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17th February 2008, 08:10 PM #16
FYI. I went to the Grampians today and found the workshop shut; apparently Tim had a bad accident riding his Ducati around the Grampians and is in a pretty bad way.
Best wishes from me anyway for his full recovery. From the window, some of his work looks great....
17th February 2008, 08:28 PM #17
Not good news for someone self-employed.
(Coincidentally I'd planned to be up there on the Fireblade but decided against at the last minute.)Cheers, Ern
23rd March 2008, 12:50 PM #18
Latest news on Tim.
He hit a roo at under 80kph. Airlifted to the Alfred; section of skull removed due to swelling of the brain; 1 ruptured spinal ligament; 4 broken ribs, puncturing the lung; broken collar bone and right hand.
A month in Epworth Rehab underway.Cheers, Ern
23rd March 2008, 03:41 PM #19
Poor fellow, hope he bounce's back.
23rd March 2008, 03:46 PM #20
Ironic: the top race-bike riders have leathers made out of kangaroo skin.
(It's lighter and more supple than cowhide.)Cheers, Ern
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