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Thread: Giving up?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Brisbane - South


    It about 11 weeks of me.................

    I DON'T HAVE MOOD SWINGS, OK!!!!!!, GOT IT? :mad: :mad:

    It hasn't affected me at all, although SWMBO seems to think so

    Major Panic

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Drop Bear Capital of Gippsland (Lang Lang) Vic Australia


    What really pi$$es me of is walking through the cloud of smoke outside the entrance to a building which is smoke free where crowds of smokers accumulate to perform their regular suicide rituals regardless of others in the area.
    And the workers who go outside for a smoke twice an hour or so for ten minutes but still get the same leave entitlements that I do which is in the vicinity of 80 hours per annum that I work and they don't.
    Bugger, thats two weeks extra leave for smokers, why can't I have an extra two weeks to be taken at my leisure?
    Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Im wid ya brudda..

    Al :confused:

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Romsey Victoria


    How many fags do you have a day, Al?
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  5. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Sydney, NSW, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Iain
    What really pi$$es me of is walking through the cloud of smoke outside the entrance to a building which is smoke free where crowds of smokers accumulate to perform their regular suicide rituals regardless of others in the area.
    And the workers who go outside for a smoke twice an hour or so for ten minutes but still get the same leave entitlements that I do which is in the vicinity of 80 hours per annum that I work and they don't.
    Bugger, thats two weeks extra leave for smokers, why can't I have an extra two weeks to be taken at my leisure?
    Well Iain, all I see in that type of situation is a bunch of sad losers (they are - trust me I used to be one ) who need all the help that they can get.

    I bet every one of them, deep down, knows that they are pariahas.

    What everyone of us non smokers, and particularly the ex smokers, need to do is to give positive and encouraging vibes to a smoker who's decided that they want to give up.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Mackay Qld


    But that just woodn't be PC; (poofs) at the moment it is politically Ok harrass the bejeezus out of smokers. But I only do it when they come within smelling distance of my house. Being an ex-smoker, I'm a bit hard lined.

    And of course banning smokes would not work and would leave even less time for the Police to chase and nab those evil pot smokers, smells as bad a cancer sticks anyway.

    Working in an offfice being a smoker really sucked. I didn't get breaks but every time there was something to be done outside the office I volunteered.


  7. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Warwick, QLD


    I have been smoking for almost ten years and am now trying to quit. I have using that zyban tablets and find them very helpful. The hardest for me is going out and being near other smokers ( i now don't go out as much). I want to quit for my kids sake and also for my own well being. What I think is worng is that cigarettes are deadlier that alcohol but easier to buy. Why??
    Have a nice day - Cheers

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Sydney, NSW, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Wood Butcher
    I have been smoking for almost ten years and am now trying to quit. I have using that zyban tablets and find them very helpful. The hardest for me is going out and being near other smokers ( i now don't go out as much). I want to quit for my kids sake and also for my own well being. What I think is worng is that cigarettes are deadlier that alcohol but easier to buy. Why??
    When you're truely ready you'll be able to do it.
    I must have "given up" at least a hundred times before I was successful.

    Let's face it, it's a bloody hard thing to do. It is possible though as I'm sure that plenty of people on this board will confirm.

    Right now, I couldn't think of anything I'd like to do less than smoke a durrie.

    And for 25 years I was a slave to the bloody things.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Thumbs down

    My father and grandfather died of smoking related diseases, although my grandfather made 91 but for years his lungs had barely enough air to carry him around. My father had a lot of operations on his arteries and in the end his legs could barely carry him around. He tried endlessly to give up and in the end it was only the threat of removing his legs that got him to stop.

    Those who peddle this stuff create a lot of misery, but only after people have spent years lining there pockets from the sales of those white coffin nails. You can't ban them but hopefully one day the market will be to small to warrant producing them.

    I smoked for a very short time but Dad's first operation and the realisation that it could happen to anyone was enough to make me stop. You should take a look at the wards they had in the 70's of older men minus legs and those still with them despite toes going black. Sure makes it hard to stand at a work bench.


