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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Perth - SOR


    Quote Originally Posted by Burnsy View Post
    So I can expect the Turner to have a freshly ground and honed blade when I pick it up from Denn then


    That is unless Denn tries it out on one of these old railway sleepers.

    See ya'll there.


  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Broome West Aussie


    Yep I reckon ol Burnsy will be lucky to get it back with ANY sort of blade left if you an me get our mits on it!! Im a fair champion at blunting any and I do mean ANY sorta blade!

    wine or beer what a choice!!... mmm actually going to work the other day down near Busso I passed a sign at one of those vino yards that said it had some "snottygobble" wine for sale?... now me Id be a tad weary an fair leary of some plonk called "snottygobble red" but I reckon some of yous mob would drink anything as long as its alcholic!! So I'll grab young Joshy and head down there today and see if I can score a couple of bottles HEY!! I might even take a wee trip to Kirup and get some Syrup and Kickarse!!

    oooh right sorry Derek not a "EBS" propa I was gettin carried away again Well I will do that anyways to stock the bar for Chrissy... its on its way you know!!

    Okay... so Ive sorted the veneers and theres a fair stack coming with me... oh Burnsy I'll give Denn the ebony and maple to pass on to you okay?... no cost just want/need to part with some of the excess and Id rather give it away to people who appreciate timber than sell it to those who dont... mmm maybe I should just whack a tin on the back of the car for tips? or maybe call it the "save the dingo slush fund" Hahahaha nah she'll be right

    mmm blunt tools?? mmm well the chisels could do with a sharpening mmm what else? oh can you sharpen those Jap saws? cause one of mines a tad blunt... and as Derek knows when I say a tad he wouldnt use it but I do!... actually the only other things that need attention are the lathe chisels so I will throw them in as well... hey! better check if ol BobLs coming cause if he is I will chuck the chainsaw in and he might have a gander at it for me... damned cold down here without bein able to sort the fireplace timber stack...

    mmm maybe that will do me eh? else ol Derek wont have any time to sharpen his or anyone elses tools!!

    Maybe next time I will host it here? with 2 acres plenty of room for overnighters we'll slot it in for a week when Im here alone and we can go ballistic!... well do the shed stuff first of course but then??... okay Im thinking closer to Chrissy say November sometime?... we can yammer about that at the meetup and post any conclusions musings whatever here with the pics.

    Mind you all this is all good and fine but come the day knowing me I will probably get in the car and just drive up there and not realize Ive forgotten EVERYTHING until I turn into Dereks driveway!! Nah Ive put the veneers to one side in the living room so I will no doubt trip over them on the way out on the day!

    Hey! Has anyone devised a name badge or some such just so we know who the heck we are? I mean I know Derek but Im not sure about me... or you other bods!... and Ive got a memory like the proverbial sieve! name tags are good heck just yer name in BIG letters on yer forehead are better!!... mmm fine idea there Shane okay will know who I am I'll be the short curley mopped manic troppo fella with the WILD DINGO name on his forehead

    OH!! and I reckon Dereks missus lovely lady that she is would love to have other sheilas affected by "woodworkitis" addicted hubbies to yarn to while we do our thing... good lady is Dereks missus! no actually they are both good people

    mmm so Derek given the heepings of compliments Ive just given and the assistance Im offering shall I bring the A frame with me?... you know to bring the porche home?


    oooh and if anyones thinkin of backing out cause you dont wanna listen to my dulcet tones dont sweat it in person Im a church mouse wont even know Im there you wont and Im short enough that you wont see me until yer step on me... so relax come along and have a ball... a "plane" ball that is... at "Derek the keeper of the plane" shed has more planes than a bloke has any right to I reckon
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  3. #18
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Broome West Aussie


    Okay!! Joshy an I decided that boredom was out this morning an so we arced up the 4x4 and headed bush... south... finally ended up where I wanted to end up all the time just didnt tell him!


    Soooo without further ado I gots me a bottle well okay its a plagon of Kickarse and a couple of bottles of Kirup syrup and while wandering our way back home decided to have lunch at the Capel tavern and ended up leaving with a couple of bottles of clean skins


    "Snottygobble merlot"... dont think its a merlot cause if it is its a bloody pale merlot but whatever ones coming with me and one of the kirup syrup...

    If I can figure out how to decant the kickarse into a smaller bottle Id bring some of that as well... but well its a kinda really NICE drop soooo I gotta stop drinkin it to be able to bring some with me!!

