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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Hooking up the footbrake is not that difficult, It requires one or more relays depending on the number of contacts available on the fwd/rev switch and the brake, my machine only had one set of contacts on all of these switches which meant that I needed 4. with two sets of contacts I think one is enough. I used 24Vac 4PDT relays out of convenience.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Seafurymike I've found the pictures mark hastings posted, all I can say is I have 4 red wires to his three(one going to P+). going to have to order me a resistor and find out.


  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2010



    I see no reason to use the SPL input as emg stop(I assume you have it set to 13? did you use PD048 or PD049?). It requires the making of a circuit which is a bad thing for emg stops(if the circuit is broken you wont know until you try and use it). When the circuit to the SPL input is removed if the other controls havent been unlatched the lathe will restart, also not good.
    connected the front panel emergency stop (latch) switch to SPL,PD 049 set to 13.
    will change it and use a relay.

    I assume you've used the switch on the brake?
    Yes, though not yet connected.
    the brake won't be used for every stop. can do without the brake if the huanyang VFD can't be set both for coasting and decelerated dependant on which stop switch is used.

    does the emergency stop override the coasting stop ? as it could be used for the normal stop when the VFD is set to coast.

    Do you have the old control gear?
    If you are just using switches to control the VSD on the Huanyang there doesnt seem to be a way to stop the VSD from restarting after power loss. So the controls you add should unlatch on power loss. You dont want to be setting up the lathe when someone else turns the power point for the lathe on, only to find that the lathe is starting up.
    the control gear is still on the lathe.
    understand the problem with restarting, thought the VFD would have some type of stop system that overrides the other run controls.
    would setting PD 153 ("restart after instantaneous stop") to 0 or set a time on PD 154, prevent it restarting the lathe after a power cut ?


    The spreadsheet would be handy.
    managed to connect a pot after reading your post,
    will need to play around with other settings, as the lower analog freq setting is much lower than what the VFD displays.
    found an error in the manual, in the (short) "parameters function" list, PD 072 is the lower analog freq and PD 073 is the higher freq.
    this is reversed in the "descriptions of functions" list.
    which is correct ?

    In general the braking resistor setup on these units doesn't work as the circuitry behinf the PR and P+ terminals doesn't exist.
    Planned on connecting a braking resistor.

    Hooking up the footbrake is not that difficult, It requires one or more relays depending on the number of contacts available on the fwd/rev switch and the brake, my machine only had one set of contacts on all of these switches which meant that I needed 4. with two sets of contacts I think one is enough. I used 24Vac 4PDT relays out of convenience.
    interested in a diagram for the footbrake system, the for/rev/stop switches on this lathe only have 1 set of contacts.
    can't work out how relays could work, unless it's a type of latch system which resets when the handle is placed back in the off position after using the footbrake.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    is there a way to run a larger 12V computer fan from the VFD outputs ?
    the original fan is 24V and has a loud vibration.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by lather View Post
    is there a way to run a larger 12V computer fan from the VFD outputs ?
    the original fan is 24V and has a loud vibration.
    A couple of alternative solutions are
    - put 2 12V fans in series and this will run on 24 V
    - attach a 12 V wall-wart to the mains.
    The latter is what I did with mine

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by lather View Post
    connected the front panel emergency stop (latch) switch to SPL,PD 049 set to 13.will change it and use a relay.
    That in itself wont work
    Quote Originally Posted by lather View Post
    Yes, though not yet connected.the brake won't be used for every stop. can do without the brake if the huanyang VFD can't be set both for coasting and decelerated dependant on which stop switch is used.
    If its like ever other brake I have ever used. You push the pedal a little and the motor turns off, no braking. If you want braking you push harder.
    Why do you want to use the VSD braking so badly?

    Quote Originally Posted by lather View Post
    does the emergency stop override the coasting stop ? as it could be used for the normal stop when the VFD is set to coast.
    On the Huanyang as best I can tell there is no difference between what ever stop mode is set on the normal stop and emg stop. i.e. if your normal stop is set up to use braking the emg stop will use braking. if you normal stop is set up to coast stop then emg stop will coast stop. (the Tecos are different but that is of little interest to you)

    I wouldnt use the emg circuit at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by lather View Post
    the control gear is still on the lathe.
    Then why not use it? It has all the switch logic you need built in.

