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  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Here's some more pics of front panel and stand with the handle being the last thing to tack on. Will try and get some pics later of inside the machine and feed roller.


  2. #17
    Join Date
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    NINGI Qld Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by cwcarter View Post
    John, just found your weld samples in weldermicks thread (Oh and your boat, looks awesome with that T top), no expert myself but I notice fish tailing on the beads. I found that not moving with the pulse creates this or moving to fast.
    My setup was using 0.6Hz pulse, gun position more upright than usual and moving with the pulse....... deposit - move with off pulse -deposit and so on. Also found by moving the weld pool in a circular pattern while moving in off pulse you can achieve a flatter bead with better edge tie in. Hope that helps.
    Excellent thanks, that's the sort of help I need. Knowing what I want to achieve and getting there is a bit of a challenge on your own.
    I understand what you are saying, it makes perfect sense so I will be trying it this weekend.

    I was going to build the boat but opted out at the last minute to go the way I did, but I still want to build one from scratch, probably just to see what a mess I can make and no doubt learn to weld better by the time I am finished. But I would prefer to be welding competently before I start.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by cwcarter View Post
    Here's some more pics of front panel and stand with the handle being the last thing to tack on. Will try and get some pics later of inside the machine and feed roller.

    Thanks for the pics. It looks like a simple enough interface but no doubt it will have it's little challenges when changing values within the preset defaults.

    You were saying about the 0.6 sec pulse time you set. I will have to look at how to change that frequency in the Kemppi as at up till now I have just gone with the default which changes with the material settings meaning the thicker it is the faster the pulse frequency, pretty sure.

  4. #19
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    Yeah mines independent from material thickness. Goes from 0.5 to 4 Hz. In SPC double pulsation the whole pulse can been changed.

    Attached a couple of pics of the advanced parameters for your friends if they haven't got it. These allow you to input hot start and crater fill via trigger function mode.
    Other settings can be found by holding the buttons for either 3 sec or 10.

    What model kemppi do you have? Might be able to have a look at the manual for you and learn more myself.

    double pulse parameters.JPGtrigger functions.JPG

  5. #20
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    Went and had a play with the little Cea tig today. Nicely built unit, very compact.
    Received a proper quotation for the kit which came to $4497.30 inc.

    Comes with all the usual leads and hoses, argon regulator and a Cea digital up down tig torch. Apparently you can change saved parameters as well as amps.
    Don't need the regulator, nor some of the leads. should knock a couple of hundred off I hope.
    Has anyone had any experience with these units?


  6. #21
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    Mine is a Kemppi FastMig 350.

  7. #22
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    Found the manual. Will have a read over the weekend. Certainly looks involved looking at the quick guide. Nice machine though, plenty of power.

  8. #23
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    Stumbled across this little TIG. Brand new only launched this week. Italian built and made, re-badged for Australia.
    Specs look impressive. Should have more info and pricing on Monday.

    Weldmax 221AcDc.jpg

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by cwcarter View Post
    Found the manual. Will have a read over the weekend. Certainly looks involved looking at the quick guide. Nice machine though, plenty of power.
    Thanks for your kind assistance, I will also try and work out some more with it and practice my technique.

    The TIG machines you are looking at are both good spec machines and if I had bought a T&R MIG I could have afforded one of those with the spare change lol.
    Anyway my Everlast 250EX seems a decent little machine as far as my limited knowlege of TIG machines go.

    When I did my electrical apprenticeship about 40 years ago we only experienced stick welding with the typical AC buzz boxes which is all I used for 30 years but great to have some of these nice machines available now which makes welding so much more a joy. Must admit I too am a bit addicted to it. Particularly ally.
    Although feeling a bit crook ATM must get a fix soon...

  10. #25
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    Hope all gets well soon John. Perfect weather for out on the boat atm. Had the kids netball carnival this weekend, dead calm. So next weekend it'll be blowing a gale without the kids.

    Should have a TIG this week. Never used one before. But by looking at all the info on the web I think this will be my most used machine out of the 2.
    Was looking at the Everlast the digital one, could of kitted it out with the works. But that little voice in my head kept pushing up the price.
    Still feel a bit like a $4000 guinea pig with the T&R. But as you said even the best of them blow up.

    Here's some inside pics of the T&R


  11. #26
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    Yes a bit of nice weather, a couple of mates shot up to 1770 for the weekend, caught some nice fish apparently. I was asked to go but had to work Friday plus a couple of other complications.
    Anyway hope to get out Tuesday evening out off Moreton Is. looking OK at the moment.

