Results 31 to 45 of 47
6th August 2020, 08:52 AM #31
He probably thought his house was ACE too. His shed must have been too dusty as he used 2 of the bedrooms for sanding and finishing so his entire house was covered in a layer of fine dust. The deceased was in his late 60s and died of coronary complications. His family said it can't have been the dust or the smoking as his lungs were OK. Now we know that dust can affect your heart just as much as lungs.
6th August 2020, 09:33 AM #32
Some folk just do not worry about dust at all. I remember copping many a ribbing from some of the older guys for wearing a paper type mask in the filthy patternshop of my apprenticeship. Was told that dust wont hurt you.
How about this old picture from Wittenoom of an asbestos shoveling competition.
6th August 2020, 05:54 PM #33
7th August 2020, 10:13 AM #34
I've let it be known that any of my heirs and descendants can choose whatever tools they want before it goes to one giant clearing sale. I think it's worthwhile cataloguing items like Japanese chisel sets, Veritas and Lie Nielsen planes etc. so they're not thrown into a box lot to be sold for sixpence.
My dad was not much of a woodworker so the only thing I have of his is a wooden handled awl. But every time I use it, I think of him. Same with a Stanley 112 Scraper plane given to me by an old mate from New York who gave it to me the last time I visited. He died last month but his memory lives on in this well worn tool.
Poignant memories...
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7th August 2020, 08:52 PM #35
7th August 2020, 09:34 PM #36
My two bobs worth. When someone dies, and they leave a shed full of gear and tools, go and change the locks and secure the shed as well as possible. Within a week of my old man passing, persons unknown, which Im certain were the next door neighbours, got into the shed and relieved it of any snd all of it’s contents that could be carried across the fence. In a week they took $90,000 worth of stuff, probably more than that because I only remembered some things after the claim was settled. The worst thing was the one of a kind stuff, like toys and models dad had made for us as kids, irreplaceable.
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7th August 2020, 10:29 PM #37
I’m at the other end of the timeline and just starting out on woodworking and personally i would love to have an experienced mentor who could teach me about different tools and techniques.
It may be really great for someone young in your area that you can potentially take under your wing. Teach them, help them grow and in the process sell them your tools
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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8th August 2020, 07:35 PM #38
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8th August 2020, 10:06 PM #39
We estimated that long-term exposure to ambient PM2·5 caused 4·2 million deaths and 103·1 million lost years of healthy life in 2015, and exposure to ozone caused an additional 254 000 deaths. PM2·5 caused an estimated 7·6% of total global mortality in 2015 and was the fifth-ranking global mortality risk factor. Although global rates of mortality due to PM2·5 exposure decreased from 1990 to 2015 as a result of improved air quality in high-income countries and declining mortality rates for cardiovascular diseases, the absolute numbers of attributable deaths and DALYs increased as a result of increases in pollution and the absolute numbers of deaths from non-communicable diseases,
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12th August 2020, 08:25 PM #40
I see it’s on air pollution and not specifically wood dust so to tie the guy’s death due to coronary disease to the wood dust in his shed ( which is what you seemed to imply) is a bit of a stretch hence my question.
13th August 2020, 07:48 PM #41
14th August 2020, 01:40 PM #42
My two sons have been trained since age 2 to be woodworkers. They will each get a complete set of handtools. Not worth much, but in excellent working condition, and everything they need to build beautiful stuff from wood.
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3rd September 2020, 04:37 AM #43
Particulate air pollution is synergistic = the sum of the contributions is more deadly, out of all proportion, to the individual parts.
Occupation and environment, collected.
I am still surprised at 74 for the atmospheres that I have worked through.
4th September 2020, 03:22 PM #44rrich Guest
Oh goodness. I've been avoiding this thread like the guy who sells caskets or the 'Neptune Society'.
As I was reading I realized what SWMBO knows about my tools.
A yellow saw (Dewalt SCMS)
A short very fat saw (Delta Unisaw)
A white saw (Jet drill press)
A white and green saw (Griz band saw)
A low mostly white saw (Griz planer jointer)
A funny white saw with big white bags (Jet dust collector)
And then there is the the router tables with $15,000 (replacement costs) router bits, and worm drive circular saw, and, and, , , , ,
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5th September 2020, 01:17 AM #45
Rrich, see, we as woodworkers clearly know this is a lie.
Everyone has more than six saws.
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