    Quote Originally Posted by lather View Post
    understand the problem with restarting, thought the VFD would have some type of stop system that overrides the other run controls.
    would setting PD 153 ("restart after instantaneous stop") to 0 or set a time on PD 154, prevent it restarting the lathe after a power cut ?
    Well yes so would I, but we thought wrong.
    PD0153=0 works for internal control(I think, its a while since I tested this). Once you use external controls it doesnt.(unless I have stuffed something up.... wouldnt be the first time)

    Quote Originally Posted by lather View Post
    The spreadsheet would be handy.
    managed to connect a pot after reading your post,
    will need to play around with other settings, as the lower analog freq setting is much lower than what the VFD displays.
    found an error in the manual, in the (short) "parameters function" list, PD 072 is the lower analog freq and PD 073 is the higher freq.
    this is reversed in the "descriptions of functions" list.
    which is correct ?

    Planned on connecting a braking resistor.
    Have a look at the pictures in this post(are read the post before it)
    My VSD has a fourth red wire going to the hole in the PCB above the P+ terminal. I hope this means I can use a braking resistor.(I have one one the way)

    Quote Originally Posted by lather View Post
    can't work out how relays could work, unless it's a type of latch system which resets when the handle is placed back in the off position after using the footbrake.
    They use three relays.
    The fwd/off/rev lever has 3 switches. The lathe wont restart after power loss until the lever has been moved to the off position.
    The first relay is switched "on" and latches by the lever being in the off position. Then The lever is moved to either fwd or rev, the fwd or rev switch is closed and the fwd or rev relay closes(they are interlocked so they cant both be closed at the same time). The fwd and rev relays dont latch. If the lever is moved back to off the relay opens and the motor stops. If the emp stop or brake pedal is pressed or the power goes off, this unlathes the first relay which opens which ever other relays are closed and the motor stops. Before the lathe can be restarted the first relay has to be closed again by moving the lever to off. Easy? (I'm sure there are other ways to do this and I have used "relay" were "contactor" is more likely the correct word but hopefully you get the idea.
    (one of the reasons its easier to just "piggyback" on to whats there already if it was working.

    Quote Originally Posted by lather View Post
    is there a way to run a larger 12V computer fan from the VFD outputs ?
    the original fan is 24V and has a loud vibration.
    There is a way to switch an external fan on with one of the multi outputs. but I like Bobs ideas better I think..


  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2010



    Originally Posted by lather
    connected the front panel emergency stop (latch) switch to SPL,PD 049 set to 13.will change it and use a relay.
    Reply by Stewart.
    That in itself wont work
    would be wired so when the switch is in the on position it closes the circuit to activate the relay, which now allows the VFD signal to close the circuit from the relay output.

    need to clear up some confusion before replying to the other ?'s,
    at the moment the lathe takes a long time to stop when using the normal for/rev/stop switch.
    when pressing the emergency stop button it decelarates much quicker.
    perhaps there is a system that allows both the coasting and decelerated stop. (unless other settings are incorrect, and the coasting mode is actually slowing down quicker than the decel stop)

    the manual states PD 026 decel=0 and coasting =1, the lathe slows faster when set to 1.
    if set to 1 the lathe stops in the same time when using either stop switch.

    tried to work out what the correct PD 026 settings were by changing the first 3 decel times PD-15-17-19. (the 4th accel decel times adjust the JOG times).
    didn't notice a difference.

    with the DC braking settings,
    is the resistor needed for all DC braking functions, or does the VFD have some inbuilt DC braking capability ?

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by lather View Post
    would be wired so when the switch is in the on position it closes the circuit to activate the relay, which now allows the VFD signal to close the circuit from the relay output.
    Ok so you now have a latched relay stopping the VSD. How do you plan to unlatch it?
    Remeber you want the fwd/off/rev lever returned to "off" before it will unlatch.