    Had a run with the MIG this arvo and followed your suggestions. I was able to find how to change the double pulse frequency and thinking back, I believe that it was the Kemppi rep who set my initial pulse time on the user setting I created for D/pulse.
    It was set at 2HZ.
    I created a new "channel" Kemppi call it and played with the D/Pulse settings. There are two parameters:
    D/Pulse amps: metres/min, Default is set to "Curve" Not sure what curve means but it just seems like straight pulse.
    D/Pulse time: HZ " " " " "

    I had been previously using the two settings of 2 metres/min and 2 hz respectively and initially scratching my head on how those figures related and what I wanted to achieve but anyway by observing the effects of changing the values I managed to increase the pulse off time and decrease the pulse off current.
    It seemed, lowering the D/Pulse amps related to the current - pulse off
    Lowering the D/Pulse time in HZ lowered the cycle time between pulse on and pulse off
    I ended up with those values at about 1.5 metres/min and 0.6 HZ. That seemed to work well and gave me a bit more time to form better beads. The problem is though when practicing on ally the piece gets so hot so fast and easy to go from too cold to too hot so quickly.
    So might be time for a thumb control on the gun. More $$$ :/
    Probably not so bad on a larger job where the heat can dissipate better but there are always places where more or less will be required, just something else to save up for.
    I set the hot start at 40% for 1.5 sec which seems quite good at minimising any lumpy starts. Also played with the crater fill which went well but can't remember the settings now.

    So anyway when I wasn't melting through, I was getting better beads and I tried your suggested technique on straight pulse and it worked better for me as well. Nicer appearance at least and I think that I would probably use Pulse over D/Pulse if I was building a boat so I could help to control the heat a bit with travel speed which is harder to do with D/Pulse.

    Well anyway, good luck with your TIG setup this week, at least the same gas should suffice. I feel more in control of the TIG and it's nice and clean, very little spatter if any and also very versatile. The MIG I need more hours for sure.
    I think that you should take to it well and it can be a bit addictive also.
    The pics of your T&R look a good design and nice and tidy with vertical boards etc. I think it seems a reasonable leap of faith which I would have also done if it had been available a year or so back.

  12. #27
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    Glad some of the tips worked.
    I would play with the DPulseAmp function a bit more. Try reducing the amplitude even further from 1.5 wfspeed and see what the effect has. Also test with changing the material thickness/amps as well to find a sweet spot. What would standard dpulseamp value be?

    The manual didn't really go in to a great deal of depth. Just seems Kemppi uses different lingo to mine, still have to work out what all the terms mean- like curve?

    A couple of lengths of 600mm 3mm box doing fillet welds I find is good for testing settings. Seem to dissipate heat better then small bits of plate= less burn through.

    Have a good run on Tuesday and thanks for your comments on the T&R.

  13. #28
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    The default wire feed for D/pulse seems to be "curve" same as time.
    So when I go to alter that wire feed the next highest rate selectable is 3M/min and it reduces in 0.1 segments. By reducing that it affects the pulse off current and at 1.5M/min you can almost count and can actually see the droplets firing off the wire.
    It seems to work well at a lower deposit rate while moving the gun at that pulse off time.
    I will certainly play with those settings quite a lot more to get that sweet spot.

    Yes I need to find a source for some bigger offcuts, otherwise I am chasing my tail in trying to achieve consistancy.
    There seems such a fine line with MIG between being cold, just right and melting the stuff, but I know it is not as bad with more metal to draw the heat away.
    I seem to have a lot more control with the TIG in that regard.

  14. #29
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    Did some testing of different settings with the T&R.
    First time using mig manual with really nice results. More or less point and shoot.

    The pulse was done with a circular movement with the gun. Slower speed allows you to play with the weld pool.

    Double pulse you just move along with the fart noises....Blurt.......Blurt......Blurt. Slower again. Should mention the arc noise of pulse is loud.,ear plugs are a good idea.

    Synergic mig no pulse, yeah well don't no whats happening there?


  15. #30
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    Some good looking welds there, gotta love that double pulse. You must be happy with your new machine. Your basic MIG setting looks like it ran well too.
    I think when I ran mine my wire speed was too slow mind you I was just running a flat bead on a butt weld.
    Thanks for the pics, it inspires me to try and do something similar.

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