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Thread: Masters no more
26th August 2016, 10:51 AM #16
I find it hard to understand why businesses go belly up when on the face of things they look to be a good business.
In Tamworth about 20 years ago Formica opened a warehouse to distribute their laminates and board products. We already had a Laminex branch successfully doing there thing. Formica organised an investor to build the shed and at the time it was the biggest shed in the southern hemisphere using plywood portal frames. Well the opening was a pretty lavish affair and a couple of hundred people turned up to hear speeches from the Australian GM as well as the NSW manager then the local manager. The line up of faces on the dais were all about 40 at the oldest. I remember thinking "where are the older people in charge?".
Well the branch ran for maybe 4 years then pulled up stumps leaving customers having to ring Sydney to make an order which was then put on overnight freight. The shed was still paying its lease by Formica even though it was empty!!
To me the exercise was a great waste of money due to immature management ideas. The share holders would not have been very happy at all. Then as time goes by Laminex Industries buys out Formica. This also raise the what point does the term "monopoly" come into play because both companies carry the same products?
Money is being wasted by all kinds of companies by management that seems to get away with it.
Edit/Add.... the real losers are the staff. In country towns employment is not so easy to find/keep so in essence these badly managed companies are playing with people's lives.Just do it!
Kind regards Rod
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26th August 2016, 11:12 AM #17
What I found interesting was that when Masters first opened it "felt" like the attitude of staff at the B store changed overnight. All of a sudden they were everywhere, walked you to what you asked for, and everyone of them nodded and said G'day when they saw you...then, when the M sale or closing became common knowledge it was like B turned the clock back. Spooky.
Was trying to buy paint in B at Armadale WA on Sunday along with about 6 others standing around the paint counter. Just a litre of red for a door.. Actually considered walking out and going the M 500mts away. There has always been someone at their paint counter, apart from late evening once.
When we found the staff at B there was a young lass and fellow in one of the aisles.
She was stacking shelves and he was trying it wife, not famous for her diplomacy sometimes, pointedly pointed out that there were folk, including us, waiting he was nonplussed and casually made his way to the counter...
26th August 2016, 11:40 AM #18
I have noticed similar at a couple local green sheds. More interested in restocking than serving customers who want to destock.
Glenn Visca
26th August 2016, 11:48 AM #19
I think it's a bit ageist to suggest that simply because the people you saw were less than 40 they somehow made immature decisions.
I know of a very large, top 50 USA companies, that closed almost all warehouses Australia wide. An extremely detailed analysis suggested that it was most efficient to have one large warehouse in Melbourne and freight everything from there. Overheads were reduced enabling the company to be more competitive. Remember freight to 80% plus of Australia's population would be less than a days driving.
26th August 2016, 11:59 AM #20
26th August 2016, 02:40 PM #21
Maddington only EVER has one till open. When it gets busy you go to the returns counter...
The rest are the DIY things. Now I'm perfectly capable of using those, they don't faze me, BUT I point blank refuse to. Getting "served" to take the money off me is most times all they need to do to take money off me.
I drive there, I walk around in circles to find what I need, effectively serving myself, and then they expect me pay by myself...It's not like they're doing much for my dollar except putting it on the shelf..and IF their claims were true with the prices I could kinda agree to it...but!
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26th August 2016, 02:41 PM #22
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26th August 2016, 05:04 PM #23
I got an email today from masters :
Unfortunately, we will be unable to continue offering online purchases or Click & Collect. Of course, our website is still available to browse for information and we will keep you up to date with what's on offer via email.
It looks like mangagement has decided the best way to wind the place up is through the brick and mortar outlet. First in best dressed.
26th August 2016, 05:07 PM #24
26th August 2016, 11:42 PM #25
Dropped in on Masters at Williams Landing to see what might be on special - only some junk near the checkouts and a few odd white goods, everything else at full price. It appears discounting varies from store to store so if you see any store that is discounting let us all know.
28th August 2016, 09:18 AM #26
Hi WP,
Great word. Leaves me in no doubt as to your explanation.
Cheers, Fred
28th August 2016, 10:11 AM #27
I went down to my local and it was business as usual except triple the customers all wandering around not buying. Read online afterwards that the fire sale starts monday Masters fire sale to start Monday
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29th August 2016, 09:10 AM #28
At Rouse Hill now. I predict a slow and painful death.
sale announced in Media and similiar customer numbers as per a normal day.
10% off most
20% off garden furniture
30 % off cabinet fixings and door hardware
make sure you say hello to the security guard in the tool shop as they are lonely and have nothing to do
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29th August 2016, 10:00 AM #29
AFAIK they stock just the one length of one model of Bessey clamps; I buy my Bessey's from - they stock them all.
GTD's packing is a little light-on though, considering that's $400 of clamps there:
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29th August 2016, 10:01 AM #30
This seems to be the new such thing as a "fire sale" any more. Dick Smith 2.0 more like. Long drive for me to the nearest Masters (Gregory Hills), so not worth the trip unless there are some decent discounts.
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