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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Jan Juc


    Quote Originally Posted by Big Shed View Post
    After quite a bit of experimenting and investigating I have finally resolved my little editor problem.

    As stated above, I suddenly could not enter messages or posts using the WSIWYG editor. This happened on my main use computer, a notebook running Win XP. It did not happen on my desktop computer, and older Pentium III running Win2000. Both have Firefox as their web browser. When using IE7 the WSIWYG editor would work on the notebook.

    I eventually noticed in Firefox that the NoScript icon (bottom right hand corner) was partially red because had not been enabled for scripts. When I allowed scripts for this the WSIWYG editor worked again.

    Just thought I would post this as there may be other users experiencing this or similar problems in Firefox, the moral is check NoScript permissions.
    Hi there

    Nice find, thanks for posting the solution.

    I've reverted the setting back to its original setting, so the problem shouldn't exist anymore.

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  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Grovedale (Geelong) Victoria


    Hahaaar.... Steven enabled something to do with Yahoo sometime last week. No idea what it was or does but that is probably the culprit.

    Hey Steven... What was it?
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  3. #18
    Join Date
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    Jan Juc


    Quote Originally Posted by mikm View Post
    Nice work, BS. As of yesterday, I had the same problem. I never bother allowing scripts from sites unless they are the site I want, or a derivative of. Dunno how 'yahooapis' fits in with this forum, but what the hey, it works...
    There is a setting that allows you to use yahoo to host the javascript files, they're used for things like the wysiwyg editors, image popup and AJAX features like quick reply etc..

    But if using it causes problems like this, its not really worth the half a second of load time it 'could' save.

    YUI (Yahoo! User Interface Library) script files are hosted locally on your server, you may however have them served from Yahoo's own servers, saving you some bandwidth and potentially decreasing load times.
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  4. #19
    Join Date
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    Jan Juc


    Quote Originally Posted by ubeaut View Post
    Hey Steven... What was it?
    In the admin panel goto Server Settings and Optimization Options, its the last setting. Best to leave it off hey
    Woodwork Forums
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