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  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Drop Bear Capital of Gippsland (Lang Lang) Vic Australia
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    Default Update

    MOnday 25th September 2006 Telstra are coming to remove my ISDN and install ADSL, between the hours of 1.00pm and 5.00pm, even have an order number.............again.
    4.55pm no appearance your worship, call said number and quote order number.
    after 45 minutes of being rooted around again I am told that my order is in place but no one is coming as a technician was not allocated, I am now in a state of ecstacy, bloody idiots, not even a call, just leave me sitting home waiting.
    We have now arranged another appointment for Monday 2nd October (2006, I forgot to ask) between 2.00pm and 6.00pm (Iwas told no one works after 5.00pm, seems no one works at all).
    30 minutes later I get a text message confirming details (just like the last time) and another order number.
    What to do now, do I go home and wait knowing that they will not turn up, they have also kindly waived the disconnection and modem fee ($240 roughly) as I have been waiting for some time.
    Bloody Telstra, rereading all the posts it seems this may be the norm and after a fairly heated discussion with Mubi yesterday in relation to daughters prepaid mobile phone, did not help matters any.
    (Mubi asked me to speak more clearly so he could understand me, MUbi insisted that daughter needed a drivers licence number for ID, I explained that she is 12 years old, well, does she have a drivers licence?, jesus, does she have a credit card, no, a passport, not yet, what does she have, she is 12 years old, she must have a card of some sort, no she doesn't, concluded with me calling him a dickhead which he didn't understand and using my ID, Aaaaaaarrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh:mad: )
    Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.

  2. #17
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    Sorry I had to Laugh.
    Been there done that
    I'm still waiting for my first Bill since being pinched.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by silentC View Post
    Not so. Not in my case, anyway. We had our phone line ASDL enabled for more than a year before we actually connected and never had any problem using our phone. Likewise at the new house, we had the phone connected weeks before I got around to setting up the PC. The purpose of the filter is to allow you to use your phone while the PC is connected. You don't need it unless you are online at the same time.
    Once your line is ASDL enabled at the exchange the ASDL signal is present on the phone line whether your modem is on or not.

    Some phones will work without a filter...alot of them wont.
    Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)

  4. #19
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    We moved into our new house 6 months ago (we not only noified Telstra we had them change the line, same number, to our new address). After three months, no bill. I called and checked they had the new address (they had). Three weeks ago we had the service cut off. I called and asked what the &%#@ was going on. They said we hadn't paid. I asked them to check the address, sure enough, they had it correct. I asked them to check again, just to make sure.They checked the house address, then checked the billing address...OOPS! We got three months knocked off our bill for the inconvenience.

    Two weeks later, still no bill. After calling to quiz them, it arrived yesterday. Today I get a phone call from the credit department saying we'd be cut off if we didn't pay it within 24 hrs. Guess what my response was? We've had another month taken off the bill

    Great professional service.


  5. #20
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    Yeap, heard it all before BUT.... I wouldn't go to another carrier again 'cos they just blame poor silly old Tel$tra.
    At least when I am with Tel$tra they can't blame anyone else although one time they tried to blame a subcontractor & I just told them that they were silly for using a subcontractor & in future they should send a Tel$tra tech instead.
    If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.

  6. #21
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    Well, surprise surprise, they didn't turn up again yesterday, another phone call, more bullsh!t, claim it was never booked in and no record of any conversation.
    Am I destined never to get ADSL???????????
    Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiwigeo View Post
    Once your line is ASDL enabled at the exchange the ASDL signal is present on the phone line whether your modem is on or not.

    Some phones will work without a filter...alot of them wont.

    I've read everything I can find on ADSL filters and all they say is that you need a filter to prevent interference on your voice calls from the ADSL modem and vice versa. Nowhere do they say that your phone may not work without one. Our phone line, and since we didn't request it I would imagine the lines of everyone else on the exchange, were enabled for ADSL about 2 years ago but we only got around to hooking up 12 months or so ago. I don't know of anyone who's phone suddenly stopped working and we certainly weren't notified or warned by Telstra that there could be a problem. Both our phone and my parent's phone (same house different lines) continued to work.

