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  1. #31
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    Aug 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by aussiemick01 View Post
    Can't tell if sarcasm or not.......

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    There's always one out there seeking to be offended and hoping to shutdown discussion.

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  2. #32
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    Interesting discussion. My personal view is that if the girls have no objections to being photographed and having their images
    spread around for all and sundry to see - or ogle as the case may be - then who is anybody to object to that.

    In some advertising I fail to see the relevance of pretty girls, in whatever state of dress to the product being advertised.

    I see that Formula ! has decided to get rid of the grid girls, apparently as a concession to the feminazis.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by artme View Post
    Interesting discussion. My personal view is that if the girls have no objections to being photographed and having their images
    spread around for all and sundry to see - or ogle as the case may be - then who is anybody to object to that.

    In some advertising I fail to see the relevance of pretty girls, in whatever state of dress to the product being advertised.

    I see that Formula ! has decided to get rid of the grid girls, apparently as a concession to the feminazis.
    Well clearly you need to be sent to the reeducation camp. If we don't all band together and shame you for your incorrect thoughts then next you'll be trying to tell us that many young women like to take seductive pictures of themselves and publish them on the internet.

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  4. #34
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    Default Crazy world we live in

    Yep they have got rid of grid girls, there's a small minority pushing all this. I'm telling you, this year gone buy it seems to be worse than ever. Let's hope we see some kind of turn around in 2018. I doubt it though. Let's just face it guys, whether it's to do with sex or not our point of views or our opinions no longer matter when it comes to making decisions that effect us all. Those making these decisions (male of female) need to grow some balls and say what they really want or at least seek the opinion of the public and everyday Australians beforehand. The discussion doesn't ever seem to happen until after the change is made and then it's too late. No more Makita calendars and now no more Grid Girls. When did we find out? After it's happened.

    Australians more and more just tend to go with the flow of what the rest of the world is doing, we are our own country, we have our own brains, why can't we have more of a say and why can't we hold on to and nurture or even identify our own opinions and culture?
    We are scared to look like sexists or racists to the rest of the world.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by artme View Post
    In some advertising I fail to see the relevance of pretty girls, in whatever state of dress to the product being advertised.
    The way I see it the girl is there to distract you from the product so you don't notice how bad it is.

    The less clothing the less likely I am to buy the product.

  6. #36
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    Grid girls are not a matter of us following the world, Formula One made the call and that's it

  7. #37
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    And if they wanna ban grid girls then someone else should just get in there with their own version, maybe call them the Melbourne GP girls instead, only have them when the GP is in Melbourne. Stick it to the world and tell them that Melbourne will have what ever it wants when it's hosting the GP. Do you think less people would watch around the world? Do you think they'd make less money by having grid girls? Absolutely not. If anything the controversy would be good and help to promote the Melbourne GP.

    The lady I spoke to at Makita Australia about the calendars agreed with me about all this.

    I think they should bring out their own Miss Makita Australia calendar, selfies could be sent in by willing women on instagram, then they could pick the 12 best for whatever reasons and get them in for a photo shoot. Print them. Put the calendars in the checkout at every Bunning store in Australia, see if they sell. THEN make the decision of weather or not to do it again in 2019 after looking at the opinions in the public.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ausworkshop View Post
    And if they wanna ban grid girls then someone else should just get in there with their own version, maybe call them the Melbourne GP girls instead, only have them when the GP is in Melbourne. Stick it to the world and tell them that Melbourne will have what ever it wants when it's hosting the GP. Do you think less people would watch around the world? Do you think they'd make less money by having grid girls? Absolutely not. If anything the controversy would be good and help to promote the Melbourne GP.

    The lady I spoke to at Makita Australia about the calendars agreed with me about all this.

    I think they should bring out their own Miss Makita Australia calendar, selfies could be sent in by willing women on instagram, then they could pick the 12 best for whatever reasons and get them in for a photo shoot. Print them. Put the calendars in the checkout at every Bunning store in Australia, see if they sell. THEN make the decision of weather or not to do it again in 2019 after looking at the opinions in the public.
    Remember that WE PAY F1 to come here, not the other way. If we don't want to play by their rules, they'll just go elsewhere. Sydney's been trying to get it from us for years

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by elanjacobs View Post
    Remember that WE PAY F1 to come here, not the other way. If we don't want to play by their rules, they'll just go elsewhere. Sydney's been trying to get it from us for years
    Well maybe we should just let it go anyway, I used to go every year (for work) and the highlight for me was the fly over by the Fa/18 Hornet and the grid girls. The rest was just a very noisy expensive distraction that came and left a mess.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ausworkshop View Post
    Ok, so in this politically correct world we've found ourselves in it seems it's harder and harder to find a decent calendar for the shed walls.
    Well the first point to make is...why the hell do you need to know what day it is when you're in the shed?
    Regards, FenceFurniture

    Jan-Feb 2019 Click to send me an email

  11. #41
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    I see the F1 girlies have been replaced by kids which I think is fantastic.

    As for the calendars, for me its subtle, if it's innocently passing by I'll take a good look or 2 or 3, but I usually dislike OTT self promoters, show offs and posers, whether its selfies, TV personalities, woodworkers or sports people, with or without their clothes on whichever media they happen to be showing off on.

  12. #42
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    Yes, you're right, we should just shut down the whole discussion because I don't need to know what day it is and therefore forget that I need to post this parcel and get it to WA in time for my customer's brothers 21st birthday which she told me is Wednesday next week I think, oh wait what date is that again? Let me check my phone, hang on I'll unlock it, swipe across through the Apps to the daily planner, scroll down, oops it's in week view, I need to change it to month view so I can see the number on next Wednesday, up to the top menu, pull down list, click month view, back to the calendar, oh there it is, thanks for that, now I better check all those notifications while I've got my phone in my hand, oooh someone's contacting me on Facebook, oh look at that funny Youtube video, oh hang on what was I doing again? Oh that's right, I've gotta get me a calendar on the wall to avoid all this.
    I glance up, I see next Wednesday. Thanks calendar on the wall, now I can finish the notes on my invoice and get back to work knowing that I'm gonna get her brother's 21st present there in time and not forget what date it needs to be there and how many business days Aus Post will need to get it there on time. All this in one glance! I hope you can see my point, but for those who don't need one they should have the option to get one even if they want it just for the pretty pictures. That is my point.

  13. #43
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    Now I glance up and see this on the wall instead. Helloo February! And yes, it's 2018, although I wish the numbers were a bit bigger but I don't mind getting in close to see them.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ausworkshop View Post
    Now I glance up and see this on the wall instead. Helloo February! And yes, it's 2018, although I wish the numbers were a bit bigger but I don't mind getting in close to see them.
    Where'd you get the old timey one from?

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  15. #45
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    Thumbs up

    They are printed in NZ I think, using a collection of vintage painted pics, Gil Elvgren and others, I just got mine on Ebay, it's a bit smaller than I would have liked but that's ok, more wall space. I can get a link for the ebay ad if you like but a quick search should find them, click the link above if you want to see more of this artist's work.

    Click the link then click images up the top if you want a bit more eye candy fellas! Happy scrolling

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