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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Mackay Qld


    Quote Originally Posted by Master Splinter View Post
    Looking at visitors of the type who want a small job done.
    Those or the pliks who want to know how to do something and when given that advice ,come back and tell the person who went to the trouble of answering - that they were going to do it differently.

    I was in two minds about about extra forums as they above scenario of the one post wonders used to pee me off. I thought for a long time there should be some probation period a la Hobby Machinists forum where the I can see the value of the sticky thing as its up front all the time. .A few stickies on good U tube videos and home made tools, or techniques /procedures developed are ones I would like to see. ( our home made tools, not C &P from other places)

    I am in favor of the group idea but understand it may be difficult thing getting all to agree on something and then coordinating who does what.
    It might work on a smallish project where the postage /shipping costs could be held down to a minimum.


  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Just a lurker's opinion...

    I am member of too many groups to keep up a regular posting presence, so i tend to lurk; listen, and soak up information. ) In fact, my posts here seem to be the kiss of death to almost every thread to which I have contributed. Perhaps I am just too slow to post. (... yeah, that's it, I mustn't get paranoid.) I do, however, have a regular presence here (and elsewhere, lurking).

    I think the ability to ask for advice is the great thing about forums like this. The flow of information and experience is wonderful. That said, I wouldn't ask anyone to just make something for me. That strikes me as rude.

    Perhaps there could be a place for people to ask to have something made, but where they can state what they will give in return; be it money, goods, reciprocal help, etc. It could be sort of like asking for someone to fill a tender. Advantages - no begging, no awkwardness. Disadvantages, as others have said, perhaps no one would read it.

    Just my 2c worth...


  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by PDW View Post
    Au contraire......
    Hercus are French?

    I find sub forums a pain for the most part. I have five forums open most of the time. If something is posted in gunsmithing, metalwork announcements, the foundry, the hercus area or tailers and other fab I'll likely not see if for weeks, even months. If its anywhere else its unlikely to ever be seen. When I do venture out to other forums I find it harder to keep track of threads I have posted in and sometimes lose track completely.

    I hate stickys even more, though the mods here do seem to keep them to a minimum, I've seen forums where almost half the page is stickys.

    I've helped out a few "one hit wonders" that have disappeared never to be heard from again*, but on the other side of that I've also helped out a few "one hit wonders"(at the time) that are still here posting. I tend to try and judge that on whether they are looking for a hand or just looking for something cheaper.

    If we were getting many more posts a day I'd see more need for a split. Some of the other forums like PM and HM have so many posts I dont know how you guys that go there keep up.

    Not sure I have answered the question


    *though for all I know they may be active in the woodwork side of things.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Bendigo Victoria


    Stuart, it isn't really that difficult to keep abreast of what is happening on the entire forum, if you use Activity Stream and/or New Posts.
    If you have difficulty keeping up with the flow of information on the forum, spare a thought for the Admins and the Mods.

    As for keeping up with threads you have posted in, or any other thread of particular interest, I use Subscribe to Thread, you can then select how you are notified of new posts (I use Instant Email).

    Sub-forums are good for keeping similar information together in one place, eg Foundry or Hercus, then someone interested in that subject can browse through that information easily. It does however make it harder to keep up with new threads/posts.

    I don't see that a sub-forum for requests for help or making things is warranted, the title of the thread usually makes it clear what the poster is after and it is easy to ignore if you so desire.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Hi Fred,
    I've tired activity stream but the "only include subscribed forums" doesn't seem to work for me? (of course I am likely doing something wrong)

    I have email notification on but things get buried in there pretty easy(again maybe a setting issue?)

    Oh yes I do spare a thought for the poor underpaid mod, its surprising you guys get time to post.


  6. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Rural Victoria


    Perhaps there might be at least one valid suggestion for a new sub forum.... SHEETMETAL. For instance, bending sheetmetal, cutting sheetmetal, flat pattern development, fold radii, developing cones, rectangle to rounds, lobster backs... and the equipment used to achieve this... a lot of enlightenment could be achieved here, if there are any old sheeties who want to share info (especially now that computers allegedly do all the work for pimply-faced geeks) this would be the place to go.

    I guess I am biased, I have discovered a great deal of joy with a guillo and a panbrake...

  7. #37
    Dave J Guest


    A sticky for that would be a grate idea over one for guys to ask for jobs. Not knocking the suggestion as you have to put it out there to see what everyone else thinks.


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