    I'm not saying BTW that you cant build your own circuit.... just that its likely easier to use whats there as it will likely have a few things we wouldnt have thought about.
    Quote Originally Posted by lather View Post
    need to clear up some confusion before replying to the other ?'s,
    at the moment the lathe takes a long time to stop when using the normal for/rev/stop switch.
    What is PD015=?
    Quote Originally Posted by lather View Post
    when pressing the emergency stop button it decelarates much quicker.
    perhaps there is a system that allows both the coasting and decelerated stop. (unless other settings are incorrect, and the coasting mode is actually slowing down quicker than the decel stop)
    Sounds to me like I was wrong about the emg stop using braking if the normal stop was set to braking. Sounds more like emg stop only gives you coasting stop.( thought I'd checked that.)
    Quote Originally Posted by lather View Post
    the manual states PD 026 decel=0 and coasting =1, the lathe slows faster when set to 1.
    if set to 1 the lathe stops in the same time when using either stop switch.

    tried to work out what the correct PD 026 settings were by changing the first 3 decel times PD-15-17-19. (the 4th accel decel times adjust the JOG times).
    didn't notice a difference.
    With PD026=0, you should notice a difference in how fast the lathe slows down when you change PD015(this is a slow down, not DC braking)
    Do you have a list/spread sheet of what your setting currently are?
    PD15,26,28,30 and 31 for starters

    Quote Originally Posted by lather View Post
    with the DC braking settings,
    is the resistor needed for all DC braking functions, or does the VFD have some inbuilt DC braking capability ?
    It has some built in braking capability. How high you can set the DC braking depends on how much rotating mass there is believe.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Adjusted PD 030 and now the braking works, the decel stop and coast settings are correct.
    will get back soon with the other settings.

    The relay system posted above was only to be used for the front panel emergency switch, so if the connection is broken or faulty the lathe will stop, where as at the moment it needs to close a circuit to activate the stop.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    PD 15 = 5.5
    PD 26 = 1
    PD 28 = 0.5
    PD 30 = 1.5
    PD 31 = 2.0
    Originally Posted by Stewart
    With PD026=0, you should notice a difference in how fast the lathe slows down when you change PD015(this is a slow down, not DC braking)
    when running the lathe in the higher gears it stalls after reaching a certain speed, do the accel times need to be reduced ?
    did not notice any difference in decel stop times until adjusting PD 030

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    My mistake.
    PD 026 = 0
    ( forgot to set it back to 0 after testing)

    set PD 030 = 00.0, and now the decelerated stop works when adjusting PD 015.
    unsure what other functions were adjusted, as it hadn't worked previously when setting PD 026 to 0 or 1.

    changed the accel times, and still stalls when in the higher gears.
    a fault (ou-2) appeared when setting PD 15 = 1.5, reset and set it to 3.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by lather View Post
    PD 15 = 5.5
    PD 26 = 1
    PD 28 = 0.5
    PD 30 = 1.5
    PD 31 = 2.0

    did not notice any difference in decel stop times until adjusting PD 030
    Try PD015=2 leave the rest the same and see if it ramps without erroring.

    You could then try
    PD030=Make it longer if the lathe is still spinning when dcb leaves the display.

    Having said that I've just be trying the DC braking on my drill and it seems to have little effect even at PD031=20...... but thats a 415V wired motor running on a 240V VSD(just to add to the confusion)

    PD030=0 equals zero braking time.

    Quote Originally Posted by lather View Post
    when running the lathe in the higher gears it stalls after reaching a certain speed, do the accel times need to be reduced ?
    What do you mean by stalls?
    I'd say if anything the accel time needs to be increased.


  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    PD015 isnt DC braking. Its a controlled slow down.
    Infact while the VSD is in the PD015 time it will try and drive the lathe.


  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    posted by Stewart.
    What do you mean by stalls?
    I'd say if anything the accel time needs to be increased.
    when the spindle reaches a certain speed using the higher gears it starts to slow down a fair amount. switched it off, don't know if it slows to a stop.
    the VFD is set to run at a max of 100HZ,
    in the highest gear it still slows down when set to 70 hz.
    the 2nd highest gear starts to slow at about 90 hz

    the motor on this lathe is 415v as well.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Is it 415V only?
    100Hz might be a little much to ask of it only running at 240V, wouldnt know havent tried that.


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