  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Mackay Qld


    Quote Originally Posted by Wood Butcher
    I have been smoking for almost ten years and am now trying to quit. ?
    Keep at it. Find books by Alan Carr, he's good and very though provoking. It's good to not have your actions dictated by a substance. re itching to get out after meal etc

    I must admit I found it easy, the year I quit I spent 6 weeks in hospital. Woke up after 3.5 weeks and started to smoke again, but without the same enthusiasm. I think that helped.

    Gingerchick says that I should turn a table setting and a few bowls and platters and candlesticks out of the chip on my shoulder.

    Out of interest does anyone know if the illegal drug laws are part of common law or statute?


  11. #41
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Burnett Heads, QLD


    Quote Originally Posted by Wood Butcher
    I have using that zyban tablets and find them very helpful.
    Be careful of zyban, that $h!t is dangerous. an ex-girlfriend of mine tried quitting using that. she could be 2 weeks off the zyban and have some alcohol and she would totally lose any recollection of what she had done for days at a time. she went right round the twist and i had to get rid of her which was a pity cos before that she was extremely nice and very beautiful as well. just be careful that what you are using to fix the problem doesnt do more damage than the problem itself

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Mackay, Qld


    there would be know way they would ban smoking the government make to much money out of it, if they did I reckon income tax and every other tax would go through the roof, just my thoughts on it though,

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Romsey Victoria


    I think the cost of smoking to community out weighs the tax revenue. The hospital system is full of smokers.
    Photo Gallery

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    rural qld


    well i work in a boarding school at least 1/2 the kids smoke ( big trouble if they are caught ) yet teachers that are catching them are smokers so kids feel its not right that they are getting into trouble for something and then see teachers smoking outside

    I also find it annoying that pple that i work with slip out for a quick fag and leave the non smokers to carry the load while they are gone when in a employer postion always told smokers that they could smoke on their breaks but if they went for a extra one then everyone has a break not just them

    Also as a cook find it strange that other cooks smoke and then taste food ? How can u taste anything when your taste bubs are stuffed from smoking

    woman i work with can not eat a meal or drink a coffee without a smoke going at the same time just dont get it , and has said that if they ever try to make her stop she would leave the job rather than stop smoking

    now that new regs are in re schools and smoking the smokers now go into a close by staff flat and smoke there even longer away from the workplace now !! and as its a private accomadation the regs dont cover it ( u can smoke in your own hse after all )

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Melbourne - Outer East Foothills


    My Dad had 5 heart attacks, beginning at the age of 45. And still he smoked.

    Blood pressure problems, circulation problems, and still he smoked. Countless health problems.

    I finally confronted him when my son was born and told him he'd better enjoy him because he wouldn't be around for when he got older. At that point he gave up.

    It was too late however, the damage was done. 2 years later he had a stroke, spent 2 years in hospital, the next 8 as a burdon on my Mum and finally as a vegetable in a nursing home.

    When his leg by pass collapsed for the 3rd or 4th time , when we had 2 choices:

    1. remove his leg.
    The doctor said he probably wouldn't survive the operation anyway.

    2. leave the leg on and let him die within the next 14 days.

    Over a cup of coffee at Epworth hospital, and after consulting the doctors, we decided he'd had enough and it was best to let him go. You can't help feeling a bit selfish making a decision like that but I couldn't let my Mum take any more. She'd take food every day to the nursing home only to be treated like crap and watch him grope any nurse within reach. That's what happens to old men when their brains have gone. There was no quality of life or even any recognition of life. he couldn't have cared less.

    He went back to the nursing home he'd been in for the past 2 years and died a week later.

    Although I have fond memories of my Dad, I didn't cry for him. The suffering of those last 10 years, what he put my mother through and the deterioration in him mentally washed most of the good memories away.

    he always said he didn't care if he just dropped dead. he was going to smoke because he enjoyed it. Stubborn b*stard. He made others suffer for too long just because he refused to quit.

    It isn't just about you if you smoke. It's about your family too.

    I stopped smoking many years ago. I intend to see my grandkids grow up and remember me as a person , not as an old man who doesn't talk to them, doesn't care and doesn't know who they are.

    Painful stuff.
    If at first you don't succeed, give something else a go. Life is far too short to waste time trying.

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