    Im not a big drinker... 3 pot screamer on the beer... so Ive kinda taken to a few quiet reds... whites taste like vinigar to me so red it is... as to beer Ive kinda taken to a Tassy brew called hammer and tongs not a bad drop its either that or cascade but as I say not much of a beer drinker I get pickled rather swiftly on that stuff nowadays
    So I think Derek says he doesnt mind supplyin the tucker... so I'll bring the veneer and some plonk along with me blunt chisels and bobs yer uncle... well I hope bobs me uncle cause me chainsaw needs his ministrashuns

    Okay one other thing... anyone in the Bunbury region needs a lift give me a hoi as long as you dont mind going with a smoker... yeah I know I HAVE to give the damned things up but I only smoke with the window wide open and always spray sexy stuff before an afta so it smells like me... you know sexywexy ol fella scent Anyway lifts on offer comfy aircon Prado chip in for fuel if you want or not your choice easy as well Im easy anyway

    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Wild Dingo View Post
    Soooo without further ado I gots me a bottle well okay its a plagon of Kickarse and a couple of bottles of Kirup syrup and while wandering our way back home decided to have lunch at the Capel tavern and ended up leaving with a couple of bottles of clean skins
    Kirup Pies Mate! did ya get any pies? They are sensational. They have domed tops and a fulla goodies. Bit on the pricey side but we stop everyy ear and buy a half dozen on our way to and from Walpole. In fact that strip is a bit of a shopping drag. Kirup for syrup and pies, Donnybrook for fruit and veg, and then the missus gets all excited about the hand made organic cosmetics place in Balingup (we never get out of there without giving the plastic a severe working over). Then at odd times during the year this perfumed soap appears in the bathroom - "where's me trusol" I ask, "this girlie stuff doesn't shift the chainsaw grease!"

  5. #20
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Broome West Aussie


    Gidday Bob
    No mate didnt get any pies... have been mentioned to me only in passing but as a person not particularily into pies havent been overly encouraged to buy some.
    As no one has made a list of whos coming yet... ahem... tap tap... are you coming up Bob?

    Okay lets see if I can get the list started at least...

    1) Derek!
    2) Denn
    3) Pops
    4) Me
    5) Fiji boy
    6) ???

    Maybe mightbe couldbe...

    1) flunckychook
    2) ???

    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Don't worry about the "po-e-is" - only if ya's happen to be passin' Kirup again.

    Yep - I'll be there - I've got a couple of things to do Sat Morning so might get there a bit later.

    Dai Sensei (Neal from Nerang [QLD]) is coming.

    Shane - I have something (woody) for you as well!


  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by BobL View Post
    Don't worry about the "po-e-is" - only if ya's happen to be passin' Kirup again.

    Yep - I'll be there - I've got a couple of things to do Sat Morning so might get there a bit later.

    Dai Sensei (Neal from Nerang [QLD]) is coming.

    Shane - I have something (woody) for you as well!

    And Bob,

    Don't forget the homemade sausage rolls to go with those fantastic pies. Have to admit I always stop there too, even in driving rain would get out and make my way to the shop. Don't go for the cosmetics myself either, makes the beard gooey.

    I am guessing that Ding is referring to Dai Sensei when he quoted 'Fiji boy'. (Am sure Derek is keeping count.)

    What about Les M. Are you able to make it mate?

    Ding, Got to get a look at your veneers sound impressive.

    Sounds like we are going to have a Red wine afternoon then, but I guess somebody has to drink the stuff, hmmm.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Broome West Aussie


    Quote Originally Posted by Pops View Post

    I am guessing that Ding is referring to Dai Sensei when he quoted 'Fiji boy'. (Am sure Derek is keeping count.)

    What about Les M. Are you able to make it mate?

    Ding, Got to get a look at your veneers sound impressive.

    Sounds like we are going to have a Red wine afternoon then, but I guess somebody has to drink the stuff, hmmm.
    aaahhh yes the reds mmmmmmmmmmmm dont mind if I do thank ye kindly ol son... chin chin an all that eh wot must admit I do tend to start talkin a bit well rather posh after half a dozen or so... but its okay another couple an Im yarnin fair dinkum again an then silence as I hit the deck

    The veneers... anything particular you would like pops? can do some different ones just NOT the rosewood... am impressed out of my head with that stuff... theres a couple that are the last of what I have ie the redwood but most if needed for a particular project I can get more to you if you want

    mmm bubinga I can do more of same with the black walnut and birdseye maple the ebony Im holding onto for some insane reason... anyway will bring some along and yous mob can take what you want/need and let me know if you want/need more of something so I can tell yer where to go... ahem sorry bout that but Ive always wanted to say that... anyway I can let you know if Ive got more or not.