    Far from an expert, but I imagine there is a carrier signal, which is usually some low level voltage, but there wouldn't be any transmission until a modem is connected?

    I think that the reason Iain needs a technician is to disconnect the ISDN NT1 from the line and install a standard phone jack. I imagine they would also have to reallocate the line in the exchange because it would be connected to an ISDN modem at the other end.

  8. #23
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    G'day Iain,

    Thats a bloody bummer, I had mine booked in for last Wed 8 to 12, got a phone call at 11.55am to say that they can't get there as they were overbooked. New Appointment for Fri 8 to 12, phone call at 7.30am from tech saying he was around the corner and would be there shortly. Disconnected the ISDN and installed new modem and another point in the wall in a different location. Up and running and gone by 9.30.
    I can understand your frustations, I origanally ordered it SIX months ago.
    They upgraded the exchange at the start of the year and I got a call from Telstra asking if I wanted to upgrade to B/band, Yes I would thank you. Since then they kept saying that ADSL was not available after doing a line check as I was to far from the exchange. After much growling and grovelling, I finally got a tech to come and physically check the line. Was found that I was still connected to the OLD exchange some 10 to 15 kls away. The new Exchange is is only about 500mts away at the end of my street.



  9. #24
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    ive got iinet and are totally telstra free and love it. adsl2 voip and only took one phone call and was on there system. use there dial up till modem arrived, plugged it into the wall and hey presto it worked stright away.
    (apparently ya still have to pay telstra some line fees to use the o'mighty copper network though, dirty rotten mongrels.)

    ps. if another telco rings u up tell them u have voip and they hang up real quick, quickest i ever got rid of them.
    First On Race Day

    And the first brock trophy goes to...............
    and we got no "2" as well
    A FORD driver.

    ironic isnt it?

    and if ya cant win on ya own merit punt em off!!!
    holden cheater team!!!!!

  10. #25
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    Ian I would suggest you try another isp ie internode. the service is much better and an Oz helpline and call centre ...
    What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.
    Edward Langley, Artist (1928-1995)

  11. #26
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    He still needs Telstra to come and replace his ISDN modem with a telephone socket...

  12. #27
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    I'm training carrier pidgeons if any one is interested, also setting up jungle drums and message sticks. Why get screwed by a maxican bandit when I could screw you cheaper............
    If you can do it - Do it! If you can't do it - Try it!
    Do both well!

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by silentC View Post
    He still needs Telstra to come and replace his ISDN modem with a telephone socket...
    true enough but maybe just use wire cutters and then send smoke signals to the telco boss might be quicker...oops hes mexican not indian ......maybe suggest the board to increase his bonus payments ........and they wonder why the price is dropping :confused:
    What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.
    Edward Langley, Artist (1928-1995)

  14. #29
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    Monday 9 October (2006) get a call on mobile from technician at 11.30am.
    I am at your home and no one is here, very perceptive says I, you was booked in between 1.00pm and 5.00pm, well, I can't wait around until you get here, well, I had to wait on four occassions for you not to turn uip at all, I am leaving, you leave and I will break your fingers, please don't threaten me sir or I won't do the install, by now I am getting used to this.
    About now girl child arrives home, install completed in under 30 minutes, $125 fee waived (how can they charge $125 to remove a box sitting beside computer?).
    I now have ADSL.
    Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iain View Post
    Monday 9 October (2006) get a call on mobile from technician at 11.30am.
    I am at your home and no one is here, very perceptive says I, you was booked in between 1.00pm and 5.00pm, well, I can't wait around until you get here, well, I had to wait on four occassions for you not to turn uip at all, I am leaving, you leave and I will break your fingers, please don't threaten me sir or I won't do the install, by now I am getting used to this.
    About now girl child arrives home, install completed in under 30 minutes, $125 fee waived (how can they charge $125 to remove a box sitting beside computer?).
    I now have ADSL.
    Where in the garden did the technician get buried?


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