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Thread: Mmxx
28th May 2020, 03:18 PM #16
Isnt it MMXX?
28th May 2020, 03:36 PM #17
LOL, yep technically. However, in all fairness to Hugh, as most peoples lives have just been turned upside down, I reckon Xxmm is fine too.
28th May 2020, 03:36 PM #18
I suspect there will be a lot of violence.
There may be a lot of pressure applied in the most unpredictable ways.
I was discussing with the family this week about the incredible pricing changes on Amazon. I use a product called to track pricing. When something I'm after drops beyond a certain point, or goes on Flash Special, I grab it. The product tracks the historical price of an item forever. It is showing incredible variance and wildly changing demands...
Business won't invest if a market can't establish a price. Investments will stop until the capitalists can obtain some price surety.
Energy prices are violently changing. China is acting like an over-tired 5 year old and is threatening to take their ball home. Shipping is in a hole.
Now there is potential of a tiff between India and China.
I hear the Russians are unhappy with China. Unhappy Russsians tend to hand out spankings.
Food security has begun to go to hell. Ignore the BS announcements from Woolsworths CEO recently - just TODAY we couldn't get plastic wrap, baking paper, seafood, Bundaberg Rum* (!!!!)
Manufacturing has already died of a heart attack here, soon China might be silly and whack on more tarrifs.... transport, hospitality, food export and value-added industries are on life support....
Imagine what will happen when the plague spreads through india, pakistan, bangladesh, indonesia, Africa.... Brazil.... yikes.
Unrest. Protests. Riots. Hunger. Starvation.
Oh yeah, CLIMATE CHANGE. Double yikes.
* for my hot cross buns.
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28th May 2020, 03:55 PM #19* for my hot cross buns.
It's certainly difficult to see any brightness on the horizon at the moment. I suppose until we get past the free money etc, it's hard to say what will happen, but I'm guessing not good.
28th May 2020, 04:50 PM #20
28th May 2020, 07:29 PM #21
Since we are all into baking, here is the recipe I use It is delicious! (I am getting very fat!)
Fortunately I don't drink any more, but I sure do enjoy making things with materials other than wood, such as bread, HCB's, my famous Turkish rolls, Beer and pasta
Carbs, carbs, carbs
The rules! One must follow the rules
However, as a user of Duck Duck Go, I STRONGLY countenance AGAINST doing a search for the term "XXMM".... I was.... surprised.
29th May 2020, 09:15 AM #22
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29th May 2020, 02:50 PM #23
Who ever corrected the thread title, Thanks.
Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.
29th May 2020, 07:24 PM #24
2020 is fast shaping up to be the start of world war 3.