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Thread: The curse

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Cliff Rogers
    Sorry Al, they are out there.... I too have had the odd customer that has been too thick to understand that I wasn't going to sell them something that they didn't really want or need.

    I've also had the odd customer that could NOT understand that (let alone why) I did not want them as a customer. :mad:

    I'm getting better at telling them to 'F off' without upsetting them to the point that they want to put a curse on me or come back & kick my glass door in.

    All you can do is say "Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you, but I can't help you." "You can try {insert dreaded opposition name}" & "We are closed now... Goodbye."

    I just LOVE sending sh(eye)ty customers to the opposition, it makes me feel HEAPS better.
    Yeah, dont forget we is new to all this retail stuff.
    I just cant beleive how rude and obnoxious some ppl are.
    I thought that everyone was kind and polite like what I is.
    Its been a real eye opener. :eek:
    The missus told me she had a realy rude person in today, he was argueing over $1.00, $1.00 can you beleive it?
    Good job I wasnt there, I would have told him where to go in no uncertain terms. :mad:
    He even had the cheek to say that he would never be back, ha, like we need knobs like that.

    And I thought dealing with ppl in the building trade was bad enough..


  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by ozwinner
    Yeah, dont forget we is new to all this retail stuff.
    I just cant beleive how rude and obnoxious some ppl are.
    I thought that everyone was kind and polite like what I is.
    Its been a real eye opener. :eek:
    The missus told me she had a realy rude person in today, he was argueing over $1.00, $1.00 can you beleive it?
    Good job I wasnt there, I would have told him where to go in no uncertain terms. :mad:
    He even had the cheek to say that he would never be back, ha, like we need knobs like that.

    And I thought dealing with ppl in the building trade was bad enough..

    I have been in retail & the building trades. The building trade are pussy cats compared to the retail weirdo's you get sometimes. But their dollars are worth the same as nice folks dollars. So I used to bite my tongue till I got their money.
    Wholesaling to retailers is much easier as the store either wants it or doesn't, (but you need to count your fingers regularly.)
    Regards, Bob Thomas

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Near Bodgy, AlexS, Wongo & CraigB


    You may not beilve this, after all I am nice and polite to all and sundry. but yet i gets great satisfaction from telling ****wits to **** off! not that I do that sort of thing being the shy retirng wall flower I am, after all...

    why just this morning I was telling my mate charlie that his squeeze Carmellllllia had a face like a ****ing prune. when he told me "you cant talk to me like this , "I AM TO BE KING and she is my moist betrothed" I said to him : "Charlie old mate, ****ing prunella (prunella being ****ing Carmellllia - of course - note the ****ing lower case...) is a ****ing dried up old ****ing inbred, you ****ing ***wit! if I was yer ****ing mum I'd tell ya to : "****ing F*** off!, we are not ****ing amused you will not ****ing have the ****ing royal we priveledge, except of course behind the ****ing corgi's"" (did I put enough quotation marks in there ???)

    so, then, wheres the link I hear you ask ??? oz - you just keep on sticking by your guns - some people deserve to be told, nay they require it!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Sydney, NSW, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Zed
    Carmellllllia had a face like a ****ing prune. !
    No no no. I won't have it !

    How dare you describe our future princess consort like that?

    I am actually outraged young Zed.

    She DOES NOT have a face like a ****ing prune, she actually has a face like a ****ing old boot!

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Melbourne, South East Subs.


    Not that I would EVER consort with the kind of WEIRDOS who believe in the occult, let alone anyone who CLAIMS to be an actual WITCH....but I MAY have overheard something about whatever you send out into the universe returning to you threefold; this being one practical reason why most witches don't do curses. Allegedly.
    Leaving aside the question of whether magic is "real" or not, at least you can take some satisfaction in the knowledge that any proper witches won't be letting your wannabe into their coven anytime soon. I mean, I assume they're called covens.
    Is this making sense? It's been a long day. Have a good weekend. Me go lurk now.
    Catch ya.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2002
    in the outer reaches of Sth Oz


    Welcome to teh real world Al. Yep it happens but then you get the customer thats a pleasure to deal with and then you forget the knobs....well for a while anyhow
    What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.
    Edward Langley, Artist (1928-1995)

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Parkside - South Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by fxst
    Yep it happens but then you get the customer thats a pleasure to deal with
    That was me a few weeks ago at the craporium
    Now proudly sponsored by Binford Tools. Be sure to check out the Binford 6100 - available now at any good tool retailer.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Minbun, FNQ, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Zed
    ... ****wits to **** off! ....a face like a ****ing prune. ... ****ing prunella ...****ing Carmellllia ...****ing lower case... a ****ing dried up old ****ing inbred, you ****ing ***wit!...yer ****ing mum ...tell ya to : "****ing F*** off!, ...not ****ing amused ....not ****ing have the ****ing royal we priveledge,....the ****ing corgi's.......
    & like Chas is the catch of a lifetime?????
    If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.

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