    Hey Derek... tucker mate you want me to bring along some steak or something? Dont think you an yer missus should be shelling for us mobs tucker just doesnt seem right somehow

    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Mandurah, Western Australia

    Cool Yes...count me in...

    Looking forward to BBQ...
    No not bringing Ed... he'd just sit there not mixing & not talking... he'd just gather more leaving him on sitting up on the wine cabinet.... can't believe its over two years... since he skipped town... for heaven... just hoping he's enjoying watching me curse... getting good at that lately... especially on Friday

    WHY you ask....
    son No2 borrowed my cruiser... to get some idiot out of the bog....didn't ask me...I didn't know he'd taken it.... but he had to phone & tell me.. car's off the road.. & in the creek... up to the headlights...could I get help>>>>>
    %#$@*&^!!!!!! Yes I said that and more......
    Tractor had to pull him out...only real bad damage his pride... and the central locking....Oh...& MUM will keep good note of this one....
    WHO cleans it up?
    MUM.... Skye flew out for 12months in Japan 9am today.... so yes I'm busy taking seats out... rubber mats... but have to dry out underneath....undoing headlights... Yep there full of water.... Guess who's not allowed to touch my cruiser ever ever ever ever again......
    Son number 3 ..... said" Mum I would have done the same thing.... I would have borrowed it....BUT gee's I wouldn't have told you!!!!

    I have been so busy trying to get bed finished...
    But have done some awsome work on my caravan.... will post on another area...pretty chuffed... with the welding... & the panel work...
    ...NOW I HAVE TO LEARN TO BE AN AUTO-ELECTRICIAN in the next few days....
    Think GOD's punishing me for my warped sense of humor....

    So... in short...not bringing hubby....he can stay home....
    .... he hasn't even be talking to me lately...!!!
    I will come & enjoy...
    Will bring laptop to show some photos of my woodwork & welding....
    Thats if anyone would like to see them....
    See you all there.....
    Keep well & stay safe...
    Sh..Ed Lady.... Woodworking Butterfly.....
    Don't think you're playing it safe by walking in the middle of the road.....that's the surest way to get hit by traffic coming from both ways!
    I'm passionate about woodwork.......making Sawdust again & loving it!

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Wild Dingo View Post
    aaahhh yes the reds mmmmmmmmmmmm dont mind if I do thank ye kindly ol son...
    Hi Shane,

    No worries mate, just don't go spilling any of the them Reds on the veneers now.

    Mmm, Black Walnut and Birdseye Maple? They sound beautiful. But don't bring any special for me, will just drool over whatever you bring along.

    Kekemo, Good to hear you can make it, with your laptop too.

    See you all there boys and girls.

    Pops (hic*! Just trying a few Reds out, making sure they are not off)

  11. #26
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Broome West Aussie


    As to the matter of the reds... I will bring one of the duo of Snottygobble merlot I got the other day... and let someone braver than me try it first if they dont fart radically and drop dead I'll join em!!!

    Snottygobble merlot now THAT is an unforgettable name for a wine!
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I'm in too!

    I'm looking forward to meeting you all and listening to your wisdom over a couple of drinks.

    See you there

  13. #28
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Swan View WA


    I met Derek today to nick some of his tools, and he demanded that I show up. So consider me'll give me a chance to lean on Shane some more so he can bleat about how "bloooody ginooooooormous" I am.

    Definitely interested in any learning going on as well, being a relative newbie to woodworking (and the world, compared to you blokes...)

    Edit: If anyone lives up Midland/hills way and wants to do some serious elbow-bending, I'm happy to provide transport.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Nerang Queensland


    Hey Derek, what do you like to drink?

    At least let me bring that along, but let me know if you want us to bring anything else. Desert maybe?

    Every day presents an opportunity to learn something new

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2001


    Hi Neil

    An extra desert will not go amiss. There will be about a dozen joining us.

    I have almost got the workshop set up - everything is out of the container, where all was packed for 9 months while the addition was in its infancy.

    Yesterday it still looked like this ..

    .. and this ..

    How will it look when you all get here?

    Now I need to sharpen up a few blades.

    Loooking forward to breaking in a new BBQ with all ...



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