. Now if it was from overseas...? Do you send it back or try and get it fixed locally, and is the warranty recognised locally?

    If you are buying a router, what size collet do you require? 6.0mm, 6.35mm, 8.0mm, 12.0mm or 12.7mm.
    Depending on the selling country as to what collet(s) is included with the router.

    Every purchase whether local or overseas has its risks and merits. It is up to the individual to consider each factor.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Banyo Qld


    What a waste of forum space this thread is.

    mossyblog. Stop stirring the pot, go through with your purchase, then come back here and let us all know if there were any pitfalls etc and exactly what the cost was compared to buying here in OZ.

    Don't forget the price on ePay in the UK will most likely be in Pounds or Euro's not Aussie $'s.

    Go on, get on with it, pay the money and see what happens. We'll all be waiting with bated breath for the outcome.

    Quote Originally Posted by mossyblog
    Meanwhile I'm flying to Berlin in 3 weeks for my work, given I work for a large global corporation which puts me on planes more often than I sadly care to admit.
    That would seem to indicate that you have a good job and are probably better paid than most of us. You arrogant, rude, pathetic, tight-rrrrs .

    I'll bet the smiles don't do anything to alleviate the anger you are feeling about now.
    Evil to the bone. But really cute.

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