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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Armadale Perth WA


    Quote Originally Posted by D.W. View Post
    Thanks for the kind words, stewie. I hope to wrap those up soon (this weekend), and though they will not entertain someone who doesn't want to make planes, I hope that someone who does want to make planes, or even replace broken or missing parts in old planes, will find them useful.
    Link ! Don't forget to link!

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    I will after I get the handle video uploaded (which will be sometime this weekend with family cooperation). The plane will be finished tthen. I have to warn that if you're not looking for something specific, they're pretty dull and long and slow (the videos)l!!

    I hope that someone looking to make a good wedge for a plane or a good handle for a plane will be willing to watch 45 minutes of video to get a full description of the whats and whys.

    I know when I first started, a couple of guys said to me that "you'll need to make a new wedge for this plane", and that's sort of an interesting statement, because I wouldn't have had a clue what made a good wedge back then. I eventually threw those planes away out of frustration (or rather cut them up).

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Brisbane (western suburbs)


    After Paul & Derek have been embarrassing me, I reckon I should have one last word.....

    Indeed, many of us here have met on home grounds, have visited each others' places of worship sheds, and we may say things to each other occasionally that might sound a bit harsh to those who don't know that we all have a very healthy respect for each others' abilities. It's all in good fun, & I for one, certainly don't take offense! I'm more than willing to admit that I could always do a bit better - if I ever get to the stage of thinking I've done something perfectly, I'm sure at least one of you will bring me back to reality quick smart!

    Derek, your comment re the way I make my gauges is gratefully acknowledged. Placing the thumbscrew on top is precisely for ease of use. It's not original, as you are well aware, and there are plenty of examples of gauges with thumbscrews on top from the century before last. However, there are also plenty of gauges with the thumbscrew on the side, usually on the 'left', a la CC. I used to think this was best for right-handers, and a long time back, I made some the other way round for my dad, who was a leftie. Soon after that, I decided the 'top' was the best place and have made them that way ever since. After my dad passed on, I ended up with one of his 'left-handed' gauges, and found it really wasn't a lot different from the 'right-handed' position - both are marginally more awkward, than my preferred placement (to me, I must stress, others' mileage may vary!)

    Which brings me to my point. I think there are small refinements that can always be applied, to most tools, but some (most?) of these fall into the personal preference sphere, and aren't everyone's cup of tea. Making tools for other people has shown me just how much personal tastes vary, and while I think there are a few 'core' principals that need to be observed, many of the details are just too subjective to yield to simple formulae, in my experience. However, I fully support anyone who seeks perfection in anything. To avoid frustration, they should be aware that they are on a personal mission, or at best, speaking to a small cohort of fellow devotees. It's the constant seeking & refinements that have given us tools like CC's wonderful squares, and the other boutique tools, which are all very nice (but not quite perfect, yet......)


  4. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by pmcgee View Post
    Link ! Don't forget to link!

    I don't want to duplicate posts everywhere, so I've linked the post I originally made. Video 1 is linked, and they go from there until the plane is finished.

    I'll make some abbreviated videos just talking about the essential fit items (and clog avoidance items) at a later date, but not too much later (next couple of weeks). I need to organize my thoughts about that stuff because a bunch of people who aren't going to have the initiative to actually build a plane will watch those, and they'll have to be better organized.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Armadale Perth WA


    Thank you. I guess you know it has landed in the saw-making section ...


  6. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    i just wasn't sure where to put it for homemade tools. It looks like my choices were chisels or saws, so I chose...I guess whatever started with a word closer to P for planes

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